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killjoy Aug 2017
Why do I feel so lonely,
Even when there are 7 billion people
And still continuously counting
Existing and breathing on Earth?

I think it’s stupid
To make all the riddle

Why do they say we
Look so pathetic and desperate
If we keep asking for attention
Aren’t we all in a same boat
When we are all desperate for love?

They like to push and pull
A game, they say it’s fun to play
With people’s emotion and ruin their day
But every single one and that includes me
We are all addict to the game we play

Why do I bother adding capitals
To first word of these poems
Oh right, the word is being
Autocorrected and so on

They say believe me,
But they show signs of deceit
And such reflection
Is seen within me

So how do I ever trust
When I cannot afford to trust
And how can I believe
When I cannot even trust you?

— The End —