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SassyJ Jan 2016
Sensation, intuition, feeling, and thinking,
Is wrapped inside a ball,
A small pink ball inside our head,
That won't stop till we're dead,

Analytical bedrock inside oozing theories,
Elemental atoms sizzling logic,
The imaginative stranger,
One abstracted and eccentric,

Walking with shadows,
Talking and mocking,
Through these theories inside us,
Tilting our caps ‘til we’re shaking our heads,

Pensive love in storming analysis,
Sapiosexually excited, piqued interest,
Unemotional and thoughtfully attuned,
Absently minded, always condoned,

Unconventional and impartially stringed,
Weirdly wired in auxiliary functions,
Misconstrued and misunderstood,
An ****** intelligence bleeding paranoia,

Knocking unto me,
Into you, inside us all,
It’s something we all yearn to be,
And when you fail and prevail we laugh,

Crickling crickets thinking nothing,
Washing down the storm drain,
With no thoughts fluidly sliding down my throat,
Pop goes no questions into absolute concise words like freshly broken glass,

Again shadows await, but different shadows,
Blinking at me staring at you,
Wondering what’s what, inside this dementia made sense of a lovely afternoon,
Inside your sane, autocorrected, predetermined, twitching, little…mind.

Inspired by Myers Briggs Personality Test
Tyler is INTP... Logician  (Introverted INtuitive Thinking Perception)
The drifter, dreamer the absent minded professor!
SassyJ is INTJ... Architect  (Introverted INtuitive Thinking Judging)
The starry-eyed idealist manoeuvring life as if a giant chess board!

What Myer Briggs personality type are you?... See link below
It would be great to know.Please comment!!
I am open for One a week collaboration till March 2016. Interested? Leave a comment or message me.

No 1. One a week series collaboration with Tyler James Birabent
Wow, It was creatively fun working with Tyler especially in my first ever collaborative writing here at HP. The piece was inspired by Myers Briggs personality test Tyler is (INTP) whilst I am (INTJ).Tyler is analytical, logical and a very composed individual. At the best of times he has beautifully mused and surprised me.

Thanks Tyler for working with me! ;0)
Tyler HP link:
frankie crognale Dec 2014
poverty has been a persistent problem all throughout the world for more than one reason.  it can be passed down, but in some instances it can be brought upon somebody because of a loss of a job or a mental illness.  i almost got emotional when i was listening to/watching the presentation, as i could never imagine living that way.  we take so much for granted.  knowing we can type this blog post from the comfort of our home on our macbooks or hp laptops is so overlooked because we've been graced with this technology since the beginning of our time.  we wouldn't be writing this blog post on our macbooks if we weren't in school, which to us is a necessity.  i just spelled necessity wrong, but my imac autocorrected it for me.  people living below the poverty line don't have autocorrect to tell them when they've messed something up.  they can't go to school to learn how to spell necessity, because they can't afford it.  i just drove my bmw to dunkin' donuts to grab some free coffee with an app on my iphone 6 and eat some $1.69 hash browns that my mom gave me some spare change for.  if you're below the poverty line, none of that would be in your agenda. an extra 5 dollar bill wouldn't just be laying around to go waste on something you honestly don't need.  it could be going towards the food you'll be eating for the next week or a new shirt because you outgrew the single one that you owned previously. i know personally, i get angry when i don't have enough gas in my car to get me somewhere that i honestly don't have to go to, or when i spend the last few dollars of my paycheck on an overpriced drink at Starbucks.  i will be the first to admit that i am absolutely, completely, 100% spoiled rotten but i am more than lucky to be able to get an education, have a job that i love and look forward to going to, and have a family that would give me the world if they could.  when you have family, you will always make it through.  none of us have any idea how good we have it, and i think it's about time we realize how lucky we are to live in the country we do.
this was a reflective blog post on an economics project we all had to do on the world's biggest problems; this is the one i wrote about the poverty presentation. (i got an a just in case you were wondering)
LJ Jun 2016
Revelational 33 in triangulation
A one, the perpendicular, the two
A pyramid adjoint in intersections
Recalled dream of masters and teachers

