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I keep my life in boxes, neatly labeled and arranged
Here's the box I have for you, no surprise, it's named deranged
Chewing words, this one's sweet, look a sentence, more to eat

Crunching nouns, I love the sounds

Grinding pronouns into grounds

My favorite words are adjectives, like herbs they're flavor additives

Conjunctions help to bind the meal

Verbs now helping chew with zeal

Not sure I can articulate how much I love what I just ate!
inspired by
Lidi Minuet
and her poem

I found an egg of crystal
it had a little crack
though beautiful as opals
integrity it lacked

I asked the Lord to help me
"whatever should I do?"
He told me to go and plant it
when the day was new

and so I looked for soil
but no soft could be found
so I planted my wee egg
in hard, forbidding

I watered it with tears
for others suffering lack
and after a little while
the ground
began to

a tentative green sprout
pushed up its tender head
it grew up from the rocky ground
I had thought so dead!

I continued watering
I knew naught else to do
and a tulip flower appeared
the lightest
eggshell blue!

I watered then in earnest!
I wanted for to see
that flower strong and healthy
and what it'd bloom to be!

slowly the petals opened
and lo! there fast emerged
a'singing and a'fluttering
a little crystal bird!

out of the light blue flower
the creature dipped and soared
it was then I realized
my hope had been restored!

flying 'round my head
its feathers sent off light
as brilliant as a diamond
shattering the night

it was only then I realized
as the darkness fell apart
the soil was life's hardships
and the
had been my


(C) 12/17/2015
I know every trouble i experience
now is nothing compared
to the joy of God.

I must remember that
J esus
O thers
    Y ourself

In just that order.

repost this piece if you will
I'm proud of it
it has a great message l think
people should read!

I know that we're done, you said that we're through
There's just one little thing that I need to do

When we're all alone, and the moment's just right
Then I'll make double sure that there's no one in sight

I'll look to the left, and I'll look to the right
Before I reach out, to pull you in tight

I'll carress your face, with a hand on each side
Waiting to kiss you, my time I will bide

Remember this moment as the last we will share
As my fingers, they run through your silky brown hair

I'll cover your lips, with my lips, oh so tender
Once again to your heart, I sweetly surrender
The above 20 lines are in invisible ink
It took me all day, tell me, what do you think?
When I was eight
At the park

Playing football
Getting dark

Older kids
Stole our ball

I can't stand bullies
Not at all

Then out of the blue
Three more kids appear

Did I mention they're black
So now I felt fear

But to my surprise, they said
Give the ball back!

What's going on?
I thought they were black

This confused my young mind
From all I was told

Stay away from the blacks
Or you'll never grow old

That one little act
Fifty years ago now

Changed the way I see color
Changed my vision and how

Today I was out
With my eight year old son

God, how I love him
We're having such fun

Then I see someone starring
No, it's more like a glare

I can't be that ugly
It must be my hair

Then an old thought creeps in
From way, way, way, back

She's glaring at us cause
I'm white, and he's black

So my prayer for this world
And I hope you don't mind

Is the day we can say
We're all color blind!

All true!
Trapped in a body
I don't recognize

The clothes that I'm wearing
Are not my size

I'm thinner than this
I know I am

What the mirror reflects
is just a scam

The food I consume
Doesn't all come out

Some turns to fat
And just layers about

It does keep me warm
On a cold winters night

No need for a belt
Now my pants are so tight

The solution is clear
I need exercise

Choose the small plates I know
Not the super size

It's the commitment and work
That I truly dread

To hell with it all
I'll be thin when I'm dead
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