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Sep 2014
Shimmering golden droplets of morning dew
Infant day’s perambulations, sun’s journey anew
Another dawn, harbinger of life, a chick’s faltering flight
The soft gossamer gilded freshness, a mother’s pride.

Long shadows drawn, screening day’s events to come
Unintelligible gurgles, chuckles, fount of life to some
A teasing bucolic smile, a toothless grin
Paragon of perfection, hubris within.

At the feet, the shadow shrivelled and scarred
Deserted by me, from vision debarred
Frozen for now in time, a short respite
Ticking moments, sun’s traverse ever so bright.

Evanescence, the shadows have lengthened again
I’ve crossed the gullies, deserts and mountains
Left life’s rapids far behind
Gathering dusk, I feel released from the grind.

The onset of darkness is imminent
A grim reminder – nothing is permanent.
The shadow – my alter ego, the mystery shroud
Who stood by my side for eons, even in a crowd.

Has come to bid farewell, au revoir, adieu
A reminder – its time for us both to go
To disembark, to leave all baggage behind
Life’s purpose achieved, with grace exit
Perhaps to commence another journey anew
Discover somewhere else to coexist.

An Afterlife
The nothingness still remains unchanged, all engulfing.
A hollow emptiness, yet the sun’s journey so fulfilling
Passage of time, A lifetime gone by
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