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  Jul 2019 wc
i was lost,
trying to find myself
somewhere in middle,
i found you
drenched and soaked in my self loathe
you were warm
i found you
you had me
but i lost you
but i have you
but then i dont
with a blink of an eye it's real
with a sigh of a breath, you are gone
like a mirage in the dessert
i saw you
i found you
i had you
but i didnt
wc Jun 2019
my mom is lovely
we argue and fight, but she
will always be there
wc Jun 2019
i opened my door
i let you into my heart
thanks for breaking me

how does it feel? good?
you know that you've broken me
but you do not care

i don't care. do you?
i know you don't care at all
just leave me alone

i lied. i do care.
i care more than you'd believe
whatever. i'll leave.
this is an old collection of poems from when my best friend left my life without an explanation
  don't worry, it was for the best and i'm happier now :)
wc Jun 2019
love can be tricky
love can be hurtful, but still
love is always love

— The End —