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Karijinbba Mar 2020
Stunned played by fate
She didn't play
any Chess games
to know
to Sheikh-mat cut off timely
the stonefish proud Greek
in his own chess biggoted
many a game with
non Greek queens

She noticed his weird gaze
morph his face
uglily though as he spoke of marriage deceivingly so

the mad Greek had been checkmated
by Greek evil Medeas
the freak in his far away land
Hellenic chess game of lure
under their jealous spell
of Synanceiidae
stonefish medea Kiriaki
and her many more Medeas
knowing his record
marked his queen for death

The geek proudly ignored
She me had checkmated
with great value King
American elite

in the chess game of life
having checkmated
such a valued King
she had won the chess game
of Life and love
knowing Chess games or not

She then sheikhmat
his deceptive Greek gaze
bone fish old man
She was no Queen in power
to move freely away
but she fled soon as she could

And as her true King
has the value
the queen has the power
for moving freely so
in his palatic home

to lose the value King though
cornered in his castle's bed
by other Queens

And in this Chess game
of life
to lose the value King
is losing the Chess game
and every other treasures
promised or received

this is a wise matter to know
to not lose
the many other games
surely to come
reigning at the king's court

In looking for love
dear queens!
know your chess game rules
calling out check mate timely
wins heaven on Earth
and the willing King's love
each time
revised 04-28-20
what is kept hidden within
can destroy us

what is put into action voiced
love patience courage grace
surender understanding
can build us trust-worthy
sharon Aug 2024
heart turned as heavy as metal
sinking down, it's an uncanny battle
stomach twisting, can you feel it contort?
someone once said that life's a contest of sorts

I've created stories patented for myself
yet they still belong to somebody else
I've found love in nooks and crannies
only for it to be ripped away potently

with confidence, I'll make my move
only to be checkmated with crude
I'll pack my belongings in a metal crater
my head's been submerged underwater

chlorine stains the tips of my hair
I close my eyes and she's not even there
the crowd thinks that they might know her
scream the chorus, play the player

when will you see that the glass's been shattered?
she's viewing herself through minuscule scatters
do you not see that her head's a mess?
she's losing the strive, won't be the best

history is repeating
can you feel the wind?
cold as ice
while she's paper-thin

they drag me out of the pool
unwillingly, I go
the men are worried
the women don't show

the poison burns like fuel and fire
life's a train, it's advancing forward
I imagine myself walking through compartments
everyone's now in a different department
izzn Mar 2024
you coax me in my turbulent nights
you keep me tight under the sheets
you hold me through the days
you let me rest and relax
you tell me to be carefree
you showed me freedom
you made me rest my pieces
that no risk need to be calculated
or so it seems

little did i know
your stomach was kept full when i lose appetite
the midnight oil was burnt for the sake of your future
you trade my property for treasure
you drove my car, convince me i don't need a license
you turn my life around and make it yours
you overrun my house, made me felt i was at home

your comfort, safety,
the rest, time and space you offered me
was your building blocks to a self-made reverie
a better bigger you, and the little old me
you practise and practise
while i eschew all plans for you
you decide to rebrand everything new
puzzles and chess
and when it all collides
when i see what conspires
too late for the afflicted
****, i am checkmated
SW Nov 2012
I see it all laid out before me.
I wanted someone to hold
Love, appreciate, entertain, and comfort
and the same I sought in return.

You gave me that when you
moved that first pawn into place
And from there, everything was set
You checkmated me

And then went to play with someone else
without so much as a "Good game"
Dr Peter Lim Sep 2018
If I stay
you'd frown
if I walk away
you'd say I let you down-

I'm checkmated
then and now!
P Venugopal Dec 2015
Then comes the day when
I on a clay-tiled floor lie spread-eagled,
a box of chess pieces toppled over the checkerboard,
wracked by phenomenal indecisions--
should it be the rook, the bishop, the pawn?
Oh from all directions checkmated!

And at sunset,
when the birds on tired wings fly to roost
and the whole earth is suffused in a golden glow,
a door opens
at the far end of a dark corridor.
Light skids down the floor,
like skaters sliding down a silent *****.
Words vanish to open a void...
The strains of a poem
trip lightly in!

Was it long ago, or just  yesterday?—
In a flickering moment of revelation,
when the distant lighthouse swung its beam
past my windless sail,
did I quiver?
Like this, did I quiver?
Was it the chill on the open seas?
Or, was it
your soft tread on my cabin floor?
Do I remember? Don’t I remember?...

