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SaddestTurtle Apr 2014
They call me the Angel of the Pit,
Abbadon, the Bringer of the Dark.
About myself are few stories writ,
My true form no mortal can hark.

In this black abyss of pain I lie,
Torturing sinners left and right.
This hell is eternal, these sinners
Shall't die, here in this absence of light.

My domain, this pit, has no end,
Yet it is full of sinners whose flesh I
Must rend. Mankind's doom echoes off
The walls, and yet to this hell more and
More crawl.

With this abundance of souls I can't
Complain; It keeps a Demon busy!
But the sheer evil of man, well, it
Sometimes makes me dizzy!

Hell Hounds teeth gnash their flesh,
I erase their recollections' to keep the
Pain fresh. For their Crimes they must
Atone, it'd be a shame for me to be all

And I'll wait for Your soul here, in my
Pit that has no bottom, for the evil of
Your society damns you, pity that you
dwell in a modern *****.
Justin Wright Aug 2013
I know about lying on broken bones, beading into my back.
She was missing something.
She was lying on hands searching through the trench coat of a bathroom romance, watching butterflies melt,
She was becoming herself
At four thirty am I write her account, embroidered in a diary of lullabies,
“this is what death must feel like, being  left alone in a street screaming of footsteps and blacked out whispering.”
She threw deliverance, caked over old vengeance, out of the car window with daybreak’s kisses. She writes,
“I sit in the heavy sleet of the delta drowning in resurrection, grime from age wipes over me once,
The broken blood pools out of ‘I love you’s’ and islets.”
She slept with the darkness.
“Prayers don’t come for me anymore.”
She glitters, shivers, tactless as a teacup in an earthquake,
She is awake.
”I am awake.”
She documents God- "I feel God,"
- in herself. "In myself.”
There is a silence.
A burning, left, cold to dry alone,

This is for her.
Call it, my face, swathed in the impenetrable darkness when it is no longer my own, call it an aunt’s love when a mother’s doesn’t suffice any longer. Call it,
cigarette buds and elevator rides to death’s door. Call it power bubbling up from the violation.
This is for you; call it Cuban cigars, show tunes, and Marylyn Monroe;
call it misery. Missing, call it hues and paint, my life prostrated on a disgruntled canvas. Call it fate.

This is for you.
Call it liquor stains and tarot cards in a fit of ecstasy. Epilepsy, call it the most intricate balancing act of existence.
An unseen performance, a lyric with no voice,
“a cry in the night”
”a scream of supplication”
The hunters’ march to death, the Holy Grail’s melting between your fingers, civilization pouring through veins,
“death, destruction, life, happiness, Azrael, Abbadon, blood, Rome!”
“I don’t want to feel this!”
Call it whispers of unspoken meetings and witches in the night, threatening,
“I know you!”
“No you don’t! Leave me alone.” Recognition. “I don’t want to listen…”
She writes,
“I loved you…
On purpose and…you left me,
bellahina Jan 2016
oems (48)
Gods and The Lesser Kind
They say,  come to the abyss,
the Abbadon, the back of beyond
a place that should be nameless

where condominium men
with cool blue eyes
gyrate coiled bodies
gesturing lambs
and lions,   seething
mean stories
sordid in their constitution,
bottle blades
******, but still shiny
from sore mouths-  and the girls,
they laugh,    They say,  

          come to the abyss,
the Abbadon, the back of beyond

where their lips
pale white,      cuss the sun, defiant,
longing for it to drop from a sullen sky
and into the decaying harvest
of their itching hands    stained cherry wine,
burning to kindle it firelight

near train tracks and trees,
the woods  rubber band their veined
branches, waiting for my
sweating flesh to melt out
by open flames,    an accomplice
to a crowd ignited,
                caught by
a sickening kind of fearlessness,
I don't feel good here

in the beginning,
boisterous, screaming

leapfrogging steel rods
with pupils the size of ponds
while others
are left lonesome,
staring at the hypnotic wonder light
that comes with a tremor
through stale bones
they never wanted

those people always come back
with their hands
and fingers
and fists   and arms
still alive
******* air
with a frantic disillusion,
digging for cheap thrilled
pennies in their jeaned pockets
just to watch a copper body
tossed into affliction,

hoping a God will come down
with the feelings of gold instead, but

I am out late at a blue hour
there are no saints or deities
when swallowed drunken, I will not worship
in this kingdom,
swollen bright, layered with gloss,
the hemisphere of this realm is split in halves
to be seen twice like duality,
reminding me
there aren't idols high enough
to live in my heavens,
nor darlings too sweet
not to ******--   these prayers are damp
and intimate. not meant for a drop of water
over the complete sea
or the illuminated commander of a tide, no

