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Viola Sep 2015
Eyes as blue as the ocean
And hair as sandy blonde as the sand
Your heart as big as the moon
And love as vast as the midnight sky
Viola Sep 2015
I would like to say
you make me weak in the knees
but frankly
you make me forget I have knees at all
My ribs are rattling
heart is pumping
I feel alive with you
Viola Sep 2015
The butterflies you gave me
are now all dead
You killed me from the inside out
My body is festering
with centipedes
and spiders
It is a living hell
Viola Sep 2015
You like girls
with long blonde hair
and blue eyes
you wanted a curvy girl
with straight teeth and a perfect complexion
but you fell in love with me
and you wonder why
I was so confused
Viola Sep 2015
I was black
and you were blue
you touched me and suddenly
I was the midnight sky
and you decided
twilight wasn't for you
Viola Sep 2015
The months of August
Give me warm feelings
Sweaters, falling leaves
The trees are slowly losing their color
Pumpkins, glowing bright in the night
And young children playing in the streets
Fall is beautiful
Viola Sep 2015
I am a walking hypocrisy
I tell people to love themselves for who they are
And I can't even accept myself
I tell people to always try their best and never give any less
But I constantly dodge tasks and priorities
As though they were a disease
Viola Sep 2015
Deep, brown and enticing
your eyes excite me
I find my brain fuzzy
with the thought of your arms around me
god it scares me
Viola Sep 2015
I feel pity
to those who think
that they deserve
any less
than the universe
Viola Sep 2015
I long for you biting on my collarbones
And I want to know how your love for me shows
And I want to know
How far you would go
To prove it
Viola Sep 2015
Everyone looks at the moon in awe
because of its beauty
but in that moment
when everyone is engulfed in the sky
I'm looking at you
and you are so beautiful

— The End —