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I'm a hero today

I've saved my own skin

left my mind inside the confines of my falsely founded feelings for you

seems I've tricked myself

Into thinking a person can love,

and loose

In 24 hours flat

Because it seems to me

there's nothing left but that

running through the remnants

of my faith in all relationships

there's this picture of the girl

that I seem to see in everybody

I can't seem to shake the sensation

I'm not supposed to live this way

not supposed to seize this day

even the sky is giving me signs

that it's time to rethink the life

I've been living through you

and every other girl just like you

still can't stop thinking

about a time when things were simpler

and maybe it's been plundered

that childhood wonder

stolen by the media

no patience for being younger

grow up child

it's time to start contributing

there's a whole life ahead of you

that it seems your not considering

a career is what he needs

straighten you out real quick

no knowledge of where it leads

so I might just sit here instead

my time with you is limited

so I hope my words ring through your head

live life towards the goal

of the man you hope to be one day

with my heart and my soul

I hope I can follow the words I say
A note to any young man or woman trying to find themselves in this confused world we live in.
So I guess this emotional catharsis is what marks this as a moment of significance

I guess you’ve tripped a bit

I’m hoping it’s just a little slip

I don’t want to catch you but I will if you won’t catch that bottom lip

call it weakness but I can’t stand to see you fail to float

So keep building mental castles with your blood sweat and tear filled moats

Call it false hope and I won’t argue

Call it a waste of time though and we’ll have a problem

Because I believed that there was salvation behind one of your doors

I just believed that it was simple as opening another hundred more

so if it’s blind insults and fights that you want I can’t provide

I’m done with your lack luster idea of a good time

I can’t sit around and watch you waste away inside a bottle of cheap wine

So I’ll convince myself that it would be best if I wasn’t in the picture

because I just can’t let go of my idea of charging at my future fist first

Making it big settling down with a couple kids

But every time I try and talk about it you say

C’mon have a couple drinks

Well I’ll pass because it doesn’t do it for me

I stay awake at night more often than I used too

Because I know if I sleep I’ll dream of that same farm house,

with those same grey shutter shades,

That same old back porch,

not sure if that man in my dreams is me or who I wish I was

either why I’m gonna strive for it, just because

I don’t need an excuse or a reason,

because following your dreams is nothing to take season for season,

it’s a goal and a lifestyle that I plan to improve on

I hope it’s okay with you that it’s been a while since I moved on

So your version of success is owning your on futon

Well I’m not playing it down any longer

Pick your life up before you bury it

I’m done watching this happen again,

so when you fall I’ll watch and pray that my baby bird can have faith in her wings,

and not the branch she was standing on
How do you do it?
Tell someone that even during waking day
She's all you ever think about
That when she's right there with you it doesn't even feel like you're dreaming
And no, it's not like that
I have dreams of moonlit beaches where we make small talk until you just laugh and say
"Wake up, the moon has to go away. It's morning time my sweet."
You say "I'll see you tonight, tommorow or whenever next we meet."
I dream of streetlamps lighting up park benches where we've met for the first time about 17 seperate winter nights just in this past july
Last night we had dinner, the conversation was lovely
It started with some awkward smiles deeply laden with sincerity,
It moved on to telling each other about the other, and we left with a brief squeeze of the hand.
That's all I've ever gotten, and I'm quite content with that
So the stage is set, not sure what the play is we're set to see
But she picked it, I'm sure it'll be wonderful
You have a different name tonight, just like you always do
The ballerina's where intoxicating
their grace was Endless
as they swam through the air
I felt like a trespasser, struggling to breath
When we left that night however, our goodbyes were more distant
It's been getting more and more like that recently,
I recall a night some ten years ago
I could have sworn I remembered your face
for almost 3 hours after I begrudgingly woke
But no
Your shifting smile, and timeless eyes
I like to think that's because you're getting closer
And not because I'm a tad too late
Were you here already? And I just couldn't pick you out of the crowd?
You know trains in the city, awfully hard to focus
Or perhaps you know of horses and mountains
I'm not one to judge
I hope I see you tomorrow, I look forward to our night
To our day,
To our mornings and to what we'll say
But if you have to leave for good my dear, please just find a way
I have a P.O box you know
It's rather simple really
I just would love a photo of you,
to remember our night in Sicily
Or pick one of your favorites, they were all suitible
I'll check my mail every day
Waiting, hoping
That I can see your face.
A consistant theme in my dreams is a faceless woman. Most nights we're on a date but it's always in a different part of the world. Other nights she's comforting me through a hard time, or me her. But every morning I can never remember any details about her. So here's a poem dedicated to that person.
So what?

She'd rather not dance the night away?

You're asking for less time than it took for the last guy to run away with her faith

So give her some space

Let love find it's own way

take that energy and find someone who will handle with care

Cause you're fragile too

This whole relationship isn't your average pack up job, you can't put fragile with fragile and just shut the box

Call me what you will, but I don't care for superficial friendships with people who want way too much more

So take what you will, because she wants to want you this isn't something you can conjure from thin air

Trust me if there was a potion she would drink it

She want's to want you, and when it comes to this It's seriously 50-50 on who hurts the most don't pretend it isn't

So realize what you're doing and curb your frustration

She's having the same sensation

So next time you want to play pity me and say you lost an opportunity

Think about what you're saying

She's lost something far worse

Think of what you could be for her if you stayed as less than you thought you paid for

Isn't that the kind of person YOU would fall in love with?
People always tell me this poem isn’t quite finished.