for now
I'm feeling human, which
disturbs the transcendence of the grounded sort,
now all I hear is a disembodied      run

because the people here
remind me that I will always search for
something without knowing what it is,      run
because they are too close to who I am,

all of us can be seen
lynching limp smiles
from the top of our scalps,
left to sway
in a grave gesture
of love
sent to the spirit of midnight
who unravels freedoms
and happy notions,

injecting calm dreams
into the arms of slumped and melancholy
purple silhouettes --  a rush of warmth

silent culture, shamed culture,

believing they don't have **** to say,
deadened people

their backs
are down
almost panting in language,
with a heavy thumping protest
of indecision,
which in the end is a decision
that will betray them, and I am
no different than the last

smacking their bodies
smooth into rough, pulling
on short toughs of grass grown in a clearing,
happily burning greens because
everybody's starving,
I'll die feeding a plentiful hunger.

when it's over,
we are whaling Kerouac lullaby's

a consumed and sallow generation,  
unknowingly gutted
by a clawed sadness,
heeding the suggestion of sedation
to ensure survival--
******, but pretty alive,    ****
is the new love, is a numb love

there's something terribly wrong here

we must look
gruesome to you, Visceral
prodding the hot metal
that fills the chasm of our teeth,
crying a choppy
metallic haunting
shaking like factory machines
and their overworked bodies
heaving chained clunks
through the throat

wishing for goodness
in between bile, to take up communion
where open spaces
are too cold and seeking

an unholy embrace,
otherwise ethereal,
unafraid of sacrifice,
I'll give you what's left of me--
                   you don't know what you've done,
whenever we touch,
it is always an absolution of life

a forfeiture      a creature to shoot
and put down when perceived
to be the lesser kind-  
             angry and hostile
in my own environment

asking why small gods
the size of bullets allow the fearful
to be their messengers,
who tell the people of neon
to Pacific
that runaway consciousness
is a rebellion of truth

yet,  no answer will ready me,
history says I can't keep straight,
if ever you came looking for my life,
I still wouldn't know the difference between living and dying--
the back of beyond is so far away
and the Abbadon is a war that never ends.
evolove May 2021
All of the movies are the same. Watch this and have your eyes open to both the secret of world and the ending of it.

Every movie is about the stars. That's why every actor is a STAR.

Mufasa/Osiris/ king of everything the Sun/light hits. is set up by his his twin brother Scar/set ruler of elephant graveyard/the dark. Simba/horus goes into hiding/the underworld, who then later returns to **** Scar/Set and take his rightful place as "King".

Thomas wayne/Osiris is shot and killed by a criminal/set. Bruce wayne/horus goes into hiding. Then comes back and fights the "Joker" Who becomes leader of the criminals. Batman/Horus wins and liberates "New York" as a king would.
Adding. Jokers catch phrase "why so Serious/sirius" with a smiling face, just like the one amazon uses is a hat tip to the solar eclipse and the star sirius. Sirius is connected to Satan worship. It's why they made us feel sympathy for a diabolical character in the movie Joker.  The devil loves SYMPATHY!


This show is so occultish you will never believe it.
Characters. (The show also revolves around Ricky/horus)
Ricky/****/horus (the symbol for horus/osiris is an obelisk aka a *****)  his father Ray/osiris. Rickys wife LUCY (Need I say more?)
and Rickys daughter "TRINITY". Notice how his daughter is the Trinity?
This is where you MUST know freemasonry to understand the rest.
Rickys two best friends are the two pillars of freemasonry. Julian/boaz/strength. Throughout the show they even brag about Julians strength all the time. Then Rickys other best friend is Bubbles/Jachin/swift. Bubbles character is known for always driving a go kart. Hence "Swift".

If you can figure it out. You know what's coming. This is the secret of freemasonry. Freemasonry is a "CRAFT"... WITCHCRAFT.
The king of freemasonry is Osiris who is Abbadon who is Appollo who's is TRUMP.
17 is the letter Q in the alphabet. And the number 17 is the number of abbadon who brings plagues unto the earth.
His son is Baron/lord/Horus is a GIANT.
Trumps ancestor from his Mother's side is the Viking "Olaf Mcleod" King of man. (Was his title)
The odds are McDonald's is donald trumps. Appollo has a golden bow. McDonald's has the golden arches. MC is 33 is Jewish gematria. McDonald's character is a clown with RED HAIR. And on his chest is the emblem of the golden arch infront of a solid red circle. That red circle is the blood moon donald trump was born on.
The odds are MC stands for Moon Child.
On Donald trumps coat of arms you will see the same golden bow.  Through that bow is a hand holding a spear. That spear is the same spear of destiny. The one that stabbed jesus is the rib cage.  It's prophecy that the antichrist will obtain the spear of destiny. Something ****** failed to do.
Donald Trump also has a gold course in Scotland in "Aberdeen"
Translates to "Mouth of the don".