Repentant breeze on drowned water
a leather polished and scaled to sleek
A lover, my 33 year old angelic man
Reaped at the foot of the rooted crux

Restored from the mire and mirage of mares
An outward crimson, the glorified grace laced
A river that flow eastwards on descending cliffs
Revolved from the depth of oceanic rocks

Revelational 33 in triangulation
A light, the spotlight pearl unfurled
A  force that will never die but live
Rectifies and autocorrected from the abyss
Love you loads baby, ;always missing you and thinking about you always! An ember that always glows in the rumble. My spotlight, my warmth...... a master number 33!
Amanda Stoddard Apr 2015
Pull your hair out, pull your ******* hair out.
Punch yourself in the face you ******* deserve it.
Can't breathe again.
Weights pressing down on your chest.
**** not again, no not again.
Gonna say something you regret-
Don't ******* text him, don't do it.
******* did it.
Great, now your relationship will probably be over.
Everything feels over, everything is ending.
I want everything to end...

The tears stream down my face
the lungs I use to breathe are the only things holding me back
these hands I use to write are gripping the pavement again
because I don't think I've ever felt so low.
But just yesterday I was on such an endorphin high
I was running in the rain until my socks were
just puddles below my feet
the sky was just an outline of the child I used to be
and now everything feels so ******* temporary-
you can't catch your breath long enough to tell yourself
everything will be okay and somehow earlier today
you were doing just fine.
But these hand clutch your skull again
as you pull your hair-
hoping you are ripped to shreds
because you are trapped inside yourself
a prisoner of your own body and it will never leave
everyday you fight harder to survive
but it seems like each ******* episode gets worse.
Every mistake makes you feel worse-
every mis-autocorrected word on your phone is like
someone punching you in the throat
and you somehow let that control you and you breakdown-
throw your phone and it crashes at the wall again.
You hate yourself for these things you can't control.
Everyday is a battle you can't win
and everything falls to the ground again-
including yourself.
There is a city upon your shoulders now
and it seems your mind is only building it even higher-
you wished you could throw it off but it's getting too heavy now.
All you can do is sit and wait for it to crush you from the inside out-
slowing breaking you down one missed phone call
and un-replied text message at a time
you are breaking down.
All the help you once searched for has gone out of business
and the man on the inside ran away because it was too much to handle-
you've always been to much to handle.
But those days when everything seems wonderful come-
those days when the hands you possess seem like shooting stars
making your every wish come true again-
you are invincible.
Nights spent laughing at four walls encased with your sense of humor
and indulging yourself because everything seems so good again.
But you remember this won't last too long and your back-
back to agitation inside your bones and the war inside your head,
city on your shoulders you are crushed under the weight.

Some days it feels as if all I need is myself to make me happy-
some days it's this same self that brings me so much misery.
Other days I'm just myself, getting by like everyone else.
Then on the worst days, they all hold hands and become friends
they all form a clique and I become a target for misplaced aggression.
My manic depression is a bully, 6pm traffic jams-
and spills on your new t-shirt.
My manic depression is a sugar high, 3pm mid day naps
and waking up just in time for McDonald's breakfast.  
My manic depressions is nirvana and insanity
it holds my hand across busy streets-
but will also never let go of me.
jessiah Jun 2014
¢orruptable truth skips town when you walk in the (collection of spaces)

my false is my found is my autocorrected ****

not in a classic sense but explicitavely explosive

while the long mannequin arm-hand of death pretends not to reach for us
let's laugh away the notion of forever;
as this speedy life-of-grins and touches-buzzing and buzzing-looks-of-life
will have our necks broken before the sunrise
I wrote student fees and it autocorrected to

My friend was drunk and said CV
when they meant VC

Volunteering is sold to us like a product,
it's not that it's good in of itself,
it's good for your self,
it'll look good on your CV

it'll look good on your CV
it'll look good on your CV
it'll look good on your CV

if only you could see me
if only you could see me
if only you could see me

you'd see the way my face freezes or flinches
either one,
there is a pain that runs across my face like an electric shock

dehumanising someone is like they invented a wireless, handsfree, bluetooth way of stabbing someone,
you can do it without touching me,
but I can assure the pain in my chest will tell you otherwise,
you have cut me

please help me find the plug at the wall
help me restart
help me find the USB charger
help me connect

you've convinced me that if I claw at my arm long enough
wires will spark and spit at me
I am a machine because you treat me as one

like when they ask for my number at Student Health
or they ask for my number at Studylink
or they ask for number at the Bank
I remember I am nothing like everyone else.

