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MuseumofMax Dec 2021
Tiempo told me I was like alcohol
Good in measured amounts
but really a poison

I suppose in some way Tiempo was right
Even if their motivations were more from a place of resentment

I’m a lot
And most people can’t handle me

I try and give them measured amounts
But I can only hold myself back for so long
Before you know it I’m just me
Walls down

I guess most people don’t like that
The genuine words spoken
Are taken like a dagger
To their hearts
When they were meant to
Their open wounds

I suppose I’ll never get it right
I can’t fix the already broken
Even when I know what they need

I may be alcohol but I don’t have to be poison
That’s up to the drinker

I can be soft and sweet and help slow down a chaotic day
I can make you laugh and smile
Even cry when you need.

And when your done I’ll be there to get you through the next day

Some people abuse me
Through the way they use me

But I don’t think I was made to be drank
Poison is meant to be kept in a bottle
It’s pretty
But you don’t touch it

Do you blame the poison?
Or the hands that opened it?

I hope Tiempo reads this and writes me a response.
I’m awfully invested in their thoughts

I hope they stop seeing me as something to drink
Instead as something to admire
After all alcohol can be a nice beverage
I love a good wine
in measured amounts
I know how to handle myself

Do you?
To: time from: poison
MuseumofMax Dec 2021
A warm embrace
Or so they thought

Warm at first
Then it got hot

Piles of blankets
Suddenly smothering
Stuck inside
Until you

I want to leave
But I like the pain
Forgetting the hurt
What goes on in my brain.

I found a way out
Though a little late

Turns out the door was always open
I just didn’t check the lock

Stepping out onto green grass
Reminds me of an old poem I wrote

The first steps take a while
My feet are cold
But I try and smile

After what feels like forever
I look up
And I’m not alone anymore
My heart
Will not

That old door
That I thought was locked

Has disappeared.

I won’t go back
To the place I thought was home
For now I know what love is

I am Sophie
I am Max
I am an artist

Monster boy is facing the real world for the first time
Turns out he’s doing okay
And he can still rhyme.

Wonder what adventures will come next
Sophie doesn’t know
And neither does Max

But they’re excited
For the trek.

No longer perplexed.
The first steps of a new person… the poem I’m referencing is ‘Content’ by me :)
  Dec 2021 MuseumofMax
it feels like life is an inside joke
and i'm left out of it
MuseumofMax Dec 2021
Monster boy is sleepy now
Today was full of self-work

He’s proud of himself
But he knows he can’t live forever
They still need sleep
Even with lemon boys sweater

Drifting off
Wishing for good dreams
And peaceful memories……
Going to sleep
MuseumofMax Dec 2021
Hello Tiempo,

It’s been a while
I missed your smile

I think we’re both doing better
Just separate
But I don’t see that as an issue

Your mind is beautiful
I can hear the gears turning
Everyday you’re learning

We both over share
Without a care
Oh well
I don’t mind
if you don’t.

Fate is learning too
They finally found a family to call their own
Despite the lack of blood relation
Kind of a strange situation

She hopes she didn’t hurt you too much
He knows you’re strong
But still wishes they hadn’t made a mistake

But life happens
Fate and time had to meet
To work together

I’m so thankful
To have you near
Even if sometimes
You’re like a worm in my ear

We are pretty good at helping
But we don’t like to listen

Stubborn and hurting
That’s ok
I don’t mind starting to grow
And it shows

Can’t wait to see the man you become
No more Mr. Lonely
Just Tiempo
The only

A way
To Tiempo
  Dec 2021 MuseumofMax
your love lasted less
than my favorite lighter

Written on December 15, 2021
© ,Maria
MuseumofMax Dec 2021
My brain

Was perfect


It was deserted

Wish I could

Wish I may

Remember what I was going to say.
Brain issues…
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