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now that the world
may have a chance
to breathe in deeply
and exhale four years
of  incompetent U.S. government
we hope our wonderful world
      in spite of its assorted dictators
may have a better chance
of starting to renew itself

it is about time!
newchances hope
With time comes change
With that change comes old age
Seeing is remembering
Remembering is feeling

Seeing the sands of time
In these tiny hands of mine
A thousand thoughts pressing upon my mind
Emotions: hearing, seeing, feeling, all these so intertwined

Time doth so swiftly fly
Another day gone, oh how I sigh
Sometimes I wish time would stand still
So I have a chance to smell the daffodils

Yet time does not stop for you nor I
Change often occurs in front of our eyes
Ever since my infancy this I have been told
It will happen to everyone, both young and old

The sands of time will always flow
These grey hairs to all most definitely show
That even when we wish that time would freeze
The flow of sand within a sand dial will never cease

To the flow of time, we will always be a slave
Even as hard as we rant and rave
Time never can be stopped
Our choices in life can never be swapped

Tomorrow will always appear on the horizon
The sunset of our lives will cause us some apprehension
Our life here on Earth will come to an end
A new life to begin, as our spirits, towards heaven will ascend.

Written by:
Jason Cheney
March 14, 2021
I nestle into my favorite spot
Upon my Father's knee
To listen to Him
A lesson and story He recites to me

I love to gaze into His eyes
He speaks with such love and reverence you see
My focus is upon His face
I listen so very attentively

His voice so mellow I begin to weep
I lay my head there upon His chest
He lovingly wraps His arms around me
He is my hero, yes, my best friend you see

That day a memory I did make
Though off on a new adventure I did partake
But my heart longs to hear His voice
I yearn to look upon His face

So through the veil I do eagerly peek
For those memories that I do solemnly seek
I look for Him where I did depart
He is waiting for me there with His arms wide apart

My God, my Father, whom I entreat
Hold me tight, like before
So I might feel loved once more
This is my most earnest prayer

I know that though we are far apart
My loving Father has heard me up there
For I feel His hands lift me up
As He once more sets me upon His knee

I nestle into my favorite spot
And lay my head once again upon His chest
My Eternal Father gently soothes my fears
My son, thou art loved by me, this thou hast always known

Yes Father, this I know
Today I just needed an embrace and hear thy voice
I've missed thy presence this thou must see
And being held here upon Thy knee

Written by:
Jason Cheney
September 28, 2021
I write by the light of my phone
Because my heart is unusually full
I oftentimes write when I feel that mighty pull
With my deepest thoughts, they and I are all alone

The words distill upon my mind
I cannot stop myself from writing
The words, they just keep on coming
This Godly talent so simple and kind

I find joy and peace in my poems
When feeling blue, they lift me up
While pondering their words, I naturally look up
For God is speaking just to me, it seems

It's then that I realize I am not alone
So I continue to write
Each new memory or thought I do contemplate
My true feelings are soon set in stone

I've never had such a friend
Me, myself must I earnestly show
That through my poems will my love for God continually grow
Unto Him my truest feelings do ascend

He inspires me to greater heights
So my poems soon speak of Him
My love for my God and for my Savior will never dim
I find the words wherein my soul delights

I share them with Him, with you, but oftentimes just for me
To remind myself that there is beauty all around
I listen for these whisperings that within me do abound
For I know I've heard them before, while sitting there upon my Heavenly Father's knee

Written by:
Jason Cheney
September 26 2021
Within the woods
a cluster of silver birch
stand proud among the pines and hazel and elms.
Below the gaze of the silver bark eyes
half hidden beneath the mulch and loam of ground
a toppled circle of stone can be found
to a kean eye
faded traces of blackened soil
painted by the death of a flame
It holds memories, if you listen,
of promises and dreams intimately whispered about the fire
when everything and the world died except you and I.
I used to work in a factory once with a lot of girls
One day the girls they were talking about this guy who apparently used to **** sheep
They called him a Sheepshagger
Of course being young at the time and coming from a rather sheltered background I suppose
I'd never heard of such a thing, and was well... amazed!!!
Hell I thought, you could really get an education listening to these girls
(I'm in with a fast crowd here)
I didn't know you could **** a sheep,
Just goes to show if you don't know about something you probably won't indulge in it.
Anyway, the girls went on "Typical men, disgusting, a bunch of animals, they'd jump on anything, no better than dogs"
The funny thing was, the way my mind works or turns things around
I couldn't help thinking
'But isn't it a poor reflection on the women of this town
That a guy would rather go out with a sheep
Than go out with one of you guys'
And then I thought, imagine your girlfriend bringing you down to a field
And you're standing there at the gate the two of you
And then she gives you the Big... the Big Ultimatum
"Choose!!! It's Me or the Sheep!
And you look at her with all that intensity and drama on her face
And then you look over the gate at the sheep grazing peacefully and idyllically in the meadow
You look at her and then back at the sheep
The answer to her question in the balance,
Suddenly a ray of sunlight comes down through the heavens
Illuminating one particular sheep
You watch in awe and think... it's... it's the Golden Fleece
You turn to your girl and say
"I got to be true to myself, to my Nature's promptings
Darling! I'll always love you
But those sheep their just irresistible"
And with that you hop over the fence and start running after your favourite sheep
A picture of unbridled Joy and Happiness as you pursue your dream love.....

