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owls at dawn Jan 4
she projected so accurately her heart's desire onto him
endlessly entranced by the perfection he represented

she wonders, now
shaken well and free of her glamour
what might he actually have been like
owls at dawn Feb 24
my roots shoot down into the emerald crust of gaia
I hold the strings of our story in my hands up high  
a dizzying expanse of kites tumbling wildly in the golden chaos
     the lives and possibilities of us, in technicolor geometries

your existence is woven into the web of my soul
let's dance along with carefree love
just a girl and a guy
and their super powers
owls at dawn Feb 5
come, fantastic creatures
guide me through earth night
brothers, sisters, teachers,
remind me of soul's light

I see your expansive spans and shades
silver, magenta, midnight, puce
as large as moons in the void
or small as molecules, too tiny to deduce

I listen closely
and let my third eye roar-m
to catch glimpses of your flight
and mythical extra dimensional form

majestic wisdom bearers
join my body expansion
we'll envelope the world
with comical compassion
owls at dawn Feb 9
the distance is electric
his sweet brown eyes promising
comfort seduction ecstasy
I can feel his openness like a torrent of ocean wind

the soft lilt of his voice
lounges nakedly across my pillows
his desire is pressed tight to his chest
but I can feel it
the subtle playful turn of moon kissed lips

I hear his mind spinning like a top
possibilities and fears a swirling picture show
but there's no need to fret
my heart is a balanced and nurturing ecosystem

his shyness is innocent
...not long now
owls at dawn Feb 24
I am a peach, juicy and pink
dripping down his chin

I am succulent lamb
tender flesh falling to pieces between his teeth

I am a strap of leather
taking his pain, with pleasure

I am a tapas
teasing his taste buds
one morsel at a time
owls at dawn Feb 5
blame is a drug
a medication against pain
sometimes hiding weakness
sometimes masking hidden strength
the memory must extend back farther
to understand the circumstances of your life
the choices made by your soul
blame is a short term distraction
when contending with the infinite
They will blame you.
You will blame them.
For a little while.
Have a new adventure.
Don't worry about them.
They don't need you to.
owls at dawn Jan 5
my poems are just bookmarks
a few words here or there
to mark the passing of a thought
RIP thought
this poem was your gravestone
owls at dawn Feb 1
feel the subtle movement of divine chaos inside
gentle, unpredictable, healing
in the protection of source love
release what no longer serves you
expand and
accept the gifts from spirit
your heart's calling
thank you spirit
owls at dawn Feb 25
he plays all the cards right
I am taut, straining to see his hand
I need an edge
starry eyed mythical creature
owls at dawn Jan 17
I saw the perfect **** today
but I wasn't looking at butts, per se!
I raised my head from the work I was engaged
and there it was
in my face, as though staged

it was shaped like my heart
(which stopped a few seconds)
where upon I looked quickly away
before my feet they were beckoned

my mind and spirit were brightened
a few lumens
as I moved on, thinking, how beautiful
are humans
#lumens #haha
owls at dawn Jan 20
he had Batman socks and multicolored bracelets
he said time didn’t exist and people are fragile
he gave out pink flowers and talked about pink flamingos
we shared a sandwich and hugged
we said nice to meet you and shook hands
he was warm and kind and peaceful
his talking topics were like stones skipped across a heavy pond
I was a dragonfly investigating ripples
he was silent for long intervals, head bobbing up and down, as he pondered things I said
he made a metal dinosaur skeleton bracelet do a little dance

I fell in love with him right away
owls at dawn Feb 5
don't try to say too much
clarity breeds disappointment
owls at dawn Feb 7
a bee sting can act like a homeopathic remedy
correcting imbalance
so, too, can a car crash
it can knock the past energetically out of your orbit
free up astral space for new connections

what's that old adage about hardship
maybe good, maybe bad
too soon to tell...

but then the new car comes along
you fall in love
this one has a heated steering wheel and
automatic start
it's the exact color you wanted
the perfect color
not like the old car
you never had a say in that

when driving now
in your smooth new car
that you would never have
if it hadn't been for the crash
you know for sure
definitely good
owls at dawn Feb 2
I like a good tease
the suspense is infiltrating
building an amusement park of expectation
despite all efforts to release expectation
the heart beats a little different
like a freshly tightened drum
a bright timber echoing

