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Karijinbba Nov 2018
I thank you all poets poetessess moderators this thanks giving.
To one or two foe serpents in my paradise writing uglily to me on HP, I am sorry I had to block you and your friends since I am highly intuitive.
One of you posing as female sent me to your page drawing a page full of scissors! without a word in it very cruel sadistic of her an old poisonous snake from my old paradise hanously destructive. Another a female wrote mocking a woman aborting her child!! Abortion is legal to me only if medically adviced.
Grow a brain write, don't mock or judge me. The only child I aborted was one whose heart had stoped due to massive antibiotic dose prescribed by a butcher because MD he was not. That was my missfortune and your oportunity.
What is it to you anyway to write to me derrogatorily so?. It happened in my teens! Long ago. ENOUGH!
I had to block you. I am highly intuitive and gifted first pure blood RHO negative.
I know it's you even when you hide masked behind this HP mirrors.
Please make peace with your ghosts, head voices or seek medical psychiatric help, many of you need it. Poetry isn't to mock hate assault the mind heart and soul of fellow men and women who communicate beautifully even in their distress but evil won't be rewarded or tolerated not by me, if you play your holier than me role.

Theres plenty malice where I am no need for me to pay monthly to be cursed on here.
Please spread love, live life forgive yourself be genuine, share your true life experiences, instead of looking who to dishonor and hate.
For the one or two females who created an account just to spread evil grow a heart a brain and then tell us how you did it.
we might even apreciate your courage to share!
My past love life with wealthiest elite true love, sweetheart soulmate, twin flame isn't any of your business.

G* d, and cause and effect in the universe are my only judges not a malignant infective fungus poor excuse, a human **** like yourselves who tried to defile me unprovoqued undeserved and unsolicited.
You are forgiven and loved still but I had to block you. I don't reward or ignore destructive behaviors.
To all genuine poets moderators and poetessess be well
Happy Thanks giving this November 2018.
All the best to you all

As for killing a turkey,
for six years now, I forgive the turkey and spared it's life but I still have fun eating all other delights of season's greetings.

also I love and pamper myself
I am my own best friend
so that loving, tolerating and understanding others becomes that much easier and enjoyable.
Happy Thanks Giving
Jowlough May 2011
I was about to break down
when a friend came in.
she told me stories of wisdom,
inspite of my grin.

inspite of everything,
same insecurities I've fell on,
adviced and reminded me,
not to apprehend expectations.

She gave and lifted,
when I was deep down.
with her easy approach,
had released myself in frown.

Her knowledge base foundation,
she earned by timed waiting.
shared and inspired,
even wihout a smoke and wine.

She sailed my boat,
without an equal exchange.
lend an even-honest ear,
unlocked my heart in cage,

from these black biles,
that turns off the tide.
mere worries and immaturities,
are thrown and kept aside.

Now, how very lucky I am,
to have this heaven sent.
A rare, and precious jewel,
A real gem of a Friend.
(c) A gem of a friend - jcjuatco 5.1.2011
Jowlough Jun 2011
Shoot that media,
It only brings wrath,
splits a relationship in two,
makes someone fat.

Spreads inconsistent news
very ill-adviced.
unwanted receipients,
throwing the dice

rolling into someone,
who's accidental.
rumors are hoax,
one become's temperemental.

Obvious are the motives,
they play like children,
tomorrow they're in the news items,
shamed and forbidden
(c) 5.22.11 - jcjuatco - Shoot that media
memoona kazmi Mar 2019
I didn't take the medicines you prescribed
Or the advices you adviced
Since we talked
I feel better
Prettyboyfloyd Dec 2024
In name of our fair king and for sake of poets a dream as love for lovers might be, the reason. Dont be afraid, my dear ones.

In affair rather public the matter known that means but so little much to me as an ache  of a souls thats hungry what dawn is for the birds to sing a bit too soon and wine for the drunken to laugh without a clue is my permission as spoken to i am to speak to adress the youth and the power behind the wheel thou not too soon as still at spin. To advice as adviced by own hearts council.

"Zacnem na konci, aby som skoncil na zaciatku." Wise man once said. Among other in his right. Man is free! And that be sacred to any that wish to ever walk with God. Rumors out of my will at fold them vicious hearts way to wish so much injustice upon their fellow men. Whatever threat the reason. May keep days up at nights. Whatever guilt. Whatever philosophy they mind rotten by undecision twisted by silent lies way untold kept still in its core of their own bloodlines to suffer what answers wrong how nothing hurts and how long it does unknowingly and unknown and untill. Doctor of the sick like flowers because of the spring. The summer.

At the meet of a soul of any at terror name you call kind the spirit and ask: is it justice or injustice that you suffer? Are you beautiful or are you rightous? For merci you ask and for merci you answer.

So at the dawn of time, or the moon in vain, sun is no more by nor shadows it casts. Yet the charm truly charming the call of the spell bold the man and foolish the heart adviced set on the road sent to advice the same by its own council.

I appeal your soul to mind near and love the words as i cherish that house they praise. Our home this land. To protect my interest, for dear to me. From strangers that would treat as somebody elses and enemies that would find it to be a threat and brothers, because you have sinned. And because you are. I know because i am. Youre sins are forgiven. Sin no more. With a deed of washing your hands you shall be resolved. Because i said!

