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Calvin Watson Jan 2015
Let me heat you up
Temperature rising like a stove
Gotta have you right now
Slip ya *** out them clothes
They say there ain't nothing wrong
With a little bumpin grind
I wanna play you a song
First make some love to your mind
Calvin Watson Jan 2015
I am a fire
This i can't deny
I aim to set ablaze your passion
Place a twinkle in your eye

I spread way to fast
To be contained
My flames engulfing everything, everyone
Stimulating activity within their brain

I don't want to destroy everything in sight
I only want to burn your fears
Birth within you a little might

As you lay down at night, I'll keep you warm
Watch you as you slumber
Ward off any harm

As my embers start to die down
My light beginning to wane
I want to be able to say that my purpose has been fulfilled
Bring forth the oncoming rain
Calvin Watson Jan 2015
In all honesty, I don't care
I really don't
I don't care who came before me
Where they are now
Who they are now
All I care about is Us

When you're with me
Our joint togetherness exudes heated magic
It's like you're a paintbrush
I'm the acrylics
The world is our canvas
And we paint it a plethora of colorful brightness

You can tell whoever else that they are obsolete
Their presence is no longer needed

I'll be your band-aid
Your wounds I aim heal
You'll be my whiskey
I'll forever be intoxicated from your kiss
Calvin Watson Jan 2015
It's kinda funny how things are
People say love makes you blind
Oblivious to a person's flaws
Their shortcomings
The very things that makes them "them"
To me, love acts as those little old school 3-d red n blues
It helps you to distinguish what's real, what isn't
Helping you to see a person as they're meant to be seen
Past the *******, past what people say
And straight through to who they are at heart
Calvin Watson Jan 2015
The shy thing
It's like a double edged sword
I mean yeah it's cute
At times
But it keeps things from happening
How do you get past the unnerving moments
When you want to manifest your feelings
In outward actions
Because no one can see into your mind
Unless you bring your mind to them
But the shyness is like a roadblock
So treat it as such
And break through it
Calvin Watson Jan 2015
You're an island that I'm forced to call home
I try to get away
The waves in my mind bring me back to thoughts of you
I know if I continue to stay here
How much harm it will do
The view from here is stunningly gorgeous
But the situation at hand
Is too much of a burden
On my heart
Collapsing it down on itself
It screams at me
Under the intense pressure
So I listen
And here I go
Calvin Watson Jan 2015
Your eyes shine intensely
So intense
The midday sun seems so dark
They possess
This intense luminescence
They tease me like a planet
That longs to be explored
I would telescope them
As an astronomer admires the night sky
Peering into them
Looking to traverse through your mind
Get lost within
Reveling in the beauty that is such
Stumble across the kind magnificence
That is your gentle soul
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