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Magical cauldron apomixes connoisseur              
Cephalic phantasmagoria entity obliquitous        
Mystical conjurous conjugal entrepreneur                        
Fantasia fantastication phantasm obsequious
Amorously arduous ardent raconteur
Ephemeral translucent opulence ubiquitous            
Vanity sanctimonium temerities saboteur
Intrepid verve’s intriguingly iniquitous
Sorcerous sabbatical apothegms chauffeur
Endemic veracities fortuitous elicitous

Futurity fatidics fornication kithe                        
Ephemeral metaphor semantics flaunts
Empirical emulation scenarios blithe
Subjunctive subliminal nostalgias haunts
Agile articulation acuities lithe                          
Analogizing corroborative prolificacy daunts
Alacritous tactile manipulations writhe
Numinous syntactical paradigm *****                  
Emanate imminent perdition tithe
Orotund jaded seal ordinand jaunts
Overt convection coercions chiaroscuro tempestuous                                                  
Ape­x crux axis ****** matrix torrid                        
Manifest objectified enamorous interstice lecherous
Spurt binge spree ***** protuberance squalid
endearingly engendering amore
Tempora labuntur, tacitisque senescimus annis,
Et fugiunt freno non remorante dies.
             Ovid, Fastorum, Lib. vi.

“O Cæsar, we who are about to die
Salute you!” was the gladiators’ cry
In the arena, standing face to face
With death and with the Roman populace.

O ye familiar scenes,—ye groves of pine,
That once were mine and are no longer mine,—
Thou river, widening through the meadows green
To the vast sea, so near and yet unseen,—
Ye halls, in whose seclusion and repose

Phantoms of fame, like exhalations, rose
And vanished,—we who are about to die,
Salute you; earth and air and sea and sky,
And the Imperial Sun that scatters down
His sovereign splendors upon grove and town.

Ye do not answer us! ye do not hear!
We are forgotten; and in your austere
And calm indifference, ye little care
Whether we come or go, or whence or where.
What passing generations fill these halls,
What passing voices echo from these walls,
Ye heed not; we are only as the blast,
A moment heard, and then forever past.

Not so the teachers who in earlier days
Led our bewildered feet through learning’s maze;
They answer us—alas! what have I said?
What greetings come there from the voiceless dead?
What salutation, welcome, or reply?
What pressure from the hands that lifeless lie?
They are no longer here; they all are gone
Into the land of shadows,—all save one.
Honor and reverence, and the good repute
That follows faithful service as its fruit,
Be unto him, whom living we salute.

The great Italian poet, when he made
His dreadful journey to the realms of shade,
Met there the old instructor of his youth,
And cried in tones of pity and of ruth:
“Oh, never from the memory of my heart

Your dear, paternal image shall depart,
Who while on earth, ere yet by death surprised,
Taught me how mortals are immortalized;
How grateful am I for that patient care
All my life long my language shall declare.”

To-day we make the poet’s words our own,
And utter them in plaintive undertone;
Nor to the living only be they said,
But to the other living called the dead,
Whose dear, paternal images appear
Not wrapped in gloom, but robed in sunshine here;
Whose simple lives, complete and without flaw,
Were part and parcel of great Nature’s law;
Who said not to their Lord, as if afraid,
“Here is thy talent in a napkin laid,”
But labored in their sphere, as men who live
In the delight that work alone can give.
Peace be to them; eternal peace and rest,
And the fulfilment of the great behest:
“Ye have been faithful over a few things,
Over ten cities shall ye reign as kings.”

And ye who fill the places we once filled,
And follow in the furrows that we tilled,
Young men, whose generous hearts are beating high,
We who are old, and are about to die,
Salute you; hail you; take your hands in ours,
And crown you with our welcome as with flowers!

How beautiful is youth! how bright it gleams
With its illusions, aspirations, dreams!
Book of Beginnings, Story without End,
Each maid a heroine, and each man a friend!
Aladdin’s Lamp, and Fortunatus’ Purse,
That holds the treasures of the universe!
All possibilities are in its hands,
No danger daunts it, and no foe withstands;
In its sublime audacity of faith,
“Be thou removed!” it to the mountain saith,
And with ambitious feet, secure and proud,
Ascends the ladder leaning on the cloud!

As ancient Priam at the Scæan gate
Sat on the walls of Troy in regal state
With the old men, too old and weak to fight,
Chirping like grasshoppers in their delight
To see the embattled hosts, with spear and shield,
Of Trojans and Achaians in the field;
So from the snowy summits of our years
We see you in the plain, as each appears,
And question of you; asking, “Who is he
That towers above the others? Which may be
Atreides, Menelaus, Odysseus,
Ajax the great, or bold Idomeneus?”

Let him not boast who puts his armor on
As he who puts it off, the battle done.
Study yourselves; and most of all note well
Wherein kind Nature meant you to excel.
Not every blossom ripens into fruit;
Minerva, the inventress of the flute,
Flung it aside, when she her face surveyed
Distorted in a fountain as she played;
The unlucky Marsyas found it, and his fate
Was one to make the bravest hesitate.

Write on your doors the saying wise and old,
“Be bold! be bold!” and everywhere, “Be bold;
Be not too bold!” Yet better the excess
Than the defect; better the more than less;
Better like Hector in the field to die,
Than like a perfumed Paris turn and fly.

And now, my classmates; ye remaining few
That number not the half of those we knew,
Ye, against whose familiar names not yet
The fatal asterisk of death is set,
Ye I salute! The horologe of Time
Strikes the half-century with a solemn chime,
And summons us together once again,
The joy of meeting not unmixed with pain.