Not your burdon is what i seek, but your trusting heart and an honor of lended ear. Kept in care of doubt. At most i ask for i name my price to be. To ask, be worth a while and of the answer worthy. Men we shall.
JP Nov 2015
I joined Boxing class
went with a glove
practicing on sand bag
I wise man came
told me to strengthen my legs
then my hip, shoulder, fist…
He said, "it always other way
around". And also adviced,
"to have a beautiful life",
its not love and marriage
First marriage and then
love your wife….
JP Dec 2017
A new race
Hare was asked
to read Aesop tales
before the race by his coach
Tortoise was adviced
by bookees just
After you hear the gun shot
a nearby dam will be opened
you sail and win..
Don't you realized what you've done?
You acted like you were the almighty.
But yet all of these insecurities make you worry?
You've failed before too, ain't you, honey?

Here, I've writ you this passage.
You know, for a bit of message.

Be adviced and armed.
For I know, I'm not an easy prey.
Life never treated me well.
So do not be alarmed,
just run and pray.
Before you face your own hell.

But, be my guest, come and play.

First, let me light my cigars
and start to sing.
Truly yours,
A lady who used her scars,
to make her wings.
To someone who bothered me lately, this post is dedicated to you, dear one.
Hit me up and please, be my guest.
Hooria Iftikhar Aug 2021
Today is all about a person who is my life, who was there for me every single time.
They both are the only person who made me look forward to coming to college, made me live my life. Even when everyone left me, they never let go of me, they held me tight whenever I felt like letting go of life. This is to the two people who loved me more than anybody in the whole world, was concerned about me more than anyone in this world. They made my life worth-living and beautiful. To the two people who has always had my back, always. To the person who scolded me like a mother, adviced me like a father, teased me like a brother but on top of it all, they loved me more than all of the people in this whole world.
Thank you for being with me. I don't know what I did to deserve such pretty and pure souls like you, but I'm glad to have you in my life.
To my lifelines aka Laiba and Maryam
Ibekwe ifeanyi c Sep 2020
Before you call me a fool
Care to place yourself in my shoes
Be sure you'd do better with similar tools
You'd stay calm if it was ever you
Before you raise you voice
Know the reason of my choice
I foresee a blessing in disguise
With the only person whom you despise
Before you judge me
Taken a moment and adviced me
Yet you call me a fool a fool of love
I know my choice to you was off
my rights are now become your wrong
Yes your hate for me is broad
But if I ever was wrong for once
Then call me a fool if its right
JP Oct 2017
My colleague explained
her awesome moment!!
her child always respond
slowly in school
she took few therapy
but no use...
Few weeks backs
she and her son
on the park
she was struggling
in communicating
a beggar
walk passed
adviced her to check
her son ears..
She took him and
found infection
got cleared
Is beggar are smarter
than therapist??
JP Jun 2019
Adam's snake
Adam to taste
Eve's apples while
exploring her cave..
JP Dec 2017
She left
my friends adviced
to drop her from my heart
they don't know
I cannot push
her memories out
without tearing away
a portion of my heart and
my brain..
Prettyboyfloyd Nov 2024
Them fieldwalks led
As leave my home
Thought be of fate
Eversince im born
Cause be i accept
When destiny call
More nothing less
At hand grip own
Of a promised had
Nevertheleast of
Thought be my day
When a feet goes
The road in writen
Hand handed thou
Word which name
Had given its hour
Souls body placed
Them self aborrow
Thenfore only well
When end to come
Have lookin harvest
Fare as well a long
Plant planted in land
When summer sow
Gave seeds the day
Came none of short
Share with laughter
Tasted our sorrows
And heres the last
Casted sun of dawn
Tale of story to end
Lasted however long
Takes agive to have
Remembered in song
Embody a different
Shape of given form
Reborn within aself
Understand a known
Hold a secret unsaid
Nonetheless a more
Morse left be unfelt
Loves had never told
Morrows before had
Sights amare unsaw
Lowers of lows left
Of man kept to know
Lovers of what aches
Heavens of be home
To be what our aim.

Whatevers a worth
Nights haven dream
Sacrifice i brought
Gods were pleased
Outofsudden told
Now is then to be
Time o may rejoyce
ours of company
I praised them all
Love in surrounded
Wise is the wisdom
Divine of their will
Of any doubt beyond
Suprise of delighted
How kind agenerous
Godlike their beauty
At far of all my awe
While above gazing
My eyes of my soul
Thrill found excited
I cried o perfection
might made beings
Just to had aknown
Heart set to peace
To find in the world
Bout what you is
This life gave worth
A while a meaning
The sun to set of
Done steps evenin
Day to night i was
Right giventh bliss
felt lighted by word
manners appreciated
spare what an hour
I had granted a wish
Yet adviced much so
Beware lust and greed
Want what is to want
have and not have to be
Corse hard to come
rest be to find an ease
Of hearts the sorrow
Havin the time to heal
So i done kept ahold
Had a part from vanity
Great might humbled
Asked to remember me
Answeared forever on.

— The End —