words preached of two parallel worlds one created of an original half deities from above create one universal, with separate bodies human nature craves desire and to be cherished infants cry out for the care of a mother children tease and chase the other gender without purpose from our creation, we long someone to be paired with without reason, we are left to discover encouragement and reason for our actions first kiss butterflies flutter cheeks flush pre-adulthood beings overreact to one longing stare hoping and gossiping of its purpose human nature desires to be loved stupidity results in misguided and unknown meaning of love left alone to interpret vastness of this word "love" definition is set in stone for its your other half another heart that beats to find the matching rhythmic pattern two bodies, one soul and you my dear, are extraordinary smiles spread uncontrollably dimples appear, and cheeks flush once more kisses and hugs erupt in chaotic nerves quivering this, my darling, is our definition defining our need to express and discover our shared soul
Changing the world may be almost impossible Changing the nation may take a lifetime Changing your community may take a long time Changing yourself won't happen over night But changing anything for the better is worthwhile
Drift off to sleep my dear The moon and the stars are here I hold your hands clenched tight Ours is this radiant midnight. I embrace the ocean in your eyes Running my fingers through your hair You hear the soft flowing waves? See the distant glimmering ocean Look up into my starlit eyes You smile and then I smile Drift off to sleep my dear While you hold me and explore my eyes.
Here I belong amongst the rugged greys and guillemots my heart in league with the furious sea as it lashes the desolate shore.
Cries, mournful in their lament soar through smothered skies bearing tales of wrecks and lost lobster pots empty now of precious cargo ghostly on the ocean floor.
Salt air swirls and dips above the churning foam, bringing stinging cold to ruddy cheeks and numbed hands. A distant bell chimes as tides caress barnacled bows lost at once within the swirling mists that lay their sheen upon the dusk.
Inspired by a beach walk, for me beaches are always at their best in bad weather.