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s s f w s Nov 2017
Cisgende­r female
Cisgender male
Gender fluid
Gender non-confirming
Gender questioning
Gender variant
Gender queer
Non binary
Pan gender
Trans female
Trans male
Trans* male
Trans feminine
Trans musculine
Transgender female
Transgender male
Transgender musculine
Transgender feminine
******* female
******* male
Two spirit
"Turquoise green tertiary spirited Eskimo"
Tik Tok dolls
Kristen Mar 2015
My body
Is not obscene.
It is not something
That needs to be hidden,
Brought out only in the dark of bedrooms,
And showers,
And alleyways,
And incognito mode.

My body
Is not for sale,
Not a commodity, though if I chose to sell it for money you'd ridicule me--
Deep down you love it, don't you?
The fine you pay for fine curves and no promises.
Those desperate nights you need something to come into.
Is that what we are?--

And no sooner exchange the dollar for a dance than sweettalk for ***.
And I could do the same to you, too-- I am not excused.
Not that you know that. We all pretend I can't...

Just a prize to be won?
I'm not anyone!
Come on, try to take me...
And when you do, oh-oh-oh!
Lucky you!
You got me.


Sweet success.

I have desires too,
But they don't matter--
If I want to **** him, he's the one who won
Because females don't desire.
And being trans?
Hell, that doesn't exist!
What a load of ****!
And I smile now, because I don't remember how to cry.

I am not allowed to desire,
And if I do, and I reach what I want,
Then I am a ****.
But were I a "real" man,
I would be a winner for it.

Anger has lived in me.
Jealousy has made my bones its home.
I am not allowed to exist.
I am not allowed to want.
I am not allowed to sin.
I am not allowed to be.
I am a second, a lower form.
And I'm yours.

Why do you worship my body and yet disrespect it?
And disrespect me?
I cannot exist.
Kiss me just to shut me up----
I'm tired of pretending to be human in a world that won't let me be.
I quit.

You complain that I complain.
But sexism pervades every moment of my life:
I am constantly fighting it;
Each kiss, every ****,
My schooling, my career,
Everyday conversations,
All of my relations to other people, no matter which kind,
Each time I shower,
Get dressed,
Turn on the TV,
Go out to the pool or a hotel or on a walk,
Sexism is there to hold my hand.
It is with me.
I've never had an ally so loyal.
It wouldn't dare leave my side.

Would I dare?
To leave it behind?
Would you?
Could we join hands,
Across genders,
Across sexes,
Form a new alliance?
One that helps me feel safe in my own body,
My own mind,
My own home?

That gives other women and other afabs a chance to be seen as more than just bodies?
Will there be a day when I can stand beside an amab, both our chests bare, and be seen as equal?
Will there be a day when you will see me as my gender?
And will there be a day that you will finally see a trans woman as more of a woman than me?
We may be females.
Biologically or mentally--
But that does not define us.
We define us.

This is My Body.
It is not me, but it is mine.
It will never belong to anyone else.

My Body.
afab= assigned female at birth
amab= assigned male at birth

I don't know if this is finished yet. It's really just about how I feel in this world because I was born female.
irinia Sep 2014
she opens herself to the horizon
holding desire heavily in her breath
so crushing and withheld
the quiet rush of blood
bleaching his embrace
words withdraw in their matrix
only the form of his lips in her smile
and his walk in her feet
and making love so light
when the truth is androgyne
sylvie manley Apr 2014
the phoenix arising
from ashes of the fire
of passion ignited,
by the heat of desire,

ever hungry, forever wanting,
Searching for her mate.

Five hundred years she soared the skies,
Over mountains, fields and sea,
With hope of this meeting,
Which is never to be.

Her  fate to be solitary,
Although ever hoping,
to unite with her lover,
for whom she is longing.

Complete within, the phoenix,
The  male and female melding,
who needs no other to be whole
an androgyne- the perfect being.

Although perfect the phoenix is,
She, like humankind, desires
with her true mate, a Unity,
which fate denies her eternally,

So she may show to all of us,
That within us each, is present,
That absent one, for whom we cry,
Our true lover, whose name is “I”.

Because desire for another,
True purpose, she forsaking,
The gods then bade her burn
on the pyre of her own making.

from her wholeness,
emerged a new creation,
from what remained ,
the ashes of her desolation.

she lives again, another age
so that all mortals, remembering,
Through myths of her, the firebird,
Same it is – the ending and beginning.

