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 Aug 2024 Nadine
My sun (son)
 Aug 2024 Nadine
Birthed my own happiness
Making life worth living
My day, my night, my everything

His laugh
His little hands
His sparkling eyes
His unbiased curiosity

Consumed by expectations
Worried about my imperfections
My sun, my moon, my world
I've been a mom for 8 months now and it makes me feel all types of emotions. Sometimes I'm lonely, frustrated, and sad but through it all I've been the happiest I've ever been.
 Aug 2024 Nadine
Erian Rose
Autumn mornings filtered
gentle daylight on sunbeams
across cityways
and warm-tinted sidewalks,
upbeat lofi humming
with the dove's sorrowful song,
while weaving past
the struggles days bring.
Hi everyone! I finally got down to creating that lit magazine :) The Instagram is @autumnmorn.mag
It's still a work in progress, with an official website, logo, and application/submission forms in the process, but within a few months it should be up and running!
 Aug 2024 Nadine
David Adamson
Salt Lake City, 2015*

Like a tourist in my own childhood,
I wander the neighborhood of my youth.
It’s not quite a pilgrimage, as
pilgrims know what they’re looking for.

I stand at the flagstone fountain in the park
and gaze across the street
at the red brick bungalow
where my family lived until I was 13.

Am I supposed to intone something?
Summon a spirit? Or perhaps I’m the one
who’s been summoned. Ghost of myself.

On this spot, there’s the illusion of level ground,
but here at the northwest corner of this Victorian
mountain city, the ground slopes in every direction
if you walk a few yards. North up to the Wasatch,
east up to the Wasatch, south more gently but up again,
to the Wasatch, and west sharply down to the valley floor.

Set into the hillside, the house faces west.
A boarded-up plate glass window
makes it blind in one eye.
In the summer, from that window,
we could see postcard sunsets,  
fiery light sinking into the Great Salt Lake.
In winter the gray stasis of inversion.

The old brass address plate—61—still hangs
Slightly crooked on the molding below the attic dormer.
The steep cement steps to the wide front porch
look worn by nostalgia.

My grandparents bought this house in 1938,
and sold it to my parents in 1957, so dad,
the English professor, could walk to work
at the U., a half block away.  I was 1.

Double exposure.  I can’t separate this view
From old photos and recollections.

There to the right on the parking strip,
I once hid under a giant cardboard box
when I knew my sister was walking back from campus.  
As she got close, I jumped out,
causing a satisfyingly chilling scream.  
She tried her best to be furious at me,
but we were both laughing too hard.

1946:  Dad in black and white stands
to the left of the porch’s north column in his graduation gown,
his bachelor’s degree delayed seven years
by a Mormon mission to Scotland and World War II.

1955: all my siblings and all the children
of my mother’s sisters posed on the sweeping cement stairs
for an iconic black and white portrait. Only one missing:
Me.  Not born yet.  All those cousins
Sitting on my steps before I existed.  
There must be a word in some language
for the feeling that gave me. I never could name it.

I start up the alley to the north side
to take a lap around the place.
The brick’s discolored and damaged
from a half-century’s growth of ivy,
recently stripped away, like skin where a tattoo’s been removed.
A picture I took in 1985 shows ivy completely covering the dim brick.

At night, a car turning up this alley would cast crazily
dancing lights  on the ceiling
of my pitch-dark basement bedroom,
through this little porthole-size window.
My heart  would race, knowing it meant my parents were home.

The cement walk alongside the house is crumbling
and has started to melt into the wild grass.

The next window, at the landing of the basement stairs
is where a black widow lived, encased in the space between
inner and outer panes. I used to study the red hourglass
on its abdomen, and tried to draw it.
Couldn’t get it right. Was better at artillery.

In the back, against this wall, an old radiator was standing, waiting for removal  after home improvements.
It toppled over and landed on my brother’s foot.
Crutches for weeks.  Bad luck, but maybe it inoculated
him.  He’s still never had a broken bone.

Here behind the garage, the old crabapple tree still stands,
nurturing its sour but highly flingable fruit.
At its base a hamster lies buried.

The little side yard on the south looks the same,
though the old white trellis that I used to climb
when I was so tiny it would support my weight is gone.

Back to the ***** at the front of the house.
Leaving for school in the morning I would
leap this ***** in a single bound.

The old place looks creased and sleepy.
It doesn’t remember who I am,
is starting to fade into the past.
It’s only about half here.
The rest is memory and desire.
I know this is a bit long and discursive, but I hope you'll stay with it! If you want to see a photo of the house, go to the tumblr address on my home page.
 Aug 2024 Nadine
David Adamson
I met a woman
brutal in her mercy.

Her embrace was a clinch
to prevent hard blows.
She pulled me close to push me away.
Seeing my nakedness
she leant me a dream
of chainmail and shield.
Taking love from me she gave a reprieve
to a mind resigned to the slow death of feeling.

Ignoring my words she heard
my faint silent heartbeat and
understood that it was music
too quiet for the world to hear
and turned it up louder
than I could stand.
I wept in my deafness
as she danced.
 Apr 2022 Nadine
Self Destruct
 Apr 2022 Nadine
Setting myself up for failure
Ruining anything good in my life
Hurting myself in long run
Destroying my feelings before anyone get a chance
Isolating myself from helpful hands
Thinking of ways to make myself miserable
I'm set to self destruct...
Wishing for the worst to find me
Running away from my happiness
Hiding from good opportunities
Starting this dreadful life of routines
Fearing that I won't have a future
Ending any chances of me finding love
Self destruct...
 Apr 2022 Nadine
Looking ahead to the near future
Going straight to towards my destination
Not straying behind with the past
Moving on up in world
Appreciating life as it is
Tempted to glance back
Moving forward with my life
Accepting the opportunities as they come
Meeting new faces as they approach
Finding myself facing many obstacles
Walking on the path meant for me
Surviving as time goes by
Got a promotion at work today!  
I'm so excited. :)
 Dec 2020 Nadine
Hey Dad
 Dec 2020 Nadine
I don't need you but you need me, you want me to stay but I want to leave.
I'm not your perfect "daughter", just like your not a perfect father.
I don't want your issues, you gave me all of your horrible conditions.
All the things you went through, you've put me through too.
If you want me happy, then why do you say what you say, it's nasty
 Dec 2020 Nadine
Qualyxian Quest
Both innocent and guilty
Both pure and a bit corrupt

Do you eat the bread?
Will you drink the offered cup?

Dinosaurs once roamed the Earth
Now we have the cars

Some scientists think water
Is to be found on Mars

Is chaos too a mystery
In this Chaos of ours?

The nightmare of our history
The glory story stars.
 Dec 2020 Nadine
Last Taste
 Dec 2020 Nadine

              I        wonder
              how would it
              taste        like
              if      I     pour
              your    words
              on my cofee
              because I've
              been tasting
              the bitter sugar
              you've   coated
              in    my   palate
              when          you
              embraced  me.
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