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White moon far above
You’re so beautiful
can’t get enough!
Shine on me
Enhance my colors
with your love!!

Shell ✨🐚
Nostalgic body wishing for a cold spring
Lonely nights with horror cinema and unprovided love
Chocolate and endless food for the dawn
Dreams and daydreams were real and alive
They weren’t covered in shades and dark
I wish I could feel hope and love
I wish I could find a good movie that I cannot forgot
A good album that abide me by and a time for me to feel alive
Poetry isn’t poetry anymore
When it’s losing its meaning
It’s losing its meaning
Fingers tracing my scars
Like celestial bodies in the sky
Every wound hides its story deep
Like eons etched in stone
An archaeological dig
As time deforms the tissue
Beneath, forgotten bones
Roads lead back into the past
A one-way ticket carrying you far away from home
Life leaves its mark
Though I heed its reverence each day
The world spins on
Our silent unspoken truth
Destined to be the scars
Just another rest stop along an eternal route
simplicity and humbleness
real beauty comes through.
It shines.

Shell ✨🐚
Is this it ? Is this (to be) the One ?
....No! It won't work, it never does... they never do
It works for others yes!
But no! not for me
Have seen too many false dawns now
I won't fool myself again with thoughts of...
Thoughts of El Dorado land.

Just because I've found a new way
And it'll feel good for a little while
But then it'll go just like they always go
Those nice feelings that come
They lie to me, they laugh at me
Make a fool of me every time
Like a mirage
Dancing tantalisingly in the distance
Only to disappear once you grow near
I know their not going to last, not going to stay
They'll not take me... not take me to El Dorado land.

But still, maybe... maybe I'll celebrate all the same
Just for the hell of it
Make believe that this was surely IT this time
Yea! I'll get a little drunk and pretend, pretend I've found it at last
What I've always been looking for,
All those years of looking and never finding
Feeding on scraps, vague intuitions, funny dreams and feelings...
Even though I know it's not gonna work
Knowing that behind it all it was always bound to fail
That I'll always be outside those gates looking in
Knowing I'm not invited.


They talked of a land that was wondrous, marvellous!
Not something out there but something here within
Of a strength that was golden, that was yours and yours alone
That could never be stolen
A great treasure that lay inside... that lay within
I read their books, I studied their maps
And then I set out, I set out for El Dorado land.

I followed them as best I could
I tried, I tried but seemed to lose every time
I know - I know I did it wrong
I always do it wrong
Wrong is where I live I think
Wrong is where I come from
Probably Wrong is where I belong.

I'm old now
I watched and waited too long
And nothing much really happened
And no one came.

To have lived and never to have seen, never to have known
El Dorado land.
The Eternal Seeker who in the end never finds what he's looking for. A nice slice of Melancholy LoL Always been a bit of a Seeker, new philosophies and therapies, so many different ways. Trying to heal old wounds and become whole again. The search goes on.
Raised mid fire and brimstone
Religion every day.
It wasn’t oh-so-very long
Before I walked away.

With my back turned so completely
I soon had lost my way.
I squandered all my treasures
My foundation turned to clay.

It seemed like fun for many years
But there were dues to pay.
Too many lovers came and went
While I forgot to pray.

I had a chance to make things right
And wicked dragons slay.
I only managed for a while
Then things began to fray.

I traded for a different one
Who wanted just to play
And lived the last years of my life
In many shades of gray.

I could have chosen uphill roads
I picked the easy way.
I worked so hard to hurt myself
And every trust betray.

I find myself in sunset years
Beneath the sun’s last Rays.
My life did not fulfill my dreams
And I must face that fact today.
Introspection is not a sport for amateurs.


lets go "green"

To—Day !

say you are working at a
fast-food joint or bending
sheet metal at a fab shop–

clock out now

and walk to your house
leave the car
you will no longer need it

throw your smart phone
into the next convenient
waste receptacle appropriate
for disposal of this class
of refuse

there will not likely be
any cell service
within the realms
of fine greenery
without the grid

speaking of which

when you get home
go to the breaker box
and find that large
100 (or 200) amp switch–

flip it to the "off" position

now listen for man-made noises
coming from outside your house

if you hear any, go to the
nearest source of it

(probably your neighbor)

tell him
—for the good of the earth—
that he should do as you
had just performed some
moments earlier

if he tells you
to go !@$&!

you could tear
into him as you embark
upon your new mission
in life—


just return to your home so
you can re-appreciate
your commitments

you may as well flip
that breaker switch back on
and call in with some kind
of an excuse for cutting out
of work so unexpectedly—

that is–
if you are able to
find your phone

Bright little star  above
Stay with me forever
While I’m looking at you
in the night
I know someone is looking too.

Shell ✨🐚
We are all connected with each other on this earth. In some way.
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