Where are the others? Voices from the deep
Caverns of darkness answer me: “They sleep!”
I name no names; instinctively I feel
Each at some well-remembered grave will kneel,
And from the inscription wipe the weeds and moss,
For every heart best knoweth its own loss.
I see their scattered gravestones gleaming white
Through the pale dusk of the impending night;
O’er all alike the impartial sunset throws
Its golden lilies mingled with the rose;
We give to each a tender thought, and pass
Out of the graveyards with their tangled grass,
Unto these scenes frequented by our feet
When we were young, and life was fresh and sweet.

What shall I say to you? What can I say
Better than silence is? When I survey
This throng of faces turned to meet my own,
Friendly and fair, and yet to me unknown,
Transformed the very landscape seems to be;
It is the same, yet not the same to me.
So many memories crowd upon my brain,
So many ghosts are in the wooded plain,
I fain would steal away, with noiseless tread,
As from a house where some one lieth dead.
I cannot go;—I pause;—I hesitate;
My feet reluctant linger at the gate;
As one who struggles in a troubled dream
To speak and cannot, to myself I seem.

Vanish the dream! Vanish the idle fears!
Vanish the rolling mists of fifty years!
Whatever time or space may intervene,
I will not be a stranger in this scene.
Here every doubt, all indecision, ends;
Hail, my companions, comrades, classmates, friends!

Ah me! the fifty years since last we met
Seem to me fifty folios bound and set
By Time, the great transcriber, on his shelves,
Wherein are written the histories of ourselves.
What tragedies, what comedies, are there;
What joy and grief, what rapture and despair!
What chronicles of triumph and defeat,
Of struggle, and temptation, and retreat!
What records of regrets, and doubts, and fears!
What pages blotted, blistered by our tears!
What lovely landscapes on the margin shine,
What sweet, angelic faces, what divine
And holy images of love and trust,
Undimmed by age, unsoiled by damp or dust!
Whose hand shall dare to open and explore
These volumes, closed and clasped forevermore?
Not mine. With reverential feet I pass;
I hear a voice that cries, “Alas! alas!
Whatever hath been written shall remain,
Nor be erased nor written o’er again;
The unwritten only still belongs to thee:
Take heed, and ponder well what that shall be.”

As children frightened by a thunder-cloud
Are reassured if some one reads aloud
A tale of wonder, with enchantment fraught,
Or wild adventure, that diverts their thought,
Let me endeavor with a tale to chase
The gathering shadows of the time and place,
And banish what we all too deeply feel
Wholly to say, or wholly to conceal.

In mediæval Rome, I know not where,
There stood an image with its arm in air,
And on its lifted finger, shining clear,
A golden ring with the device, “Strike here!”
Greatly the people wondered, though none guessed
The meaning that these words but half expressed,
Until a learned clerk, who at noonday
With downcast eyes was passing on his way,
Paused, and observed the spot, and marked it well,
Whereon the shadow of the finger fell;
And, coming back at midnight, delved, and found
A secret stairway leading underground.
Down this he passed into a spacious hall,
Lit by a flaming jewel on the wall;
And opposite, in threatening attitude,
With bow and shaft a brazen statue stood.
Upon its forehead, like a coronet,
Were these mysterious words of menace set:
“That which I am, I am; my fatal aim
None can escape, not even yon luminous flame!”

Midway the hall was a fair table placed,
With cloth of gold, and golden cups enchased
With rubies, and the plates and knives were gold,
And gold the bread and viands manifold.
Around it, silent, motionless, and sad,
Were seated gallant knights in armor clad,
And ladies beautiful with plume and zone,
But they were stone, their hearts within were stone;
And the vast hall was filled in every part
With silent crowds, stony in face and heart.

Long at the scene, bewildered and amazed
The trembling clerk in speechless wonder gazed;
Then from the table, by his greed made bold,
He seized a goblet and a knife of gold,
And suddenly from their seats the guests upsprang,
The vaulted ceiling with loud clamors rang,
The archer sped his arrow, at their call,
Shattering the lambent jewel on the wall,
And all was dark around and overhead;—
Stark on the floor the luckless clerk lay dead!

The writer of this legend then records
Its ghostly application in these words:
The image is the Adversary old,
Whose beckoning finger points to realms of gold;
Our lusts and passions are the downward stair
That leads the soul from a diviner air;
The archer, Death; the flaming jewel, Life;
Terrestrial goods, the goblet and the knife;
The knights and ladies, all whose flesh and bone
By avarice have been hardened into stone;
The clerk, the scholar whom the love of pelf
Tempts from his books and from his nobler self.

The scholar and the world! The endless strife,
The discord in the harmonies of life!
The love of learning, the sequestered nooks,
And all the sweet serenity of books;
The market-place, the eager love of gain,
Whose aim is vanity, and whose end is pain!

But why, you ask me, should this tale be told
To men grown old, or who are growing old?
It is too late! Ah, nothing is too late
Till the tired heart shall cease to palpitate.
Cato learned Greek at eighty; Sophocles
Wrote his grand Oedipus, and Simonides
Bore off the prize of verse from his compeers,
When each had numbered more than fourscore years,
And Theophrastus, at fourscore and ten,
Had but begun his “Characters of Men.”
Chaucer, at Woodstock with the nightingales,
At sixty wrote the Canterbury Tales;
Goethe at Weimar, toiling to the last,
Completed Faust when eighty years were past.
These are indeed exceptions; but they show
How far the gulf-stream of our youth may flow
Into the arctic regions of our lives,
Where little else than life itself survives.

