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Nat Lipstadt Oct 2013
dedicated to Ashleigh Riddle,
who knows that forwards and backwards can both be the right way

Homework assignments, please pass them in!

Mmmm ok who didn't submit?

Stand up please!

Ah Mr. LIPSTADT, I should have known!
No poem?

Oh yes sir, I have a poem, even three!

But the dog et them, so if you want, I'll
Recite them please?

{general laughing and snorting in the classroom}

Oh really, Mr. Lipstadt,
why don't you come up to the front
And share with us but one of,
(big sneer on teach's face)
Your creativity!

Shuffle up to Buffalo, where hysteria breaks out,
For now the world is informed that I am wearing
One black and one brown shoe,
The din is attracting the notice of the class
next door, room 402.

Order! Order! Settle down.

Ok let us hear what you dint write!
(Dint, oh boy)

The Poem (the one the dog et):

A special day this quiet Tuesday,
For when I awoke, looked outside,
I saw what I saw,  quickly realized,
That this was the day to
break the norms.

Why must I wear two shoes of similar hues?
My can't my hair be color enhanced by the pink of you!

You just noticed my shirt and pants are  on backwards?
Perception in the eye of the beholder,
Beholder that be me, because,
Today, behold!
It is break the norms day!

Moon in the sky morning,
It knows the way, its place
When gravity, cycles, temporarily shelved,
On the break the norms day

Kissed my mom before I left for school,
My dad, my brother, my sis, too whoo hoo,
** **, you shoulda seen their faces,
When I sauntered out the door,
Humming, C'mon baby light my fire

The crossing guard gave me my usual,
A whistling hello,
Today, I whistled back,
The whistle of
Hey babe, looking good,
She blushed so hard,
The drivers thot the light was
Stuck on red!

This is how I spent my morn,
On the day of breaking the norms!

But even on break the norm day,
Somethings are constant, forever,
For instance, the path to the
School office, La Principal, unchanging,
Her grimaced visor in place,
Till she closes the door.

Then she says tell me honey child,
One of my unusual ones,
What trespasses have you committed today?

Well, the dog et my poetry,
But knew it well and true,
Offered to recite, not a riot incite,
May I please say one for you?

She said:
I know for a fact that you don't have
A dog, but nonetheless,
Sing to me, child,
Give me words
That justify
Giving most of
My lifetime to

So I gave her a listening
Of one I writ the week before, called,
"He taught them well."

She wept.
Ok, teary-eyed glistening,
She said, as punishment for class disrupting,
You will be suspended for the rest of the day,
You will have spend the rest of this diurnal,
Sitting next to me, thus,
We will break one more norm, together....

For Helen, "I have so many partial poems I'm thinking of just mashing them together and maybe the dog will eat them..."
In all poems, I swear there is always a kernel of

He cared enough,
So much so to
reason with them.
Never diminishing their simplest prose,
Even if it rhymed with rose....

He loved them in his way,
A teacher, once his student,
This year, then forever.

Their woes he read,
In every submission,
No threat treated idly,
He knew but one grade,

One rule strictly observed,
No touching,
In this sad age, a crime without
Any absolution.

Then came a day.
School arrived, pre-bell by ten minuets,
His customary arrival time.

This day different.

The long corridor to the classroom entree,
Lined like Noah's ark, two by two,
On each side,
His students past and present aligned,
They would not let him pass,
Till he hugged each and everyone.

Thus, they taught him well the meaning of
Just rewards,
For they were his,
Yes, they were his,
Not for the taking,
But for the giving.

His subject,
of course,

Creative writing!
Sally A Bayan Jan 2014
(A Stir of Fear)

A deep sigh seemed to have done some good.
Looking at her, anticipating, expecting...
Waiting for friends to arrive
In a place unknown to us both....
So lovely in her silence,
While going through a moment of anxiety.
It creates within me, a STIR OF FEAR...
Must I leave her? I must teach her, to be on her own, But how? Oh, how it breaks me...
There she stands, tall, in her black shirt,
Walking shorts, rubber shoes, backpack and
Electric guitar hanging on her shoulders...
Her hair, gathered in a bun at the back....
So naive, simply, effortlessly beautiful.
How do you let go of your eldest,
First granddaughter...soon to be sixteen,
When you are fully aware of the perils
That surround the outside world,
Even in broad daylight?
Aware of her innocence, her beauty, and
Most importantly,
The elements that could jeopardize her safety .....
Do I wait for her?
Do I watch her while with her friends?
Let her know, I mistrust everyone around her?
Almost told her I would wait for her outside...
It wasn't mine, it was against everyone's,
But it was her choice that I had to respect.
So, I left her there in her friend's house...
Dark street, dark alley, dark-colored gate,
Dark house, dark garden lights, everything
Was dark to my eyesight that very moment...