But, if return will someday bring
At last, to us, our lover true,
I, a mortal, and like the phoenix,
Will bravely go with hope anew,

With all forsaking,
Ever yearning,
through pain of the fire,
of my own making.

From desire, the chains of matter feeds,
Upon the spirit which must be free.
Then, we must, as the phoenix return,
to the same cycle, which is always to be.

When no longer we seek beyond,
When desire is stilled, and in sleep lie,
We will then hear that whisper from our heart,
And we find our true lover, whose name is “I”.
I'm not entirely a boy.
I'm in between genders right now.
Somewhere found in the cracks and crevices
underneath our ever crumbling binary.

A toss up between a proud queer girl,
and a fairy gay boy.
Yes sir,
But not a man.
Along the lines of
Prince and Princess,
Both King and Queen.

Don't call me a *** or **** -
Call me Genderfuck.
A concept you can't quite pinpoint,
At least it's an accurate depiction of your ignorance.

an identity wrapped up in style.
Androgyne -
A word that is not entirely girl
Not entirely boy,
But has elements of both.

I'm pushing away from women
when people put it on me.
It's dysphoric and uncomfortable.
So I run towards guy,
Phonetically and conceptually.

I want something other than human,
Not exactly person,
Alien, celestial or ethereal being
of which there is no words necessary.

But Agender rejects the concept entirely.
And I do not want to abandon the idea
that there is a word out there for me.
A community like me.

And before I hear any rhetoric about
having 'too many labels',
Let me just say:
If cats have taught me anything,
There is a huge difference between
Being put in a box,
And putting yourself in a box.

My ideal gender is something like feeling
part women, part dude -
not entirely male -
and part non-binary,
All simultaneously.

This may come as a surprise
But I do not deny my lady-like qualities.
I see strong, realistic female
And I rejoice.
I feel part of that team.

I experience sexism and misogyny,
and I recognize how others perceive me;
as a girl.

Well in the context of a ******* girl relationship
Girlfriends doesn't seem that bad.
Being a butch lesbian,
or gay girl -
a feminine boy,
bisexual guy.
Though, I'm never a man.

Just something dancing along the edges,
Picking and choosing the flowers I am drawn to.
Ultimately something queer.

I want more access to words,
different types of non-binary,
A broader third category.
Six, Eleventh and,
Twentieth gender options.

Otherwise I'm caught gendering myself, always.
God or Goddess?
Mermaid or Merman?
Sure there's also merperson, merbabe,
godev, princev...

Referring to oneself - zeself?
As a magical being works.
Fae, Faerie,
Fae, Fem(me), Faer
pronouns would be cool
I just don't want to fully surrender
to being a girl.

Even though I know
there's no shame in it,
it still feels wrong,

It's misgendering
when I'm called "Miss" or "She".
I feel like crawling out if my skin
when I'm being forced into anything

Even though I have no
real quarrel with the concept.
I'm just uncomfortable with pronouns
and all the words around it.

I am anti-girl, negagirl,
the opposite of female
but not necessarily guy.
I am running away from cis-ness,

And that's okay,
It's absolutely alright to feel this way.
The world told you what you were entirely
Based on your reproductive organs,
And doesn't that just sound a little funny?

Being trans doesn't have to mean
being at war with your body.
It doesn't mean you're born into a special group
A cool club, where others are barred access.

It means thinking critically
and wanting to redefine, redesign,
The way you are seen,
The way you see yourself,
and reclaim something
that was taken from you.

Folx, gender is fun.
It is fluid, and it changes,
it ages,
It starts to mean different things.

What you feel for now
doesn't have to be forever.
Move past the boundaries
others have set for you.

I encourage you to find your own
Trans doesn't have to be right
or wrong for you,
That's up to you to discover.
Just know you have options.

There's 7 billion people on this planet
So that's the possibility for 7 billion genders
And sexes.
Yes, that's a spectrum too.

***** and ***** are not the only thing
That defines you.
Think critically about the things
people have force fed you.

As for me,
I am a different breed of dude.
Not dad or father,
nor lady or daughter.

I fit with brother, guy, sir & gentlemen.
Call me fae, goth, punk, merhunk
and royalty.