At your touch
I turn a bubble,
a bubble,
balanced on the tip of a thorn,
On this windless evening!
The game is over once you see the smiling face of the Buddha.
RJ Days Jan 2014
scars are love and memory from the world
which (though oft accused of indifference)
does care enough to pierce the skin

not the broken glass
not the rusty nail
not the bedspring from an old mattress
or the handsaw that slipped
or the edge of the coffee table to a wobbly toddler
not the knife
or scissors
too blunt at first - but try, try again

not the careless indifference of others
made manifest in flesh

or the million failures headaches heartaches

no, pain never forgotten is formed
on brain and skin

just like cheeks flushed, heart pounding, sweat-dripping
you make your move and are checkmated by a far
more skilled opponent-- it doesn't take much

feel something if you try
feel alive and awake and know

that somebody loves you, and remembers
just like your skin.
Garrett Country, Maryland, February 27, 2009, 8:38 p.m.
Mohamed Nasir Nov 2017
The pawns are lining abreast shoulder to shoulder.                     The King the queen rooks knights and bishops are ready and both side are ready awaiting for the mysterious hands to lift them up from their spots. The ancient game can commence.
The papers neatly stacked. The pen in the olden days is inked poised for a poet's hand to place it onto the blank piece of paper to begin its journey.
The pieces are moved in turn one after the other until a player concedes and defeated.
The poet placed words one followed by another until the work is completed.
Whether one play like a patzer or grandmaster depends on one's knowledge and mental capacity.
Similarly a poet through experience will write according to the level to a given technical know how foresight and mental ability.
Poetry is the art of expression of mind with words through every known emotional state. The art of crafting words with awe.
Chess the art of intellectual intelligence of territorial *******. The art of war.
Poetry and chess are like art mathematics science and music and both are life.
The attitude in chess is to play well and mine is a quest to write my best. To write what I like and to like what I wrote.
And to write till my pen ends its traveling
The King is checkmated the game is over
I won't be a Hardy a Frost or a Browning
I am but a pawn and an incorrigible rhymer.
Poetry and chess needs the faculty of the human brain to manifest a desire to create something beautifully tangible.
Ryan O'Leary Jan 2019
Barcelona played chess
with a ball, created an
optical illusion for the
fans, mesmerised the
camera's not to mention
Sevilla's goalkeeper who
was looking for the bean
under a shell, but, Messi
checkmated Monarchally.
Richard B Shick Jun 2018
Just in case
its been miss communicated.

Are government
Has been heavily underestimated.

And unless you chose
to become acclimated.

And let you mind become

While each generation
is more uneducated.

Just a dying breed
being *******.

Cops stories being fabricated.

That's why they are becoming abominated.

Its all a story that's been fabricated.

What is that me
I've been duplicated

I'm not talking cartoons
My cells have been fabricated

From money that's been allocated.

To companies that have become conglomerated.

While there CEO'S
are greatly compensated.

They keep us all checkmated.

By making our jobs automated.

With machines making jobs eliminated.

And our wages are all but dissipated.

They try to keep us alienated.

Why our lives are infiltrated.

They know whether or not what we drink is decaffeinated.

All are privacy has been decimated.

Thanks to technology that has been created.

But just as all things can be hated.

We the people our power can be demonstrated.

Before we become annihilated.

By those who keep us alienated.

Why their plan is becoming accelerated.

Taking our freedom
its confiscated.

Adding chemicals to our foods keeping minds contaminated.

Our minds our manipulated and  captivated.

As bombs detonated cause innocent to be devastated.

Can't you see us so frustrated.

Its time for them to be investigated.

All mighty companies  to be separated.

So all companies can be family orientated.

It was we the people when we became declarated.

But we gave our freedom away
To become isolated.

Its time to stand up
Its time to be liberated.

Before they make us all medicated.

Take my words as ye will
I may be opinionated.

But heed my warning
Its all being orchestrated.

Our end is prefabricated.
Our civilization will be eradicated.

Unless we become reeducated.

And those behind it all are eliminated.

Bourgeoisie donning ersatz
overstuffed ego freezer bewigged pate
"FAKE" grotesque humanitarian
bribed corrupt judges will vindicate
jimmied cracked corn
land of "milk and honey"

red hot button he spoils to activate
countdown to Armageddon
leaving nation prostrate,
all the more reason to axe electoral college,
now holds electorate
hostage to bully tactics grate

for dead souls – zombie thriller, viz
Putin on the ritz,
whereby Pavlov's dog will salivate
on cue and pony show will titillate,
and worse case scenario, a far more terrible fate
than death by a thousand cuts

equals his refusal not to abdicate
presidency, should voters
get smart to administrate
White House with progressive commander
in chief he/she will adjudicate
decency, honesty, integrity... and acclimate

government toward amity, comity, equality...
oh,... and most importantly advocate
salutary measures affecting biosphere,
where industrialization didst devastate
contaminate by bajillion beings birthrate,
every square inch of Earth