You don't have to believeme. But the end is near. America is babylon. That's why we have "Hollywood". Hollywood is what witches make their wands out of..

And as for t.v.
Never watch it.
TELL-A-VISION. Who's vision you might ask?
You see this is why the call television shows "programs" and you get your programs from channels/channeling "stars" Who are embodiment of the "STARS". SATANIC WORSHIP!

Be vigilant. Your enemy's is waiting in the shadows like a lion to devour you.
Nickols Jul 2014
The holy pages burnt slowly as it drew you closer into a darken rapture of sorts.
Ashes and soot crumbling from a wayward vessel, down into you, the sacrificial lamb.

You burnt the sacred pages. The fluttering flecks of a religion scattered around your scarred and bleeding feet. The enlightenment you sought was nothing but a false ploy; a world of innocents to crumble and deploy.

Balefully cries linger on the opening of trepidation. With the wingspan of purgatory, wrapped in nefarious black silk.


You, virtuous martyr...

Abbadon's gate, with it's scaly arms, stands open and wide, deceitfully at the ready.

*The question is; Are you willing to pay for your deceitful sins?
Evie Hammond Jul 2015
In Iserlohn so far away
But not so long ago
Not long enough to be forgot
By those of us who know
Now time has passed
And things have changed
The playing field's all level
The beaten child is all grown up
It's time to face the devil
For Abbadon is on the way
To give a Revelation
****** was a corporal too
Prepare for your damnation
Written for a friend, well client actually, with a troublesome past.
Bryce Jun 2019
Me beneath the zenith's sun
The light she gave to Abbadon
Shadows genuflect and none
Could bear the dark's dissatisfaction

But me,
Beneath the zenith's sun
Is life in God's light bastion.
Hummingbird Nov 2019
They've sent me to the devil,
I've come to know his ways,
I've come to know the evil,
It's haunted my nights and days,

Though, is it truly his fault?
For what I have come to do,
This could all be for naught,
The things I've done to you,

I've pinned it on Abbadon,
Avoiding the guilt I feel,
The reason that you're gone,
A product of my free will,

There's no one but me to blame,
You're my candle, I've snuffed the flame.
Saber wilson Nov 2018
I awaken to a piercing light,
A burn on my skin,
The sun in my eyes,
I look over and see something white,
I shout,
I cry,
Just stop it alright,
Then he jumps and runs away,
That freaking furball with his gray,
Always knocks down my curtain,
In vain.
I don't even understand what I did,
He just wants to torture me while I'm in bed,
He better be happy with his tailless ****,
Cause I ain't  gonna be happy when I get up for lunch,
He's annoying to me,
Always in my curtains,
But its OK,
Cause next time he'll be my curtain,
But the reality is,
He's all I got,
Even if I have to associate with his lot!

My sir Abbadon.
KorbydAngyle Jan 2021
As there is ebb and flow
In crystal caves
We're dancing in the unknown multiverse

Catharsis and effigy, 'tings
Yet together of flowers in petals the lights glows

Ankhs stipulated by silver countenance
Mere desires, fame, destiny, brilliance
Build thyne's cities, steps and fear of
Mother's indentured absconded
Blades that be-still the feral warriors
In our strength and platonic ambiguity, there's tears

Indulge in premises made from proclamation
Surely a deity deigns servile flattery
of dinning and shamed into fighting
Everyone touches the stratospheric, the industrializations

Hunt for an apostle
The believer's maze bible ripples voices insane
The treacherous apple sits upon us
Our bitter oaken stockade
A mirror as an image makes spoken reflections
Across rivers battlefronts war stories catching the rains

Throughout all impressions
And our summer spices set
Fluently innocent one may find their lost

Heaven's Brimstone and Fire
Shoved into investigations
Of all facets of Abbadon
Drifts through central city then to the south funeral pyres

And now frail though brutal
There are assumptions and we choose to begin

Showering if not as placid rainbows
off the water at Heavens end...
As scouring proletariat hands worried port of call
trapped washing all made simple by the devil's sham

Deviously you contemplate you may
Be found fickly running to the underground

Whence out falls Edens and...
In calls the pleadings of the wicked and old

— The End —