There was no peaceful moment, while at home.
The rocking chair at the veranda was a refuge...
My ever-faithful friend, kept me company...
There, I rocked myself, slowly, endlessly,
With the hope of my fears disappearing...
Thinking of what somebody once told me:
"There is nothing to fear, but fear itself..."

It had been a long day, a long night as well...
My bed time...but first, I gratified myself....
Took a glimpse inside the kids' room,
Where my eldest granddaughter,
Too tired to go straight to
Their house next door,
Was sound asleep,
Comfortable and warm
Safe from harm,
Here in my house.

And yet....
There are questions still running in my mind:
She has her parents, why do I worry so much?
How much longer can I protect her?
How much longer must I shelter her?
How do I deal with my next equally lovely
Granddaughter, also long-haired, tall,
Also with her own guitar and backpack,
When it is her time to go to a friend's house?
Will I still be around when it is time for the
Three younger girls to visit their friends, too?
Oh, God!  
The ordeal of first times never ends.

(For Ashleigh)


Copyright 2014
Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
Heavy Hearted Aug 2020
In Ashleigh's book, I now write
& provide her with this true insight:
We have yet to be friends- how we're connected despite,
all of the habits we-

Choose; Still,

to diminish the light
Read in order to write
Listen in order to say
To Repeat, repeat & repeat
Is the only way

To hold on to mindful thoughts.
Ranita Sep 2012
Behind the youth room, sitting on the pavement, I think of past times.
I sit quietly and submerse my mind in the memories…
And I wonder, if I leave, will I ever come back and do this again? Feel the sweet nostalgia?
Will I tell my kids about these memories?
Will I tell them about the ones that haunt me as well? The ones I wish I could forget?
I think I will. I wish my parents had emphasized on the horrific things those memories do to you.
Weeds overrun Ashleigh’s and my old meeting place.
Our drainage grate where we told secrets have been overtaken by bushes.
“My chest hurts a lot today.” “And when I look back, I see you waving”
-Grizzly Bear, Fix it
In my life i have learned to accept the fact that i will never find happiness , i've learned to accept that all always be alone , an i will never have a childhood friend or even a true friend , i accept that i will never trust anyone an always feel out of place , i accept that my innocents was taken from me from the start  an in my 21 years of being here  i was just filled with false hope which turned into a heart filled of doubt. i accept  that my childhood dreams where just makebelive ,an that my mother really should have aborted me ...because all i became was MY MOTHER'S DISASTER ...........


  Ashleigh Renee Todd.
Sally A Bayan Aug 2017
Two hours earlier
i whispered to Whitely
"go, if you must..."

My dog Moe
is sad
his father, Whitely
just died.

how do i tell Ashleigh?  Beatrice?
they're still in  school...

Sally :(
Ashleigh Kelco Sep 2013
Darkness surrounds me with
voices emerging from the haze.
“Do you remember when we first did this?
She didn’t wake up for days."
There's laughter and the
clinking of glass on glass;
a sound that used to be melodic.
        A lighter flicks on;
Inhale. Exhale.
I struggle to wake up,
my limbs pushing through tar;
I could barely breathe.
“Yeah, I remember. She learned her place real good then.
She'll never talk back to us again.”
Their laughter is in the distance,
followed by zippers being fixed and footsteps.
I fight through the tar, my eyes glued shut.
I break the surface, and my eyes spring open.
The curtains are drawn, and the room is dark;
It's nighttime.
There are 10 of them sitting on the couches;
drinking, laughing, doing drugs.
My fingers begin to move and
I can feel the air moving in and out of my lungs.
But the relief is short-lived,
cut short by a sharp pain in my ribs.
I could feel them creaking, sickeningly bruised.

Just count to 3.
My body is upright, but I'm freezing;
my clothes are strewn around the room:
shorts, shirt, bra and underwear.
I'm naked.
I try to crawl and collect my things:
Bra, shirt, underwear, shorts.
Be steady, keep it steady.
“Looks like the ***** has decided to rejoin us.
Why don’t you come sit with us, baby?”
I turn my head as my hands tremble.
They’re watching me like hungry dogs.
Focus, clear your head, don’t be angry.
Put one foot in front of the other and walk
Eyes on my back, eyes on my front;
they're scanning, waiting, drooling.
I'm surrounded by monsters.
Pigs that are grinning and laughing.
“You were out for a few hours there, had us a bit worried.”
Nod your head and stare straight ahead.
Do not make eye contact.

