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  Aug 2020 Spriha Kant
your voice is slowly fading
your words too far
to remember clearly
but the discussion between
your fingertips
and my skin,
still blazes wildly
keeping me up at night
like a moth to a flame.
- for my love for you.
  Aug 2020 Spriha Kant
Seranaea Jones
the moon is your element,
underneath it you alight
with its pure lunar dew

all senses become the air and
the water as your heartbeat
sends ripples into me

i can feel that and more as fingertips
trace my reaction to it gently
upon your bare skin back

but it seems beyond my capacity to
channel the energy and lift from you
the heaviness of your thoughts

so we sit still as i let you
bathe quietly within
your element

if you happen to glance and
catch me gazing upward,

the stars, they are
                               all mine...

"As stars eclipse the Moon"
© 2008 by Seranaea Jones
all rights reserved
for Katt...
  Aug 2020 Spriha Kant
Kafka Joint
The oceanic waves exploded,
One after another,
Dynamited by the gravity.
  Aug 2020 Spriha Kant
Kafka Joint
A curious comet approached the Earth,
And hesitated, back and forth,
Before becoming a shooting star,
From afar.
  Aug 2020 Spriha Kant
sneak in for a minute
i cracked the door
i hoped you might
come explore

i’ll show you my coin collection
and my stuffed toys
boy, i might even
let myself enjoy

the pale of the moon
against your vibrant eyes;
while you stare to the stars
i see you now; so sublime
illuminating your blush
“just like us,” you whisper,
“lost dots in time”
  Aug 2020 Spriha Kant
South City Lady
do not write to impress others
while your truths shiver beneath
the heart's surface
with memories inked in sepia tones
your fingers tracing their muted scents
as Braille while eyes kneel in meditation

instead enter your mind with reverence
wander its marbled halls barefoot
feel time's sacred parabola
steering toward winter
your fingers splayed
upon life's frozen glass

push silence open
allow the celestial light
to sink between
cracked teeth
honor your voice
feel its angelic hymn
rising as a melody above
the sylvan landscape
until your thoughts
coalesce as snowfall
blanketing earth's skin
with love
When poetry falls upon deaf ears and your words sliver from silence, write anyway. For the poet does not write for ceremony, but for the heart.
  Aug 2020 Spriha Kant
Sun rays hit an empty throne
A throne as empty as the heart of those who sat there
Mountains of pain created by those who tried to atone
A Kingdom in the middle of nowhere

Dust and sand whip through the pillars
Erasing the memories of those before
Buildings that have long been targeted by looters
He tried to help so he would be known as the savior

But now he sits upon a tower
Wondering how he failed
Looking upon the bones of those who trusted him
Every time he breathes, the stench of death is inhaled

If only he could end this torture
But this is his eternal sin to carry
He hid while they were slaughtered
Forced to watch the butchery

Now he sits in his tower
Surrounded by sand and bone
Forever known as the King of nowhere
The now Faded King sitting upon his throne
Most or all of my poems ****
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