I have no hopes or dreams
just a simple enthusiasm
for new love
owls at dawn Jan 17
we get ***** in life
energy *****
take an energy shower
under an energy waterfall
scrub good
inside and out
don't be
an energy dirt bag
#pigpen #haha
owls at dawn Jan 9
I couldn't be what she wanted
she never forgave me
I forgive myself though
she didn't need me
she needed her
if you can't forgive
you can at least
owls at dawn Jan 24
my thighs are milkshake vortices
such a strange and delicious image
a ridiculous ecstasy
owls at dawn Jan 4
the man in me
forgives the man in you

the girl
still struggles
owls at dawn Feb 13
he sandbagged
and lied

he never loved
or cared
or told the truth
or tried
owls at dawn Feb 18
how many times do I have to apologize? he asked
well, she said
you could try once
owls at dawn Jan 19
energy from the milky way central galaxy comes spiraling down into
my head, swirls around a bit, feeling right at home, barrels into
my throat, busting that dark tunnel open without care, and
shoots straight into my heart. it somersaults in a void of
infinite love for a short while, before smashing
into the column of my lower body, sending
tendrils of light off into more tunnels
and caves, some dark, some light
trying any way possible to
squeeze through the
traumas and pains
and fears, like
of stone
in a
it slips

at last
it enters the earth through my feet
continuing its journey through the underground
network of soils, organisms, rivers, fires and stone, until it
swoons lovingly into the crystalline heart of Gaia, distant lover of stars

oh man, it says, what a trip!
owls at dawn Dec 2024
there was a beautiful woman who loved him once
but he could not look her in the eye

after a long time staring at the ground
he got up the nerve to say

owls at dawn Feb 28
endorphins + being in love

I never been so high
owls at dawn Feb 28
his hands are a weighted blanket
emanating comfort and love
his hands are a vice
holding my body as my spirit ferociously erupts
his hands are a feather
tickling me to senseless fixation

his hands release me
from fear, pain, the past
owls at dawn Jan 6
one billion years from now
we will still be right in the
of infinity

I think about this when someone talks about how special we are
owls at dawn Feb 15
my fingers will trace invisible paths
over the landscape of his desire
as I step in his every trap
and hang
suspended by intention
wrists tightened by surrender
inspect your prize
release her bound fantasy
who will be predator
who will be prey
who will tap the drum of ecstasy
in this dance of tantric light
owls at dawn Feb 16
you inspire me to be drunk
you inspire me to be sober
you inspire me

thank you
owls at dawn Jan 22
move me, kindred spirit
to be inspired once again
by quick birds and perfect flowers
by glimmers of light sparkling in a sunset
by the regenerating hearts of night crawlers making beds of earthen waves

let us appreciate, together
the simple joy of
breathing simultaneously
owls at dawn Jan 23
21 spirits held me down
their hopes, their love
my past in the ground
I held them in light
they gave me clear sight
now with them
I am no longer bound
owls at dawn Jan 16
the panther met my gaze with large yellow orbs
he entreated me follow him into the dark forest
we came upon a crackling fire
as I watched the sparks snapping up into the night
he transformed into a man
a love in my heart from lifetimes ago
we danced around the fire traveling deeper into the below, until owl came
and bade me join her in the sky
she brought me to the desert where pyramids towered in the hot dry sun
go below, she said, into the ground
there you will be reborn

silence followed

I traveled back then
to the stream where I started
and rejoined the middle world
owls at dawn Feb 15
do you not feel your death?
do you not feel your immortal persistence?

you cannot escape the scales of justice
held in your own soul's hand
owls at dawn Feb 16
I wonder how he is now
that handsome troubled genius kid
who knew about bicameral dolphin brains

the world is full
of fantastically amazing people
just love
owls at dawn Jan 24
it's easy for the weak to romanticize power
overlooking the great burden that is responsibility
after releasing the burden, one may float away
owls at dawn Jan 1
the enormous snake moved slowly and steadily across the landscape
metallic and smooth, a silver train
holding possibilities like passengers
unconcerned with it's destination
it had no beginning or end, like most mythical snakes
all is well, was the message to my mind
you are on track
owls at dawn Feb 15
she wanted so badly to forgive him
to love him
but he was the hardest lesson she could not learn
some people are capable of great violence
they cling to fear and pain
because it's all they recognize
so while your heart loves on repeat
you must learn to turn away
leave them to their cycles of darkness
let them off the hook
from the beauty you see inside
accept the ugliness they choose
take one long last look at invisible wings
then turn away
it will be a great mercy
to you both
owls at dawn Feb 26
I awoke this morning, love drunk
pulled like taffy from a dream where we were submerged
in union
your face is fresh in my mind
my body saturated with divine grace
I am grateful for me, for you, for existence