“When I speak to you, you ******* look at me.”
Again comes the instant pain.
My hair yanked back while my eyes water.
I turn my head and create the eye contact he desired.
“I’m sorry.”
Mumble, act sorry, do not get angry.
“What was that?”
There's sweetness laced with poison in those words.
Walk away quickly and play it off.
“I said ‘sorry.’ Are you deaf?”
It's silent again,
I can hear my heart racing in my chest.
The floorboards creak,
and his footsteps echo in my head.
He's there, his hand wrapping around my arm;
Squeezing harder and harder.
I turn around and make eye contact.
What have I done?
“Don’t you understand?
Do you ever ******* listen?
What will it take for you to learn?"
His fist hits before I'm ready:
stomach, arms, legs and chest.
Close your eyes, it’ll be okay.
Pretend like it isn’t happening.

“Answer me, you *****, answer me!”
Everyone is advancing.
Stay quiet, don’t even breathe.
The cracked tile is cool against my skin,
but there's feet, kicking and stomping,
steel-toed boots hitting with exquisite accuracy.
Open your eyes for one last glance
The edges are blurring.
Keep conscious Ash, you don’t want to lose it right now.
Just breathe and ignore the pain, it’ll be done soon.

And as I succumb to the darkness,
one voice rises above the rest:
“Do whatever you want to her, I don’t care.”
Zippers come undone and pants hit the floor.
Their laughter rattles in my chest.
Their hands are everywhere.
Struggle, fight back Ashleigh.
Do something.

They are everywhere,
touching, grabbing, biting;
****** me.
Just go to sleep now. It’s just a dream.
**It’ll all be over soon.
Fall to sleep at 10, wake up at midnight, a flashback still in your mind.

This is what i do every night. This is what I relive, every night. And most nights I can handle it, but tonight I couldn't.
Writing is my saving grace.
mEb Apr 2014

All­ these threes making me queasy
March third nineteen ninety three
the day I came to be
and what did I see?
A flood from Mississippi
oh yeah and I'm a Pisces
oh but my name is Merril B
and the meaning of Merril is shining sea
and the spelling of Merril is three plus three
and I have three sisters
of Hailey
of Kayla
of Ashleigh
where ought they be?
One is pregnant with her first baby
Another dropped out she's on a spree
Youngest is brightest and smart is she
but what about me?
writing some **** about the number three
Ember Bryce Oct 2014
This is the kind of note I hope you all have an addition to..

I think I've come to a realization. Just watched "waking Life" for the first time the other day and I've ALWAYS been super curious about dreams. The many discussions with my roommate Jenay Breden the many talks on deja vu with Ben Masters, and many others, I am open with dreams and like i said very curious and good at asking questions (To me it is kind of wrong because I feel dreams tell A LOT about people so I am getting all this information from someone and they think they are jsut telling me a silly dream that means nothing.) A dream is an opening into your soul and psyche. Its very personal yet can be profoundly universal.. Anyway, I had a strange dream last night: (haha though all dreams are strange)
but the premis of it was a personal moral I feel I had to overcome at this moment in time..

not all dreams are the same, it might not be a moral, but the conquering of a long journey. For example I've had many a re-occuring dream where I would be on a quest and every time I have not completed it but the next time I dremt it I got further. Till one night I will complete it, then not have the dream again..

