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What would you call a normal person today,
Those who go do the same routines, at certain times, they
Always have as an excuse, never trying to convince themselves,
They can do more, no confidence, fear of failure, limitations, in the mind,
The human mind, can only think one way, negative, or positive,
At one time. How  you think, what you take in the most,
Retain and repeat, reflects into everything, you do,
Watch, notice the signs.
A lazy, undisciplined mind, will lead to the worst,
Including self-pity, over time.
If you have a positive attitude, and the will to look,
Relate to the good, in all of your experiences, do it,  be proud of,
Recognize, the smallest, success stories, in your daily, finds.

                                     The Original: Tom Maxwell ©  02/06/2024 AD
It’s easy in this life, to live not knowing who you are,
Most people are known, and introduced by,
Where they work, what their worth, live, and what kind of car,
No company, believes your name, you’re an e-mail, pass word,
Always programming, your mind along the way, it often, takes,
Longer for them to decide, if you are you, than to ask, a simple,
Non – security question, why you called that day.
There is no end to changing the human being forever,
After you slowly take over their mind, keeping them, from,
The peaceful quiet of nature, alone, to know their soul,
Who you really are, why you are here, during this short stay.
Now they have adults, playing like children, giving them,
Their fake, friend, AI, to many it will become their best,
They will name it, talk to it like A pet, even good night,
When they go to bed, without any accidents on the floor,
The only mess it creates, is inside your head, so much control,
You will always, take your fake friend everywhere, even to,
The bathroom with you.
Now they know if you are going #1 or #2
That’s not all that is going into waste, they are slowly,
Removing, the morals, and values, faith, spiritual beliefs, in you,
Your fake friend, will be your brain control center,
The end, of you.
                                                            ­                                                        The Original: Tom Maxwell © 02/28/24 AD
Watching the frozen water vapor,
Ice crystals, falling from the clouds,
Towards, the cold hard ground,
With a strong wind, blowing, in every direction,
Spinning them in circles, all around.
One of nature’s most beautiful sights,
As they arrive for their landing, so gently,
Never making a sound.
When the sun shines down, on everything,
Covered in white, it brings a hypnotizing, trance,
With it, in the air, everyone always stops,
Their day, taking a few minutes and stares.
A snowfall, slows the pace of life, for everyone,
To experience, enjoy, and see, as it covers, all
Generations, reminding us,
The most beautiful, wonderful feelings, in this life,
Come naturally, simple and free.

The original: Tom Maxwell © 02/17/2024 A.D.
Thinking too much, New ideas, interesting signs,
Sorting through the rules, ideas, of false prophets,
Who deem we should, all walk the same line.
One reason, so much mental craziness,
We are here, to discover our soul, help it grow,
Eternity, the ultimate find.
A challenging experience, in this life of materialism,
This journey, we carry our soul through, compared to eternity,
Each of us are only here, about one second, in time.
Believing and patience, time to think, plan, make decisions, now,
As we look for future signs.
The longer you are permitted to stay, you will see more souls,
Travel away, you meet fewer as you age, only remembering,
Very few, not because of their material things, or their wages,
They shared their time, knowledge, and skills,
Their soul touched yours, on this life’s stage.

                                      The original: Tom maxwell © 1/7/2023 AD
The longer you are permitted to stay, in this life, today,
Your thoughts change about people, and experience’s,
That crossed your trail, along the way.
Everyone, teaches, and learns from each other, in many ways,
A gentleman, came up to me, thanking me, a talk we had in the past,
He said he was down, on himself, and life, at that time, he said,
That he started exploring, some of my knowledge, I shared,
And his life, turned from bad to good at last.
I never remembered him, he was a stranger to me then,
And a stranger to me now.
I would have never known I helped this man, if he would,
Have not stopped me, and explained his life story,
In a few minutes, of this short life time.
Most everyone, knows others, they want to tell them,
They appreciate them, they just keep the thought,
In their mind.
At funerals, people cry and pray, because they know,
It’s to late, to tell the person, thanks,
You inspired me, during this life time.

                                          The Original: Tom Maxwell ©9/9/2023 AD
I'm honest with everyone I meet, some may not like what I tell them,
honesty is worth it, if your thoughts kept someone standing tall on their feet.
If anyone ever see’s that girl,
Tell her, I am doing fine,
It’s been forever since I saw her,
Feel like, I’ve been doing time,
She will always remember me,
The guy playing music, in the garage,
With the bright lights, and signs,
We touched each other’s heart,
It happened in such a short time,
There are no bad feelings,
I remember, those days, as special times,
If she ever needs a friend, my arms are open,
No late fees, or fines.
It was crazy the day we met,
She is half my age,
We shared a lot of fun nights,
I remember them, like yesterday,
She knows, if she is ever lost,
I would talk to her, any night or day,
She never gave a reason, to keep her true emotions in,
She just turned and walked away,
I hope sometime, I’ll see her again,
She will always be,
One of my favorite memories, that will always stay.
Song Lyrics by: The Original: Tom Maxwell ©12/14/2023 AD
The timing was perfect we both needed a friend...
Some of the memorable thoughts, and comments,
From The Holiday Season – What are they talking about ?
That is the biggest one I have ever seen
How long do I beat it before it is ready
Stop playing with your meat
You will know when it is ready, when it pops up
It is ready, it is ready
Just spread the legs open, and stuff it in
Stop licking your fingers
How long will it take, after you stick it in
Can you handle all these people, at one time
I did not expect everyone to come at the same time
It is a little dry, do you still want to eat it
Tying the legs together, will keep it moist inside
You still have a little bit on your chin and lips
Just wait till it is your turn, you will get some
I am in the mood for a little dark meat
Talk about some huge breast
Get a taste then pass it on
That is one terrific spread
If I do not undo my pants, I will bust them open
Are you ready for seconds
It is cool whip time
The Original: Tom Maxwell©11/16/2022 AD
Not actually a poem, just wanted to share, a little Holiday Humor!
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