Does logging off look bad on your CV?
CV is curriculum vitae, VC is vice chancellor (aka the person in charge of the university)
Luce Mar 2014

• i think maybe i get so much back pain because i'm piggy backing the devil

• i set dry leaves on fire because that's what you did to my life

• there's tremendous guilt that comes with picking flowers and for that reason, i can't love you

- you pick something beautiful and it's bound to die.

- maybe, if i pick you, i could press you between the pages of my favourite book.  

• your daffodil lives in my bell jar.

- your life between sheets of paper not my sheets of cotton

• i fell out of love with the life they gave me and began to drown in the life i was creating for myself

• knowledge is crucial but we shouldn't undervalue experience

• jump, jump, jump.

• in school we're supposed to be taught and prepared for life, we get depressed and want to die
and maybe it's because we can't apply the f*cking factorisation equation to our feelings

• "i love history,
you see people being brave and courageous and stepping out for what they believe.
But, God forbid, any of you actually develop a spirit and personality and think there is a life bigger and more important than this institution in which we trust with the lives of our future"

• now is the moment for change. We admire historical figures for their courage, but very few of us would actually do the same.

• you shouldn't expect much from people if they trample over something as beautiful as flowers,
why would they give a second thought to walking all over your life?

• they will never know i picked a tree

• The rain nourishes the soul, make the most of it then let it leave coaster marks on your skin

• my lips are flaming red but yours are the ones burnin my cheeks

• i am the rusty penny you always tell the shop to keep

• i'll stay in bed all day. not because i want to die, i just don't want to live.

• i don't listen to our favourite songs anymore because they're an open gateway for you to haunt me

• isn't it so strange to feel the pressure of lips against your own after so long

• i don't want to spend another second in your atmosphere

- i don't want to be pulled in by your gravity or drown in your oceans. Just let me breathe.

• how i wish wish wish we had kissed

• i can't believe they let me fall through the cracks of the system.

• i sliced my thumb open in a biology lesson.  Isn't that ironic? Eye-ronic.

• i still flinch when i spray perfume before leaving the house. Even though there's no need anymore.  

- that's one thing you don't realise that you will miss. Now i can cover my wrists endlessly with sweet smells and hey, they are pretty.

- maybe the perfume makes it all better. Now i'll spray it daily on my arms and you'll get perfume on your lips from kissing sweet spots

• i see ghosts in these school corridors. It's tormenting to have to stay here.

• if i was in a burning building, you would try to save my life. i live in my body and i'm setting it on fire, so where are you now?

- maybe you could try to help but don't breathe in my smoke or you will die too.

• i wrote 'smoke' and my phone autocorrected it to 'smile'. i am happy.

• there is great safety in a passed moment.  

- you can eagerly relive the moment he pulls you into him, hindsight diminishing the nervousness of the moment because you know now what happens.

- you can watch from a great temporal distance the groundbreaking decisions of others and find comfort in the passed moment as you know the outcome.

- maybe, in this way, we underestimate the moments as they happened

• you won't remember everyday of you life, how strange is it that you could forget today even happened.
killjoy Aug 2017
Why do I feel so lonely,
Even when there are 7 billion people
And still continuously counting
Existing and breathing on Earth?

I think it’s stupid
To make all the riddle

Why do they say we
Look so pathetic and desperate
If we keep asking for attention
Aren’t we all in a same boat
When we are all desperate for love?

