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I give and i give and i give,
I give it all away.
My soul, my life, my heart.
You take and you take and you take,
You take it all away,
Piece by piece you remove it all.
But i forgive and i forgive and i forgive,
I forgive you for giving nothing in return,
Who needs a soul, a life, a heart?
I die and i die and i die,
I die from the inside and out, slowly fading away.
My hope ran through my fingers like sand,
Now my last precious piece is gone.
I did not run out of time,
I ran out of love to give.
I've been wondering,
why was i born,
why am i alive,
why have I exist,
what's the purpose,
Am I here for a reason,
or Am I here for no reason.
And if ever I'm here for a reason,
I hope that it shows up sooner,
For I have been searching and waiting for years.

I'm getting tired of these exploration,
So should I give up my search?
or Should I keep on  searching for answers?
 Jan 2018 LPpoetry
Chanel Tatum
Suicide- 1-800-273-8256
Bullying- 1-800-420-1479
Self Harm- 1-800-DONT-CUT
Teen Help- 1-877-332-7333
Domestic Violence- 1-800-799-7233
****/****** Assault- 1-800-656-4673
Lifeline- 1-800-784-8433
Grief Support- 1-650-321-3438
Depression- 1-630-482-9696
Drug/Alcohol- 1-877-235-4525
Eating Disorders- 1-630-577-1330
Homeless/Runaway- 1-800-RUNAWAY
Mental Health- 1-800-442-4673
Sexuality- 1-800-246-7743
You are not alone; get help if you need it. I love each and every one of you so so so so so much!
 Jan 2018 LPpoetry
What am I to do?

Tear up my clothes
Thread by thread

Pull my hair out
Until my scalp bleeds

Chew everything I own
Until I have nothing left

What am I going to do?
What am I going to do?

— The End —