Y'know, just in passing, there's some very **** looking trees close to where I live
But you gotta be careful, yea! you don't wanna catch the old, the old dry rot.
Well, you gotta put it some place LoL. I think this is about innocence and not knowing things and suddenly learning something strange. I think the girls that day were trying to needle me, I had a riposte 'that it was a poor reflection on the women of the town' but I was too shy & nervous to engage with them. Then afterwards I was thinking that'd make a good comedy sketch, the guy with his girlfriend down the field. You put them all together and you get this poem.
When day turns into golden haze
And the  sun floats  on orange waters
Crystal ball is going out
Inviting moon’s light to take over
Birds sitting quietly
watching , waiting
nights beautiful sky spectacle.

Shell ✨🐚
 Oct 2021 vienna bombardieri
The slide has a 60 pound weight limit.
The slide has a 60 pound weight limit and
It smells like freshly mown grass and a
Soaked one piece Ariel swimsuit—the pink ruffles that
To a toddler’s stomach rolls as she squeaks and squelches down the plastic
Into the dark blue Made in China kiddie pool
That has creatures from all levels of the ocean together
And she doesn’t care.
The slide has a 60 pound weight limit and
Has visible handprints on the sides from
The toddler holding on for dear life before
She gathers the courage to balance on top on her own.
The slide has a 60 pound weight limit and
Sits in that yard for almost a decade at the end
Of the sickly green swing set that lifts up out of the ground
Whenever the toddler pumps too hard,
And is a end destination for the intense races across the apparatus
That occur every Sunday noon amongst the Sunday School kids without fail.
The slide has a 60 pound weight limit and
Under it is one of the best places for hide-and-seek in the winter,
When it is almost buried under the glistening snow
And the toddler can’t feel her legs anymore but she doesn’t care because
She can’t be found.
At that age she has no limits, no mental restraints that
Cut her dreams off before they bear fruit.
The slide has a 60 pound weight limit,
And of the world beyond it she is only a
Prisoner of fierce fascination.
Tanhayi say rishtay purana hai hamara
Meray buray waqt may bhi yehi banti hai mera sahara
Kabhi mujhay dhokha nahi deti
Hamesha saath nibhati hai
Meray har dard ko samajhti hai
Din ki shuruwaat uus say hoti hai
Raatko uski aagosh may khudko saup deta hoon
Hamara ishq ab apni bulandi par hai
Bohot jald hamara nikah hoga
(Hindi and Urdu)

English Translation

My relationship with loneliness goes a long way back
It's my only support during my times of distress
It never betrays me
Always faithfully supports and maintains our relationship
It understands every bit of pain that I feel
My day begins with her
And at night I surrender and submit myself to her embrace
Our love is now at its peak
Very soon we'll get married
That first night sky in the high desert
was fully unexpected, with no moon yet
the lighted canopy of brilliant heavenly
sparkling bodies appeared so dense and
near that at first view I felt perhaps I must
duck down so as to not bump my head
into a star or two.

City and town skies are muted by city lights,
only a few stars visible even on a clear night.
High Desert skies are so densely packed it
takes your breath away, you can sit for hours
with your mouth agape in contemplative
wonderment, mesmerized by the sheer vast
splendor of the heavens dense blanket of
shimmering lights out into infinity and beyond.
No telescope required.
To say those lighted heavens made me
feel very small is an understatement.
Oregon's Southeastern Steens Mountain
High Desert, 5000 feet above sea level is
one of the most remote and year-round
darkest skies in North America. 65 miles
from even the nearest small country town.
Hundreds of miles from any city lights.
Great for star gazing! That first view is
indelibly etched upon my vision's memory
all these many years later, and every year
since I try to return. The place pulls me back
like a magnet.
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