They like to push and pull
A game, they say it’s fun to play
With people’s emotion and ruin their day
But every single one and that includes me
We are all addict to the game we play

Why do I bother adding capitals
To first word of these poems
Oh right, the word is being
Autocorrected and so on

They say believe me,
But they show signs of deceit
And such reflection
Is seen within me

So how do I ever trust
When I cannot afford to trust
And how can I believe
When I cannot even trust you?
Repentant Jan 30
Darkness of the light
Losing every love
Suffocated with my own hands
As this might be my loss
This might seem a lot
Looking at you right with my own hands
Shining rays of the dark
Gaining every hate
Suffering the blade
As might be my gain
This might seem a little
Looking at me with no hands
Antique white lie
Let me go now
Like a relief to the house
Of my past to get it back with the truth
Autocorrected once
Autistic child of life
Schizophrenic paranoia of love
And the exposure that might come out
Strongly as it was
Wish to be read
Mateuš Conrad Jul 2024
by brick
ghosts with
for brains:

3.5h talk
how must i:
advocate a counter

an anti-temptation:

talk in haiku
get a real, haircut...
proper beard trim
Hey Reyla:
ugly papa bear is here
to see you scare you:
vaginas abrupt!

some fauna?
i'm still high
talking about vaginas
and life
i think and i think
and it just bothered me
how adept females are
to feminism but
so backward of Descartes...
not in some insolent critique
of purifying reason:
if man is accomplishing
the critique of pure reason
then it's the end result
of woman's purification of reason
to give: critique...
find yourself, young man, a woman:
for the seismic necessity of escaping the
schizoid parallelism of the Theusarus
Rex: bone dead X Thesaurus...
i thought i spelled that correctely
the first time round... no?

oh: AI ha ha... me autocorrected itself
i put on m'ah MUFFS
and i sank into an aquarium of:
finally! i can hear silence!
you think that i can't mold Reyla?
fine... i'll scare her...

      i'm still high from that 3.5h while
my mother paraded herself faking
all her ailments
seeing her son happy
Samoan: Bra...
burn them! the bras! burn them!

******* spokes: ******* Hornchurch:
whatever bus:
some American in poetics
to mind the minute details like
that's a pathway to eternity..

different punctuation stress...
RWIJ! or rather: R'WIJ!

             R' = Я

ja mysle: wiec ja dodam...
i think: therefore i'll add.
i don't see how the already
established of thinking is far
removed from being...
thinking doesn't precipitate
into being...
there's: no: "magical thinking"...

   she's still on Descartes: i'm on Kant
and Heidegger
that's a perfect matching...
it's pickle-juice... harmony met...

i think is no proof
since it gets churned into abstract:
"i think" that becomes
in the existentialist coding: "i" and "think"
coefficients dueling
with the secondary abstraction:
i think of the abstract:
i am the abstraction...

  so this gay lover movement
is so *******... ordeal of the chains of taboo...
this gay pride movement is so low brow
it ought to be treated as a mustache...
******: i assume...
pre? pre out the window?!

you have a Cling-On spot of bother?
this girl gonna jack-***
her way into salvaging Rodeo and n blonde
and all that glass....

m'ah'ah god the Cartesian girls:
Lebanese yup slurp not sorry:
the Watermelons Levant Indiana Jones:
what lasting ordeal
am i to succumb to...    i ask i ask i ask...

on o chleb, panie: ito: ruszt!
daj znać!
moja skarga:
nie ich!
to wio!
      raz! dwa! trzy!
           harry harry sorrt sorry!

schnell s h nell! schnell!

when i was a child i was tasked
with a teacher to write a poem:
i wrote one: Eskimo stance....
about a beard
dying on a bear
in the Arctic...

then i wrote a paranoid poem:
in the gender exclusive
paranoia i to they become....

now i just write poems and forget
why i write to begin with...
children are cruel....
children: O: so wheel: the cruel:
like how th=hat affair at the beach:
dirt grass the
death head sputniks:\
not a pretty sun-dance kid:
but.... girls being girls...:
unlike boys...

chaos is simple:
order is rather difficult...
from the brothel to a child...
imagine my eyebrows:
in that variation of a trans-
-formation....                  )+                ++(

— The End —