People say, it seems like you’ve let your thoughts just sort of taper off...

Well, besides the fact that that’s the whole point of the poem I’m about to unfold I whole heartedly agree with them.

So, maybe you’ve given up hope.

Maybe you’ve told yourself, well I’m gonna be alone forever

Nobody wants me

But if I can just be real with you for a moment

Your generation, OUR generation

The girls spend their time looking for a prince

And the boys they spend their time searching for that princess

The key, is that although not all of them may look like royalty

None of them truly have to be

And truly you most likely haven’t seen the possibility of the tapastry I’ve been weaving

Let alone the facts it’s concealing

So you can save your practiced apathy

And actually, no I’m not seeing anyone at the current time

I don’t really want to be

And I don’t say that out of modesty

And I don’t say that for society

Honestly I’m not sure why I say it at all

I guess you could call me overly intellectual,

but I don’t really see the point in ineffectual relationships with women,

because the thoughts cloud my brain box,

and my heart blocks my train of thought,

because after all it’s the wars we fought that makes us different right?

It’s the arguments and sour tastes left in our mouths that means we’ll last.


I never know what to say when someone says that to me

The pause after the long heartstring they’ve tossed my general direction,
hoping I can tug on it to put them back in tune,
but is it really a chord at all if each string sings the same note?

After all, it’s benjamin franklin who said it best

Only a fool does the same thing twice and expects different results

I’m not saying don’t go searching for love because it’s far from a lost cause

But rather if your hands are sore from singeing don’t put on a glove

But rather if you’ve caught a case of bronchitis Don’t eat tortilla chips

It hurts
Maybe I just can’t hear it

Maybe, but probably not

What if someone comes along after all, what if all I need to do is sit

Sit right here where he told me too

Like a child scolded and sent to his room Just because he asked, “Daddy, when’s dinner?”

He only asked cause he felt like he hadn't eaten since last winter

I swear by my own life I’m listening

Maybe I just can’t hear it

Maybe, but probably not

But, who knows?

Maybe I’m asking the wrong questions?

Maybe I’m destined to a life of harsh lessons so I can relay the message

Maybe, but probably not

Probably just isn’t good enough for me

How many years of this lay ahead? Two? Three?

Surely it can’t be that many

The trick to practiced apathy

is that it tends to never leave

I’ve known the uncaring flag I’ve flown so long that I’ve forgotten your name

after that day

The passion part of my brain was never the same

It doesn’t boad well for my attempts to stay sane

Sometimes having the strength to carry my own cross really *****

Because it seems no matter how much slack you pick up the world weighs the same

I’m not sure if I can listen to one more someone complain about the pain

because honestly I don’t care who hurts the most, I don’t care what you’ve gone through because you're here now, and for Christs sake quit looking behind you!

Nobody’s back there!

You keep talking and saying “But look where I've been!”

I don’t care! Give me a thousand whens, a thousand wheres, Go ahead, sit down, have some coffee... Share

But if by the end of the day you’re still looking over your shoulder then there’s nothing anyone can do for you so stop groveling

The only person who you can sell your soul to is yourself and the buy back price is steep, so take a step before you make a promise you can’t keep.

The buy back price is steep.
I wish I was a novelist
I could write this into a fairy tale
With love triumphant
While birds sing
bring me songs of simple bliss
I'm sick of something sweeter than this
I'll settle for the dredges at the bottom of my coffee cup
No need for excessive amounts of honey
I'd rather brace myself for the bitter than cover it up
So what's the purpose of money?
I mean really what does it do?
Besides turn me and you into simple creatures
I mean collecting shiny things, storing them for later
That's something the crows do
But even the crows know why they do it
They do it because they like shiny things
do you?
Do you love what you do?
Do you let it consume you?
I'd rather wake up under a bridge with a little chill in my bones
Then in a warm house that doesn't feel like home
So what about you?
Starting fires in a old coffee can, a gift from a friend you've never met
Not quite what you picture happiness to be?
Is it?
But sit down, pass that old sweater around

I'll tell you some story's

Some of the things I've seen even I don't believe
The magic of this city
It still gets to me
Subway tunnels are the damnedest things
People walking around in such close vasinity
Some of these people don't even look around
Have you ever admired the ridiculousness of it all?
What about that guy next to you?
Having troubles at home
Doesn't know if he can finish college
Not because he can't afford it
His trust fund has that settled
But he can't get that one girl in introduction to statistics to say hello
So he picks up his phone more often he used too
Just to look at it
What about the old man
The one all the kids on your block said was crazy
Have you ever seen evidence of those false claims?
Ever thought it was all just hear say?
Pass the message along

Life isn't about all the stuff we stockpile store for a later than never comes

So don't wait for life to hand you what you want you have to take it

go up and make your **** demands

Because this is not some fairy tale

This is not some song and dance

This is life and it'll knock you around

There's a few differences between me and who I want to be

I let it get to me, I fall down

And it takes me much longer to get back up than it should

But that's the key I get back up

I make a stand

I keep the crowd cheering in the bleachers

No matter how small they seem

Weather it's just God watching me, or my family

I'll keep it real

If reality keeps on keeping me
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