As the barometer foretells the storm
While still the skies are clear, the weather warm
So something in us, as old age draws near,
Betrays the pressure of the atmosphere.
The nimble mercury, ere we are aware,
Descends the elastic ladder of the air;
The telltale blood in artery and vein
Sinks from its higher levels in the brain;
Whatever poet, orator, or sage
May say of it, old age is still old age.
It is the waning, not the crescent moon;
The dusk of evening, not the blaze of noon;
It is not strength, but weakness; not desire,
But its surcease; not the fierce heat of fire,
The burning and consuming element,
But that of ashes and of embers spent,
In which some living sparks we still discern,
Enough to warm, but not enough to burn.

What then? Shall we sit idly down and say
The night hath come; it is no longer day?
The night hath not yet come; we are not quite
Cut off from labor by the failing light;
Something remains for us to do or dare;
Even the oldest tree some fruit may bear;
Not Oedipus Coloneus, or Greek Ode,
Or tales of pilgrims that one morning rode
Out of the gateway of the Tabard Inn,
But other something, would we but begin;
For age is opportunity no less
Than youth itself, though in another dress,
And as the evening twilight fades away
The sky is filled with stars, invisible by day.
Magical cauldron apomixes connoisseur              
Cephalic phantasmagoria entity obliquitous        
Mystical conjurous conjugal entrepreneur                        
Fantasia fantastication phantasm obsequious
Amorously arduous ardent raconteur
Ephemeral translucent opulence ubiquitous            
Vanity sanctimonium temerities saboteur
Intrepid verve’s intriguingly iniquitous
Sorcerous sabbatness apothegms chauffeur
Endemic veracities fortuitous elicitous

Futurity fatidic's fornication kithe                        
Ephemeral metaphor semantics flaunts
Empirical emulation scenarios blithe
Subjunctive subliminal nostalgias haunts
Agile articulation acuities lithe                          
Analogizing corroborative prolificacy daunts
Alacritous tactile manipulations writhe
Numinous syntactical paradigm *****                  
Emanate imminent perdition tithe
Orotund jaded seal ordinand jaunts
Overt convection coercions chiaroscuro tempestuous                                                  
Ape­­x crux axis ****** matrix torrid                        
Manifest objectified enamorous interstice lecherous
Spurt binge spree ***** protuberance squalid
endearingly engendering amore
A cross between a phallus and a fallacy
Hush, thrush! Hush, missen-thrush, I listen...
I heard the flush of footsteps through the loose leaves,
And a low whistle by the water's brim.

Still! Daffodil! Nay, hail me not so gaily,-
Your gay gold lily daunts me and deceives,
Who follow gleams more golden and more slim.

Look, brook! O run and look, O run!
The vain reeds shook? - Yet search till gray sea heaves,
And I will stray among these fields for him.

Gaze, daisy! Stare through haze and glare,
And mark the hazardous stars all dawns and eves,
For my eye withers, and his star wanes dim.


Close, rose, and droop, heliotrope,
And shudder, hope! The shattering winter blows.
Drop, heliotrope, and close, rose...

Mourn, corn, and sigh, rye.
Men garner you, but youth's head lies forlorn.
Sigh, rye, and mourn, corn...

Brood, wood, and muse, yews,
The ways gods use we have not understood.
Muse, yews, and brood, wood...
Okta Yuu Oct 2013
They just fall out from a cloud
That soon will create the mud.
I’ll get a blanky and hide
From scary thunder so loud

My feet are wet cause of flood,
I need a vehicle to ride,
But it’s hard to find at night.
It daunts me that feels so odd

Water increased as high tide.
Oh! What a hazardous fight!
In my bag water was gain,
Pulled my body, made me slide.

I believe sun will come out
So smile and remove the pout.
Love experiencing the rain
And see sky, rainbow was lain.
Christos Rigakos Nov 2012
i have no eyes to see nor ears to hear,
no speech beyond my teeth or any breath,
i'm dumb for lack of thought in front or rear,
and paralyzed to stillness in my death,

so by enchantment i am moved to ask,
do ever you adorn my stone with wreath?
or is even a wreath a burdened task--
a limestone needing pulleys to bequeath?

and if no wreath, are you yet moved to haunt
this resting place to whisper to my mound?
or does this too remain a task that daunts
you to refrain from passing by around?

i often wonder if my plot still yields
a headstone or the mark of potters field

(C)2012, Christos Rigakos
English (Shakespearean) Sonnet
Rohit Goyal Feb 2023
Tears fall from my eyes as I awaken,
The reason for my pain, still unshaken.
Each passing moment of the day,
Haunts me with flashes from the fray.

As night descends and darkness reigns,
I find the puzzle pieces in my chains.
My heart shatters, tears apart,
An unbearable weight in my chest, a broken heart.

I question the cause of this deep agony,
And scour the day for any sign of tragedy.
But my dreams reveal the painful truth,
Of emotions kept hidden, long in my youth.

Desire seeps through my very core,
And hope takes hold, a never-ending score.
Some say to let my heart lead the way,
But I know where that road leads, astray.

I push down the longing, the desire,
And pray for a moment's peace, a mere respite.
But the dreams persist, with unrelenting fire,
A visual feast of what could be, in vibrant light.

