generally gain true great knowledge from one who knows better than you & I
A higher knowledge of truth that's beyond the human scope
cannot originate from mere mortals BUT from THE IMMORTAL &OMNISCIENT ONE who knows more than any human being.
Eternal life is the life of GOD revealed through CHRIST, intent on gifting those who follow the life of truth & holiness as personified by CHRIST-THE WORD OF GOD
GOD is neither silent nor imaginary
but has spoken since the beginning of time
& keeps speaking to those who
are open to the truth
humbly aligned with HIS love
and goodness of heart
HE has revealed what's beyond any human scope
through JESUS -The LOVEofGOD that came down from Heaven
who also is the ICON & MODEL of eternal life evident through His death & resurrection, bringing forth GOD's salvation to the entire human race &the radiance of the AFTERLIFE-the greatest hope in glory for humankind
A brief insight on the afterlife, a revelation shown through CHRIST and a supreme gift of GOD for those who live by HIS word of life