I wish I could spend the day in this altered state
with you
but the euphoria settles
the blood circulates reality back through my veins

I arise, a separate being
engaging the illusion of time and space once more
yep, I’m off to work
owls at dawn Mar 1
I’m hopelessly swept up in you
I try to keep my post
but I can’t find it
everywhere I look is your face
everything I feel is you

it’s ok, they tell me
all you are is as it should be
your post has changed
we never walk d i r e c t l y
with absolute knowledge
into our new selves
our new lives

you’ve just taken a great big blind leap
into a very bright light
you can’t even imagine
who you will be
once your eyes adjust

so take a break from your becoming
and just be what you are right now…

love struck
owls at dawn Jan 17
it's a never ending revelation
the secret to my happiness,
taking responsibility for myself

my self, my energy, my needs, my healing
my past, my future, my now... all my nows

process my pain and fear
over and over
and over again
till it's dusty feathers and I fly away

fly to a happy perch
become a new chick, a wise old bird
wild thing, ascetic
music maker, see-er, feel-er
bit by bit
I'm becoming
with him I discovered I had fantasies
with you, darling, I experience them
owls at dawn Feb 24
dear universe,
please bring me a man who is smart, funny, kind, passionate, ****, romantic, wise, independent, and devoted
also thoughtful, creative, talented, open minded, grounded, active , forgiving, empathetic, and fun
must like dogs
thank you.

9 Month turn around time. Not bad. Like making a baby.  :)
owls at dawn Feb 18
I recently dreamt of my soul mate
     not one of those lovers, brothers, friends
     who follow one through the ages wrapped in karmic bonds
no, I dreamt my soul's true mate
it was a memory
he was a merman, strong and beautiful
I caught only a glimpse of him
before I was swept away into this life
he tried to follow me
we reached for each other
as the dimensions tangled into strange new realities,
our bond became distant and invisible
my awareness slipped gently away...

but I wonder
did he follow?
has he found me?
is this why I'm thinking of him now
as I gaze into your familiar eyes
owls at dawn Jan 22
new ways to be
new ways to see
new thoughts to think
new love to drink
owls at dawn Feb 24
my new car is teaching me to be a better driver
it tells me when to speed up
or slow down
it tells me when to stay in line
or get off
it keeps me safe and
always gets me there
whether I take the scenic route
or want to get there as fast as possible

my new car keeps me safe
and always makes me wear my seat belt

I think my car is my new fantasy man
owls at dawn Feb 25
we went to the cryptozoology museum
which was filled with oddities and people staring
at the oddities
and demonizing the oddities
and reading about other people demonizing
the oddities
poor secretive creatures
just trying to live their best hidden lives
it made me sad but

if I'm honest
                   I have
         an oddity
                           of my own
  I stare
owls at dawn Feb 8
he rounded the liar's bend
falling into pointless cruelty
it made him feel special
     hey- how much cruelty did it take to make you feel special?!?
for years he went on
kicking puppies in the dark
spitting on women while they slept
spouting senseless accusations at hapless bystanders

until one day
he found a willing **** to return the abuse
he so knew he deserved
     it was love at first curse wasn't it?!?
off he went with her
henpecked and bruised
still kicking and screaming
into the sweet misery he sought

he was never heard from again
though a mound in his missus garden would suggest
she had the last word
owls at dawn Dec 2024
the only wishes that come true
are those ladled from the heart of God
owls at dawn Feb 6
gentle brown eyes
kind peaceful smile
slender angular strong
deep pitched hello
easy-natured laugh
thick wild hair
stories stories stories
sharing histories
sharing selves
spirit tapping at our doors
love tapping at our doors
friendship tapping at our doors

angels hold their breath
on the verge of
our first kiss
owls at dawn Feb 18
the stars whispered to me about you
they sent me magnificent geometries to share
with my lips against your skin
our light ripples out across galaxies and timelines
where we loved well
many times before
they tell me this, but I don't remember
I just reach blindly into the shrouded mystery
of my future, expecting to find your hand
and it is there
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