The passion and yearning within me burn,
As I struggle to keep the flames unturned.
But the heart wants what it wants,
A powerful force that never daunts.

And so I sit, with tears in my eyes,
Haunted by the dreamy haze of my nocturnal ties.
Victoria S Mar 2014

is a beautiful

painted with
rose-colored hues like


soft hair
coils and
of gold
with colors of
wild wheat
throughout it;

with eyes
the color of the fairest
in the world,
like ice cubes
with little dark blue flecks
of a mysterious
cool and penetrative
and frighteningly
they’re more like a Caribbean
like when the waters shift
from a tender cerulean
to an amazing aquamarine…
and in the sun,
to the side,
they're the slightest hint of green…

and her eyebrows
and the color of
ruddy plums
in every season of the year;
her gorgeous teeth
hug each other closely,
and when
it’s a little
from heaven…
her laugh is
a hiccup of

her arms are
pure shades of
and in the summer,
graciously tanned: the lightest,
bronze, a color

hands are
wrapping one's own and all else
in a manner most




her demeanor is thrilling
and irresistible



pry into her


and you will

and never return



at all.






pupils darting to





when she
walks, she’s
and direct


of the
illuminates the
paths she chooses to
she carries the
torch of strength and beauty and mischief


daunts, races


flames --

she’s as


as they
Kelly Roland Jun 2013
shadows made by strangers claims
daunt your mind and feed this game
hollow out whats in a name
its long since now we've been the same
but ive always known how different we are
i always saw through the door kept ajar
how you slip in and out
and in between
but what you dont see
is that I want you to be
whatever you want
your motive is never something that daunts
my mind
and the comparison of us
is something I find
most are so quick to scurry us
into a lump
of love and life
but there comes a price
and we are not
a package deal
we both feel
in different ways
we both write
a different page
and though we're close
in time and age
i know inside that where my sun rises
yours does set
and when I smile
you secretly fret
because two scales
will always be unbalanced
and with every action being challenged
by eager spirits
its tough to find a mutual center
in and out we venture
until we've seen enough of each other
and learned
but im glad i can see this
while others cant
offenses or sorrow felt
i shant
for i know the words your mind secretes
i feel the things in your heart you keep
and although I never probe or ask you to speak
I wonder how it could ever be
any other way
because I dont think it could
words shared between us are said
but not truly understood
and although we're tagged as really good
i still dont like the spread
of words about me
or from me
from your mouth
because they will come out
the wrong way
and in reality
thats okay
my soul is here to stay
just as yours is
similar likes and interests
doesnt mean Im
trying to arrest
your identity
for we both are
an  entity
   on our own
When the night coughs lightly too
The misty, humid air
Between the dark harvest of shadows
And that long eerie croon
That rides upon the winds hollow flow
Filling the night to the desperate
The lonely, painful cry and tear
That still resides to the dream world
Half lost, half forgotten.

She sleeps her deep
Where once the lavender tones confided
And laid the will to blissful tones
In serenades of fancy and delight
That ravished her form
Teased each aching throb
And rested the deep metaphoric Ideal
Of crashing waves and the fireworks explosions.

Now she wanders these dark narrow paths
That daunts her horizons, entwine her thoughts
With that haunting image of her faded heart
That weeps upon the pools, midnight's facade
And pours down to empty upon those long lost seas of hope.
How far the soul travels in its long despair
Its desperate want to feel once again
The tranquil night of passions embrace.

How bitter the flow of the tyrants love
That wears the mask of truth
She hovered upon his every tale
Lingered her breath there to his
And danced the purple rays of dreams
Where love so opened her free
To dance, to dream and blindly see.

She sits alone in her tiny room
Fearing the images that fill her so
Tired for the want of blessed rest
Yet fearing where dreams shall carry her soul
To those old grounds of loves demise
The painful moments, silent cries
The day the world was torn and rendered barren
The day her tears filled heaven.

Alisdaire O'Caoimph
Nena Twedell Feb 2015
I sit quietly holding my tongue
Letting your words hit my chest like daggers
Letting them hit me with such force I have to remind myself to breathe
But I don't make you stop
I only let you continue
Never letting words of anger make there way out of my throat
Filtering my words as if they were from a contaiminated stream
Your presence daunts my inner most being
yet I have fallen under your spell of cynicism
I sit quietly holding my tongue
Letting your pessimism pass through me as if I were only air
But I don't put up my walls
Because you have already seen inside of them
I smile and pretend that it doesn't bother me
That your words are not of importance as if they are water under the bridge
Yet they hit me like daggers leaving dents in my armor
but I don't stop you
I just sit quietly and hold my tongue
Ayelle Garcia Jul 2014
Playing to my senses
Like a classic repertoire;
Strum as it advances,
A beat of my memoir.

With endless notes
That daunts its hem,
Every memory quotes
Emotions hidden each stem.

Up or down,
Trebles to its extreme;
Smile or frown,
Flows accord as it seem.

As you take a stance,
The feet feel heavy;
The perfection of your grace
Prevails over pirouettes.

Pressure’s getting intense,
Many are watching over you;
Looking your every move
As you bring in the show.
For the love of aesthetic things.
Nicole Bataclan Apr 2012
After the end
When the only image left
Is the idea of your scent;
And of what it reeks
Is your face in distress
When you claimed you were weak.
While details fade away
The agony is permanent
If only it were the other way
Flashbacks would not burden.