Today I am a blank slate
A canvas I always have the potential to recreate.
Call me Damon.
That is my gender of the day.
Death affirms and is the term of life;
flesh and firmness, egg and *****, the means.
Breath interred within a Word and light,
deftly perched perpetually in-between:
born to discontinuous distraction,
borne through a contemptuous nadir;
     but in a moment, all's destroyed,
     and in the beauty of the void,
the helix and its hollow core appear.

Baphomet the emblem of Its power,
sacrament the reverence revealing
devilment to Wisdom yet to flower,
absent comprehension of Its meaning.
Pan personifies the All unbounded,
flouts the misconceptions of the seeing:
     Hermes the unmaskèd death,
     Aphrodite's basking cleft,
the androgyne transcends within its being.

O - not called "the little death" in jest,
Gnosis vaunted in the ebb of Lust,
though is Not, the know'r of Life and Death:
know that All It Is is what thou Wast,
Its continuity the end thou seekest
in contemplation, ***, and wist for death:
     Thanatos, eternal sleep,
     Eros, infinitely deep,
Generation poised to manifest.
An invocation.
stopdoopy Nov 2019
Never one whole

But why not both?

Dividing me
Into "opposing" categories
But you can't have one without the other

Neither male
Or female
Simply both
happy birthday to me *****
Cody Edwards Feb 2010
I - The Sound Abattoir

Crisp fractal, sunlight
on new-day sweat.
No one inside knows
about the new day yet.

Forms **** and spin
and they toil not.
Skeletons can sway
with impulse 'til they rot.

Crush-a-pill with rosy tint
to last you all the night.
Catch-a-number 'neath your tongue
and later you'll revive his Fright.

Pleasure, fleshly grimace
scours the brain against the skull.
Apartment movement never stops
and starts and sweat-sheen from the pull.

II - O Androgyne

I cannot see the world for his broad face.
The smell of sulphur would be welcome but
To choke the alcoholic reek he brings
By clutching him to me in slick embrace.

I gain his absence when I ask for breath
And he, the smiling nitwit, must consent,
So I duck to the streets with haste and breathe.
A moment in my father's sight is death.

He could not know the life that I now lead,
And all the misery I rail against;
My form is set upon the grind of days
To starve in hard-brick walls of earthly need.

Moonlit ******* strips charm from the sick
And faces all too masculine leer back
From windows; prostitutes with glitter hair
As deathbed cries of need cut down the quick.

III - A Solomon Grundy Secret

I will be, as a child,
Crushed under black boot
and throttled with Belt.
Taught to be the Man we were.

I am, as a man,
disciplined with the
golden silence
and icegrip of
solitude. No one knows
my stigmata better than
the Romans that wash
their hands of me.

I was,
as graying
nearing death,
too late to
utter any-thing of
at my
© Cody Edwards 2010
Homunculus Jan 2018
Arab scarabs
wielding scabbards
staggered with hilts
laid waste to
idle Cherubs in
like quilts.

They're off kilter,
with no filter, and
wear stilts where
leaves wilt, sir
please lilt yr

through fractured
refractive prisms
to help the mind
unbind from
shop, office, and
factory prisons


there's a
penitent androgyne,
sentence in pantomime
as though rhyme
were no longer
a kind of
creative crime: But

Don't worry, I don't even understand it, and I wrote the **** thing.
Satsih Verma Mar 2018
Roping in, as if―
all my defeats, creating―
a tiara for a royal fall.

Being hurled
towards the enormous black hole,
chased by the sun.

Like an old thinker
I was putting myself in a
violent comet's pathway.

Not being a whole religion
why did I worship a walking stone?

How would I communicate
with my destiny?
I was not born a shining star.

An individual becomes,
an androgyne, unsure
to name the gender.

I am going to honour the talent.
Petit nombril, que mon penser adore,
Et non mon oeil qui n'eut onques le bien
De te voir nu, et qui mérites bien
Que quelque ville on te bâtisse encore ;

Signe amoureux, duquel Amour s'honore,
Représentant l'Androgyne lien,
Combien et toi, mon mignon, et combien
Tes flancs jumeaux folâtrement j'honore !

Ni ce beau chef, ni ces yeux, ni ce front,
Ni ce doux ris ; ni cette main qui fond
Mon coeur en source, et de pleurs me fait riche,

Ne me sauraient de leur beau contenter,
Sans espérer quelquefois de tâter
Ton paradis, où mon plaisir se niche.

— The End —