about half my dreams are scary on all sides of spectrum, from having family in danger, to other dark things.. to monsters, to death, running from someone/thing, to real-life-stuff to not-so-real-stuff, to parkouring in a mansion while my friends and I throw random objects at each other (i know.. what? haha).
Random dreams about things I desire, or fullfilment of life goals (one time I wrote a song on the piano in my dream) or the dream I had about swinging on the vines in the jungle before my bday.
Such as adventure dreams: flying is a huge thing i do in my dreams that I savor each moment of. A very-young-me dream was I was a sto-away on a pirate ship, but it was fun to travel through the maze of hidden spots..
Or maybe other dreams that aren't so much scary, but things I fear happening. Like a boyfriend cheating, or losing money. I mean, we all have these dreams.
My girl Ashleigh was telling me how her and her boy, had a similar dream the same night.
I see random people I know, and people I don't know.. yet
Such as deja vu. Ever since I had the theory a couple years about deja vu being a dream you once had, I have only encountered moments that attest to this.
Almost every deja vu Ive had I remember it being from a dream.. How can your mind know what is going to happen in the future?
We all might have heard that our mind and the universe are one. In many ways you know. examples: positive and negative affirmations, how the way we think spans subconsciously to others (when you're thinking of someone and they all of a sudden call or text you), we are all connected, etc
SO, if the universe IS our mind (and our souls are connected to this unvierse, to each other) and the universe has no time, because how can you put a tangible definition to something intangible, (i also got that from reading "universe in a nutshell" by Sir Steven Hawking).. then the universe/your mind, already knows the many paths your physical self can take in future, past, and present.
But WHY then (always my question:WHY), why then would it want to show you this glimpse into 'the future'...?
I will leave with a lucid dream I had one night:
a re-occuring place in my dreams I've noticed is a housing complex that is many stories tall where many people of many different ages and ethnicities live.
In this particular dream we are being chased not by zombies or aliens but a mix of the two, they look like the creatures from 'I Am Legend'.
I first noticed I was 'just in a dream' when one of them was chasing me up a flight of stairs and i fell, on my **** hands and legs scrambling up I saw it come for me and kept telling myself to 'wake up wake up!' and i might have for a second or two but then right back to sleep. When i realized there was no way out of this and that it was: 'MY dream, i could do what i wanted with what I had' (sound familiar to one's waking life? hmmm) before this whole moment I had run out of amo and had no gun so was at a lose to be easy prey. I was in the basement with everyone else of the house or others who had run in for shelter, and the beings were on their way downstairs. All of a sudden I thought 'there is a gun on the person in front of you and it is loaded' i grab the gun and with excitement but uncertainty I shot at the beings, and sure enough, they one by one fell down. WE were all, now, safe. Then it cut to a scene that we were all at a bar dancing and celebrating. haha
I am excited that i have lucid dreamed before but its not like once you do it from then on you are capable of it, it is very rare for me to lucidly dream, but still very exciting.

Please Please coment and tell me ANYTHING relatable to this. your dream, your thoughts, your theories, your deja vu, your disagreements.. I am very intrigued. I would create a blog somewhere but have no idea where to start, so i started here..
I tagged people I know and love and people i've noticed who have also taken interest on any subject I've mentioned.
Sorry for anyone I missed but please feel free to comment anyways if you see this and are not tagged
"Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, no matter if I said it, only if it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense."
k m hanton Apr 2014
I kissed you, once. Twice. Three or four or five
Ecstatic times, or maybe more. I kissed
You once when I shouldn't have, many more
When I should have. In a park and with Red
October on the tee-vee and Sean Connery
Somehow pretending to be Russian.

I kissed you under the fireworks
On the Fourth, and in a caboose
At your family reunion. Remember
How we'd walk around at high school
Football games, back when anything
Was possible, and AIM was popular?

Over six times: there were marshmallows,
And the old, broken, Charlotte High School gym.
When I asked you out, I'd been dared.
The first time I kissed you, I was dared. That kiss,
Cliche and on the bleachers, brought
Butterflies that I only just fought off.

You, Ashleigh, were my first love, not named
"Wrestling"-- but I went to you-ess-enn-ay
And you went to em-ess-you. You moved
To greater Lansing from Port Huron
Just as I packed up my stuff to crisscross
My way over four years to San Diego.

I kissed you, once-- or was it more?
For anyone who wonders-- I deleted my poetry in the hopes that I could be a post-internet actual book-published poet (and maybe win awards? Iono, I was young)-- a dream I hold onto, although it hasn't yet been realized (and yes, I'm still young).
For Ashleigh: Yes, this is about you. In case you didn't realize. I'm sorry we've drifted apart since 2008/2011. You were my best friend once, and I absolutely miss that friendship. You're one of the greatest people I've ever met.
David Messmer Oct 2013
What I see and what you say are not the same, all the same,
I love you...
I was never mad at you for broken promises because I did and I do,
I love you...
I want to protect to to the end but I misunderstood what you said.
Your sweet honey words tinged with pain; I tried
I still love you...
I'm sorry I didn't get your message in time. A couple words were missing.
I did my best to mad lib the rest but I made some mistakes;
I'm sorry...
I messed up and your Hole family knows. I tried to dig you out,
But I realize now; they're your Whole and they're there to stay.
I'm sorry...
I misunderstood and I cant take that away, but I need you to know
...I love you and I'm sorry.

Morgan Ashleigh Smith, will you give me a second chance?
Anna-Mae Jan 2016
Would I recognize you
If I saw you again
Would you smile
Say hello
Remember me?
"Ashleigh, right?"
Would I blush
I'm sure I would blush
"Noah, right?
Fumble over my words
Wanting more than the moment we had in that silver box
The elevator doors opened
And I will never see you again
Unless you were meant to open more
For me
And you would ask me,
"Could I call you sometime?"
You, with the strawberry cheeks
"Of course"
Favorite pen on hand
His hand
The boy on the 4th floor I will probably never see again
Sincerely, the ******* the 4th floor you will hopefully see again

— The End —