After the end,
When the only new beginning
Is a heart that is broken;
And what to look forward to
Is the vision of a next life
When it will not **** me to love you.
While there are plenty of fish in the sea
The belief I found him daunts me
If I were to have one last plea
Flashbacks, for my sake, stop haunting me.
Catherine Aug 2013
the clock constantly reminds you
of the time wasted
and it daunts me that our time is slowly
but unnoticeably, running out
though it would be a pleasant serene bliss
to waste each tick and tock

                         being present with you
What is the half-life of love,
The rate of decay marked on my desire?
Surely there's an expiration date,
On the shrink-wrapped package of this fire.

Or venture, I,
Into the "never ends"?
"my love lasts as long
As a straight line extends"?

Is there a danger in being thusly naive?
Light Skin wrapped in dark,
Tomorrow on my sleeve?

The curved mark of inquiry daunts me, somehow.
Pulls me into the future,
When I should be here, now.
Jayantee Khare Jun 2018

the life plagiarized...
many chapters borrowed
only few self-authored
the content contradicts
the turmoils persists

the life guided...
heads on a locus shown by others
negotiate a path traced by predecessors
or losing the self under other's control
on self designed road, people hardly stroll

the life messed up...
dos and don'ts wills and won'ts
the past haunts the present taunts
the future flaunts the reality daunts
"couldbe" rants "shouldbe" slants

the life awaited...
learnt lesson only few
a solo travel long due
book to be written all new
a new course of life to pursue ....

© Jugnu
Freedom from conditioning
And traditions.....The central theme here....
K Jun 2017
today i wear lacy
but underneath that i am

today i realise that
destroys and emphasises on

today is the day i learn that
obliterates everything and anything with one swift

today i bare my soul to the
the abyss that steals every last

today i finally open my
to the daunts and despair that life

today, i bleed myself
without an

Tori Gleason Feb 2015
Time after time I find myself within over lapping paradoxes, which most do.
The past
              The now
                                                     The future

What distinguishes the duration of each? How do we know tomorrow is indefinitely tomorrow.
Time is vaguely defined yet daunts our very existent.  Time comes in thousands of forms and is applied in immeasurable theories.  Philosophers and scientist believe they have it figured out. Bringing ‘enlightened’ books and articles to sedate the natural benumbed fear and anxiety time itself brings.
Time ends, we know this. But what about life after death? This question is vulnerable. Like time there is no concrete explanation, therefore many use this as a platform of interpretation. Almost as if we all are apart of an improv sitcom… waiting …who can conceptualize the most reliable, relatable, and comprehensive.  Without this stage of influence we would all share a parallel mind. There would be nothing of political parties, nothing of beliefs, and nothing of morals. Time continually constructs who we are. Without this who are we really? Does time consume us or rather support?  Should I follow what the great dalai  says? Am i becoming the eternal slave of time?


do you see what you’ve done?
Now you
your self is *lost
"when you cannot sleep at night,
you are in someone else's dream"

how many hours shall descend
bringing in a cavalcade
of dim twilight's press
  on the soft, aqueous levitation of body?
is this liminality's gradual
hand nailing me
into flesh and stirring
me out of this oceanic crawl
when all you have ever
done was sleep me away
and tell me
of these
susurrations of soul?

i have no answer to
this solitary condition -
say, taking you by the hand
and somnambule in cosmic field
of no thought's ethereal working,
or as in playthings are freely
laughing behind whose hair
flails without a face, i wonder
which beauty holds true,
my wide wakefulness,
like the only key pursuant
to its inimitable hole.

i am infinite in someone's
thinking, who dare not
say something,
who daunts back to breathless
consoles, and springs back
dizzy with a gyro of questions,
  i am all hunted answers but
  is the votive voice
  that searches me?
adlne Feb 2015
The future daunts me.
It is relentlessly mocking me, taunting me.
Counting down to questions I have no answers for.
It is a constant clock.

Tick tock.
"What do you want to be when you grow up?"
Tick tock.
"You have to choose something practical."
Tick tock.
"What are you going to major in?"
Tick tock.
"What are your plans after college?"
Tick tock.
"You should know what you want to be by now."
Tick tock.
Stop the clock.

Let me get off before the hand hits 12.
Let me get off before my yearning for adventure gets waved away.
Let me get off before the world turns my dreams into foolish wishes.
Let me get off.
Goldfinch Dec 2015
I know what I want.
Internally it haunts me.
A life lived complete.
Eternally it daunts me.
Realeboga M Nov 2017
Ain't no sun shines brighter than the one that burns me
I'm a writer but I can't get the words out
And to some extent that thought haunts me,
It daunts, haunts me.
It plays melodies of depression,
Symphonies that require expressions,
Harmonies that need synchronizing
But keep agonizing
Keep agitating

Demoralizing my need.

When last did you write?
When next will you write?
Where's your freedom of expression?
Is it drowning in your mild depression?
What happened to your passion?
Your sense of poetic style and fashion?
What's up with this caution?

Did at some point poetry break you?
Or the need to give your heart to specific words hurt your need?

What's going on?

