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  Jul 2018 sheila sharpe
V L Bennett
***** widow
dwelling in
your own
web-spun darkness
denying awareness of everything
what trips the threads
leading into
your own
solitude isolation
Sister spider
you bit me but
I can no more take offense than does the moth when it receives the fang's venom
It's in the spider nature

Consort of witches
cause of the dancing madness
creepy things crawling in the basement
nobody's friend...

sister spider
***** widow, arachnd
dwelling in your own
web-built cage.
  Jul 2018 sheila sharpe
Drone in a zone
It's his own private place that he owns
And you think he's got no thoughts
But he isnt awake yet
He's still not awake.
What happened?
Where did he go?
Can he not hear our flow?

Look he opened his eyes!
Maybe he will take off his hellish discuise!

"The trees are dead."
He says.
How sad
The tops of his eyes fell again.
I wonder if he was always a drone.
I guess we will never know.
Due to the fact that he's stuck in the phone zone.
  Jul 2018 sheila sharpe
Jasmine dryer
are you fine?
yes of course, don't worry

my fridge is stocked
thats a good thing right?
unless its the same food
for a week, un touched in the slightest

you wont eat
"are you anorexic, my friend?"
"yes" the words flow into me like a million blades in my blood
but i smile and say, i'll help you

you start to eat
your getting better
my best friend is getting better

my friend..."your fat"

i remember saying that to you
all those years ago
i started this

i hear the sound of gagging filling the halls
i run to you there
besides the toilet
face expressionless, eyes cold

how could you?

you lie down, and i remember that its my fault

this is all my fault , right?
i'm sorry
pretty late isn't it?
what do you mean?
i'm already dead

and with that theres a pounding in your head
there tears in your eyes
and you realize
this is all a lie

when i thought you were getting better, it was a way to cope with the fact that you had died
i lied-
to myself
to you

guilt, turns a person mad and forces them into the truth
even if they cant mange to swallow it
part of my new poetry line "guilt" post this everywhere you can on the internet , to help this problem!

*these are all realistic fiction which means there not real, but have real pressing issues
  Jul 2018 sheila sharpe
Jasmine dryer
your filthy
you reek of  individuality
how dare you be such a mess
don't worry society can fix
after all they fixed all the other kids

with there blank stares
they confom
because now they don't care

now run along to the washing machine
and clean yourself up

but i don't want to go in the machine
its an hour
of turning and turning
over agian
till your rid of all stench

years later
i miss your mess
i miss the stench
and now i'm alone
once more
now your a shiny mirror
you only mimick
you conform

conformity is the biggest diseases  we face. it can **** an individual and only leave a husk
dont conform
Here is were it all begins
Now a life time to unfold
A future lies deep within
And stories will be told.

Your road it will be rocky
You will face those stormy seas
There'll be times you will be happy
And times down on your knees.

You will find that life's a journey
You'll get lost along the way
But your not alone there's many
Who get back on track again.

So put on that suit of armour
It's a dangerous world out there
Beware of all the trappings
Their are pitfalls everywhere.  

Don't look back you have a future
And hope is what you need
Your life will be your teacher
And lessons will be learned indeed.

You will find that new horrizon
It is there behind the door
That door will surely widen
And the world it will be yours.
I think you all will agree that life is teacher and we all have
Made mistakes.some of us more than others.
  Jun 2018 sheila sharpe
When kids write their birthday lists,
They want the newest Iphone,
A certain brand of jeans,
Or the best Jordans.
Is this what growing up is,
The moment you realize those
Things don’t matter?
Because if I made a true
Birthday list now, I would want
World peace
An end to world hunger
A way to make college more affordable
Better patience with those I love
A way to deal with my insomnia
A man to hold and cherish for life
And for the world to have more compassion
And destroy all traces of hatred.
I wish I could stop all my worrying;
I wish I could write birthday lists like I used to.
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