**** sapiens succeeded to abominate...,
prima facie global warming doth correlate,
hence primary requisite mandate
to reorient modus operandi no time to wait,
where carbon footprint negligible
still preserving technological paradigm

fixing low cussed electricity to generate
courtesy renewable resources
else man/womankind will become footnote
atrophied trappings agglomerate
twenty first century civilization
******, inundated, ossified bridgegate

checkmated, choked, chucked... wag gone wheels
das spare - tread fully tires fuming primate
jammed fruits of ***** going bananas
infuriating, exhausting accelerating
no exit (sorry Sartre) to circumnavigate
hardy lee any recourse to extricate

oneself from madding crowd
self resignation minimally doth alleviate,
whereby impatient broods frustrate
inaccessible jackknifed mobility,
thence spark ignites spontaneous eruption
impossible mission to plug
crowdsource mob frenzy translate

pent up fury once loosed doth degenerate
into atavistic pandemonium cutthroat rage
snarling human logjam foaming at mouth
poised to strike ready to decapitate
any remaining shred of salvation barren feeble
slow vac hoovering, milking, and *******
every last vestige of ******* peoples extirpate.
Cedric McClester Mar 2019
By: Cedric McClester

50 people dead
And yet the man still said
He didn’t know enough
About white supremacy stuff
To comment any further
But that was clearly ******
It’s origin was hate
No need for a debate

He feigned not knowing
If white supremacy is growing
And said to one and all
The problem’s really small
But the facts seem to shout
The supremacists are coming out
We find them everywhere
Which is cause enough to fear

But that’s not on his radar screen
If you know what I mean
Ya see he’s more inclined
To be deaf, dumb and blind
When it come to religion or race
He doesn’t want to disturb his base
And I don’t know if the case is
He himself is a racist

A lot of things tend to slip
Because he’s lacking in leadership
So supremacists just let it rip
And they have us in his grip
But they have to be checkmated
Cuz’ their power is overrated
Though when our leadership is corrupted
They’ll continue uninterrupted

Cedric McClester, Copyright © 2019.  All rights reserved.
Shaun Yee Jun 2022
It’s easy to just follow and just do,  
Every action, everything without a clue  
As to the how things work, as to the why,  
Using brains occasionally by and by.  

From here misunderstandings will start,  
When from reason we carelessly depart,  
Anger, jealousy, ill-feelings will abound,  
We get checkmated at every single round.  

Lots of patience we should not abuse,  
Thinking, reasoning well, we must always use,  
For no matter how we call its normal name,  
Really understanding has always been the game.
the world needs more understanding and less egoism
Cedric McClester Nov 2021
By: Cedric McClester

Though hearts are broken
The  jury has spoken
But they had to be joking
Cos now we all are woken
Our justice system is flawed
Though it once was awed
It’s now thought of as fraud
Not worthy of an applaud

So as not to be unkind
I thought justice was blind
But that was only in my mind
Cos it is not as you shall find
And it needs to be stated
It can be complicated
Or perhaps it’s overrated
It’s not always checkmated

Despite instructions sent
It can be skewed or bent
By the human element
Influenced by the eloquent
Closing arguments
Which can shade the intents
Of all kinds of defendants
Who’ve been freed therefore and hence

There’s a big dichotomy
Between how it’s supposed to be
And the things we actually see
In the courtroom which is key
To the thesis herein rendered
About the apprehended
Because of verdicts that engendered
Outcomes that haven’t been splendored

Cedric McClester, Copyright © 2021.  All rights reserved.
Sia Harms Sep 2024
What if I question myself?

What if who I thought I was. . .

Isn’t true anymore?
I don’t know If I can bear
The knowledge that I am,
And always have been,
A slick-tongued chatterbox.
Are my words only half-formed,
Unsure of themselves,
Even as they go into the world
As daggers, myself unaware
Of all the harm I’ve caused others?
My words have always been few. . .
I never meant to. . .
It seems my values have become
Optional—I cast a blind eye
To all the things that I do,

And disapprove of—
I wish I could be intentional
Instead of flustered and
Nonsensical when asked
Simple questions—
Is this why I am bad at chess?
I cannot see ahead,
I try to play smart and only
End up in a castled prison--
I am checkmated by my own
wide-eyed carelessness.
Kapino Kelvin Apr 2020
You mistaken me to be a chess pawn
Little did you know that sooner i could be as powerful as a queen
Instead, you chose the knight
who you would meet at night
Because he pretended to be the rook
and he promised to make your life rock
because Knight's tricky "L-moves"
You left him and came back
wanting to be my queen
But I was already someone's king
Because she checkmated me
Not that i lack feelings for you
but i reduced  you to a bishop
Let's just leave it stalemate

— The End —