"Hell, I just can't write. I can't put up a fight, I'm out of my mind. Traveling in  a mental continuum searching for constellations that will support my mode of writing and give me the strength that I need"

That's more than enough to make us wait then.
poetry passion love depression feelings confusion writersBlock
Celeste Nov 2015
Thoughts swirl my head
like stars in a galaxy
but I still don't know where that leaves me
My heart is like a transcript unread
I cannot decipher what it wants
No one has ever made me so confused
Because some part of me tells me its a ruse
Cannot help believe something that always daunts
Someone please tell me if I'm right
tell me how they should make me feel
is this something real?
why does my heart put up such a fight?
All answers I long for
but time is on my side
to help me confide
Why my inner feelings are tore.
emotions feelings
AE Jul 2016
Skies were always fascinating
Them with their blue hues
Brightness in even the darkest navy
Accented with silver twinkle
Or giants made of pillow softness
The whitest mattresses in the sky
But it always daunts me how skies are grey
With their plush blues
Gone to waste
The doom of smoke comes to play
But then comes the tears of those enchanted
With droughts and disparity
But grey skies don't always cry
Not the ones that smoke you dry
They force the water out of smiles
Those who couldn't revoke
No one asks to be blown up by the mist of our greed
And for a second there is fire but the rest is just need
Sadness wanders beautiful cities
Whilst their people are broke
Burning the happiness of children on the streets
Or whatever is left of them
So When I look up
At night or day
And see the blue is here today
and with my fear I look up high,
My god, thank you for a clear blue sky
Catherine Aug 2013
this shock of wave
from a tsunami tide of thoughts
daunts my brain
with questions of life
no one can answer
unless they're
Yolonda Dahl Aug 2017
Caving from within, I'm fighting
Pins an needles hard to breathe
Through heartache; pains me
As I suffer tirelessly, in silence
And hide the fatigue of my mind
Caught in landslides choking
On conscience, consciousness
daunts me,
Toying with emotions
Brainwaves sending false readings
With absolute disconnect
Error. Error. Error
Of thought and self-control
I dismiss rationality to welcome insanity
Briefly I receive a message caught
From the stars only
To tell me not to feel scarred
Our lives are temporary in the present
With much difficulty finding meaning in all this
I ask to the one,
Thee only truest of a presence
For an answer or some guidance
Or some notion,
at least a good semblance of
One comforting piece of news or advice
Would suffice
To the reckless being I embody
In this shell, this core, this hollow case
Trapping me, ensnaring me. I am
A victim to this forsaken life of greed
And ruin along the many empty
Beings not reaching their potential
That they might
see a sight in themselves to feel
A fright and be obliged
To set things right.
I am pained in a world of hurt and hurting
And loss and confusion and parting those
Familiar ways of setting hearts a blaze today
We stray from common knowledge of love to understand the other, to rise above
Hate and hatred and wicked ways
To free of the old clay, and mold ourselves I pray
That we are of like-mind in this day and age
To forfeit the sentiment of seperation.
Our kindness heals hearts, understanding erases hurt, love unites, respect connects.
Dig there in the depth
of lost ruins and emerge to seek
a soul of purity and intellect
to give to one another as you
so desperately crave to receive.
Open hearts and open minds
yield possibilities for us
to be intertwined.
Casting shadows produces a cold
Bitter yard for your neighbor to dwell
Evoking and emitting a smile from within can be akin
To a warmth and envelop
those near in a blanket of sunshine as well.
"Oh but Why?" you ask.
Because my friend, a friend
Is a friend. Be them strange or familiar,
And wouldn't you want the same? Oh,
But. Wouldn't. you. want. the same?
I say
to you and unto you
Hear me now as I beg
Love with the same love you deserve and realize it's always deserved.
So give it, but mostly
receive it from thy self and know
You. Are most certainly of worth.
As are we all, my dear dears and dearests.
ZWS Mar 2018
Naive was I to
believe heavy lips
only carried
soft memories
A taste of Cabernet
stains my dreams like the
wilted vines of it's birth
Umbilical in nature my
faults are throughout the grapevine
Signs of an old path, that lead me back
Casted lines that only pull fishbones and rusty cans
And the fallacy of truth at the end of a ship in a bottle
The stern is to bottle off

I find my weakness within these somber memories
I float as if I've founded enlightenment
Halfway between heaven and hell
And the trainstations at the crossroads of a broken home
That we forget they lead somewhere else
Uncertainty daunts my misdirection
In a world that haunts of a forgotten past
The land I claim has lost it's value
As the sentiment has gone with the wind of another time

So remind me, where was it in the dark
As I stumbled through days with eyelids shut
My soul stuck somewhere between my heart and my eyes
I find my teeth grinding between each and every cigarette
Contemplating the poison hidden in stardust
And if roots can grow backwards

We are meant to age like wine
To allow all bitter things to become sweet
To allow vines to eat up concrete
And give way to uncertainty
We are not meant to forget that which haunts
Because our hearts were meant to beat
So just take a seat and finish this bottle with me
Sasha Paulona Sep 2021

Her lily hand her rosy cheek lies under,
Cozening the pillow of a lawful kiss;
Who, therefore angry, seems to part in sunder,
Swelling on either side to want his bliss;
Between whose hills her head entombed is;
Where like a virtuous monument she lies,
To be admired of lewd unhallowed eyes.

Without the bed her other fair hand was,
On the green coverlet, whose perfect white
Showed like an April daisy on the grass,
With pearly sweat resembling dew of night.
Her eyes, like marigolds, had sheathed their light,
And canopied in darkness sweetly lay
Till they might open to adorn the day.

Her hair like golden threads played with her breath
O modest wantons, wanton modesty!
Showing life’s triumph in the map of death,
And death’s dim look in life’s mortality.
Each in her sleep themselves so beautify
As if between them twain there were no strife,
But that life lived in death, and death in life.

Her ******* like ivory globes circled with blue,
A pair of maiden worlds unconquered,
Save of their lord no bearing yoke they knew,
And him by oath they truly honored.
These worlds in Tarquin new ambition bred,
Who like a foul usurper went about
From this fair throne to heave the owner out.

What could he see but mightily he noted?
What did he note but strongly he desired?
What he beheld, on that he firmly doted,
And in his will his willful eye he tired.
With more than admiration he admired
Her azure veins, her alabaster skin,
Her coral lips, her snow-white dimpled chin.

As the grim lion fawneth o’er his prey
Sharp hunger by the conquest satisfied,
So o’er this sleeping soul doth Tarquin stay,
His rage of lust by gazing qualified;
Slacked, not suppressed; for, standing by her side,
His eye, which late this mutiny restrains,
Unto a greater uproar tempts his veins.

And they, like straggling slaves for pillage fighting,
Obdurate vassals fell exploits effecting.
In ****** death and ravishment delighting,
Nor children’s tears nor mothers’ groans respecting,
Swell in their pride, the onset still expecting.
Anon his beating heart, alarum striking,
Gives the hot charge and bids them do their liking.

His drumming heart cheers up his burning eye,
His eye commends the leading to his hand;
His hand, as proud of such a dignity,
Smoking with pride, marched on to make his stand
On her bare breast, the heart of all her land,
Whose ranks of blue veins, as his hand did scale,
Left their round turrets destitute and pale.

They, mustering to the quiet cabinet
Where their dear governess and lady lies,
Do tell her she is dreadfully beset
And fright her with confusion of their cries.
She, much amazed, breaks open her locked-up eyes,
Who, peeping forth this tumult to behold,
Are by his flaming torch dimmed and controlled.

Imagine her as one in dead of night
From forth dull sleep by dreadful fancy waking,
That thinks she hath beheld some ghastly sprite,
Whose grim aspect sets every joint a-shaking.
What terror ‘tis! but she, in worse taking,
From sleep disturbed, heedfully doth view
The sight which makes supposed terror true.

Wrapped and confounded in a thousand fears,
Like to a new-killed bird she trembling lies.
She dares not look; yet, winking, there appears
Quick-shifting antics ugly in her eyes.
Such shadows are the weak brain’s forgeries,
Who, angry that the eyes fly from their lights,
In darkness daunts them with more dreadful sights.

His hand, that yet remains upon her breast
(Rude ram, to batter such an ivory wall!)
May feel her heart (poor citizen) distressed,
Wounding itself to death, rise up and fall,
Beating her bulk, that his hand shakes withal.
This moves in him more rage and lesser pity,
To make the breach and enter this sweet city.
Marissa Kay Oct 2014
Something daunts me about a man that can come across a homeless
Without sharing a dime

I gave half
And guilt tickles my fingers

What does half a bridge do
For a body's need to cross waters

As I hold this bitter cup of coffee
In my still aching fingers
I wish I could spit it out and fill my brain with it

I sweep back to the corner
Of wrinkled blue hands
Holding last ounces of boarded hope
But only coldness lingers here

Kneeling down I skip breaths in seek of God's forgiveness
And as I whisper words
I promise to next give my all
And while were at it take my shoes
  And the golden watch here on my dry ***** wrist
For we all know it belongs on a wall
Take my book- and here's this poem
So that maybe our shrunken World
Isnt so selfish afterall
Axle Avatari Apr 2016
Angels possess me.
Demons ****** me.
An' what's even worse,
Is it just might be,
Visa verse.

The past haunts me.
The future daunts me.
I guess, in the present tense,
I'm just too hesitant.

The T.V. News don't really tell me much,
In half a breath.
But it still scares me nearly half to death.
It just might be an' overreaction,
Of my big imagination.
I guess I read too much between the lines,
Just puttin' too many thoughts,
In other people's minds.

I see visions of Glory tell.
An' I see visions of gory Hell.
I see black.
I see white.
But what scares me most,
Is what I see at night.
I dream of wonderful things.
But some of my nightmares,
Would make you scream.
I listen to the silence,
An' try not to hear the violence,
Goin' on all around me.
The dead aren't always buried underground,
You see.
Dylan Aug 2015
Don't think of me, babe.
Be righteous and free, babe.
Swim madly in love or in doubt.
I won't be around.
Never making a sound.
Not here, neither inside nor out.
If the past haunts you,
with sorrow it daunts you,
gather your soul as a scream or a shout.
In that new twilight,
the gleaming new sky light,
you'll understand what it's all about.
xmxrgxncy Sep 2015
It’s what we strive for.
Some believe it is their destiny.
Others, much like me, believe it is the world’s curse.
Sure, it can be a goal. We look to it for guidance, as a role model for how our lives should be lived, for information on how to handle certain situations. Yet for me, it is a cruel, twisted, sadistic black cloud and threatening my life with a torrentous, eternal thunderstorm.
Perfection daunts me everywhere I go. The people I see passing by reek of it; not a hair is out of place, and they ooze with confidence and clarity.
Like a viper eyeing its’ prey, it waits for the opportune time to lash out at me, when I’m weak, vulnerable, or most of all, happy.
One is led to wonder; why should I care? I don’t have to be perfect in order to live. I just need to be me. Yet when you’re sitting in a room full of tiny anorexic models, do you still feel that courageous? No.
It all comes down to your inner strength. It is more beautiful than the most perfect statue, more potent than the most perfect of medicines, more withstanding than the most perfect wall. What is inside you should not be taken for granted. It is your own, personal powerhouse, ready to fuel you when your perception begins to lag.
So would it be better to shun perfection altogether? Honestly, it does not do much good for a girl to start cutting the word into her thighs, a boy to repeat it over and over again as he ties his own noose, or for a convict to mutter it as he stares at the ceiling unable to sleep. What point is there?
My resolution? Shout it from the rooftops, scream it from the skyways. “I am flawed……………...And I am beautiful”.
Magical cauldron apomixes connoisseur              
       Cephalic phantasmagoria entity obliquitous        
                      Mystical conjurous conjugal entrepreneur                        
Fantasia fantastication phantasm obsequious
Amorously arduous ardent raconteur
       Ephemeral translucent opulence ubiquitous            
Vanity sanctimonium temerities saboteur
Intrepid verve’s intriguingly iniquitous
Sorcerous sabbatical apothegms chauffeur
Endemic veracities fortuitous elicitous

                   Futurity fatidics fornication kithe                        
Ephemeral metaphor semantics flaunts
Empirical emulation scenarios blithe
Subjunctive subliminal nostalgias haunts
                        Agile articulation acuities lithe                          
Analogizing corroborative prolificacy daunts
Alacritous tactile manipulations writhe
              Numinous syntactical paradigm *****                  
Emanate imminent perdition tithe
Orotund jaded seal ordinand jaunts
­Overt convection coercions chiaroscuro tempestuous    
                      Ape­x crux axis ****** matrix torrid                        
Manifest objectified enamorous interstice lecherous
Spurt binge spree ***** protuberance squalid
endearingly engendering amore
A cross between a phallus and a fallacy.  
Sarah s Mar 2020
Oh, when the dawn is nearing,
And the voices of the night,
Are disappearing.
The stillness of the night,
disrupted by,
The seeping daylight.

If I were to die,
Would the clouds weep,
screaming in thunder.
Would the earth break,
shaking in anger.
Will the world care?
And forget laughter,
Or will it all be just another,
I water the seeds of sorrow,
with my tears.
Flooding the soils,
With all my fears.

Your promise daunts me…
When the dark comes creeping
And the night feels strong
When the stars can’t guide you
I will come along.

Well I don’t think I belong,
and living seems so wrong.

If only you knew,
I m still waiting for you.
I look to,
the vast blue,
Beyond me.
Such a beautiful view,
The ocean.
Zoe Sue Nov 2017
I've a crawling suspicion
this times got a mission
Like a gasoline strike
Split hardrived for fission
Or a slinking for something
That daunts my remission
Dissolves my uncertainty
Spells out a vision
Found harder and harder to see
Past the dreams you're in
Whistling wood
Won't spark in such thinking sin
Stoppage of time
Much less knowing what world I'm in
Prying for clues
Precious words in the passing wind
Eager for something
Fresh liveliness I'd expend
To reality
Renowned discoveries
Flip switch from extinction ends
Granting yourself as a new kind of fruitful friend
Harder at first
Than your expectations would have found you in
But much less a curse
Than relying on you would've been
So im searching my purse for that ******* lighter again
Though the glow so can find me
If I only look within
badwords Sep 2023
Entombed in these scripts
Are countless lists
A chain of 'wants'
Self-inflicted torture daunts

And the mind grows colder
Reiteration. Older, bolder.
Perhaps not wiser
Affection? A miser.

Grey matter glistens, clean
Wrinkle-less, pure.
Elect the means
Analytics astir

You are already dead
Bought, sold and traded
Ukulele is the dread
A modicum so faded

There's a twang of a string
It brings great reckoning
And down below
We observe the show

And know we know;
'How to think"
Third Eye Candy Sep 2019
magic is a real thing… it has no bones but
all the moons in a nebulous symmetry.
we swim in things we can’t correct.
and yet, there lies the bloom of our -
Infinite Jest.

magic is a real thing… sleeping on the floor
with the cold sparkles and marsh marionettes
glowing in the farthest thing from practically Nothing.
Like a Boss.

we go where the real things **** us and return with fresh hells
to feather our nested resurrections in the face of a Comedy.
so magic is a real thing, sleeping with Strangers
an opulent soliloquy of unexpected

magic is a real thing… but the ***** of our Narcissus
daunts the pavillions of our introspection. our numerous harmonies.
so real we had habits.
And that is.
A monochromatic gloom envelopes the night of an idle town
Whilst, the people remain unconscious on this deceptive verity.
Isn't anyone alarmed about the forlorn that surrounds?
Perhaps, no one dares to inspect its perfect illusion.

The town governs with ardent perturbation and perplexity
With the regressive taxation, Gehenna reigns overall still.
Had one done enough, it continued hitherto.
Such a waste exhaustion in the plague's eye of temerity.

Turmoil is an eternal damnation; a life obliteration!
Ere is not in any alike. How come it has become?
Hardly, no person with a typical savoir-faire could learn its commencement.
Until tomorrow hops up to shower her ambrosial light.
However, when?

Dawn is about to rule in this exact coordinates in hours away
My state is being held up notwithstanding to the ridicule
Aid is where when the illusion daunts, suffocates, and drowns forward.
Could I expect thy glamour only to retreat me?
If not later, when?
No one knows how I needed care. I am this lonely, inactive town.
Rebecca Feb 2022
Hold it in your heart.
Close to those you love.
Have your pride.
Let it well inside.
Makes you strong.
Belief makes the difference.
Bravery wins allies.
Daunts your enemies.
Confuses the nonbelievers.
Please hold your ground.

— The End —