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 Aug 2018 Jackie Mead

My mind to frolic, with words of Frost
Slides between and then is lost

Drifting ‘round to fellows long
My thirst is deep; desires strong

Filled with all that Maya says
Flits in and out my meddling head

And ah, when Pablo speaks of love
My heart's aflutter with pure white doves

Around the beat, who else but Poe
A deep dark place I've come to know

I stop to ponder the words worth
As if I've nursed them from their birth

I settle to hear the rambling brook
Where Gwendolyn baits my eager hook

Then ‘long comes Oscar, running wild
I listen like an eager child

When Langston paints his colored hues
His canvas fills my point of view

Not just the finest spinning me
To this state of flux and reverie

For verses drift from near and far
Forever reaching for the stars

Feeding on the gentle night
I languish in the word's delight

Finding rhyme from ‘neath the skin
The place where passion's settled in

To fill my cup, appease my soul
Till hunger's sated, fat and whole

The empty space behind my eyes
Is filled with life's sweet lullabies

And when at last, I lay to rest
I'm filled with cadence of the best

All this week
I’ve been dealing
with numerous situations
that would shattered
most souls
I could choose to be crusty
Or I could choose to laugh louder
at whatever challenges  life throws my way
for laughter can bring true healing
to one’s soul
Just laugh
Laugh from deep in your belly
which is guaranteed to keep you
smiling all day long
And the sooner you can do that
the sooner you’ll advance
to the next life lesson
Laugh and laugh often
Laugh like there’s no tomorrow
because tomorrow
is not a given
Just laugh
When matter is Immiscible
Words cannot be the binding agent

When matter is immiscible
Words can be the cohesive agent

When matter is immiscible
Words add fuel to the fire

When matter is immiscible
Words have the power , wield wise

When matter is immiscible
Words can confuse , less is more

When matter is immiscible
Words can go on endlessly FULLSTOP
Read at your own risk :)
 Aug 2018 Jackie Mead
Pagan Paul
Which crimson bud
doth burst forth white,
which lovely flower
doth perfume the night,
flourish and flutter
doth stamen and petal,
the bee upon beauty
doth gently settle.

© Pagan Paul (15/08/18)
 Aug 2018 Jackie Mead
Pagan Paul
The larks playing on a summer breeze,
and finches darting in betwixt the trees,
my mind is enthralled by what it sees.

A lark lands on my shoulder,
and it sang to me a secret,
I would love to tell it to you,
but I promised I would keep it.

© Pagan Paul (15/08/18)
for my muse ;-)
 Aug 2018 Jackie Mead
Pagan Paul
Hair the colour of Ravens,
skin the colour of Crows,
eyes the colour of Rooks,
somehow it just flows,
as she walks
     down the path
               like a bride,
with the sway
     of the sultry,
and the smile
                     of the Huntress.
Her way lined
by the bowed heads
of willows,
with the feint ******
of water bubbling
     over pebbles,
from the mountain stream
that wends in consort
and chimes
        with the bells on her toes.
Her breath, mist
in the morning air,
as she seeks her prey,
     a victim of lust,
with no pardon,
mossy rocks glide by
          as her pace slows,
dew soaking her feet,
     dawn glade,
                          the jaws of her trap.

© Pagan Paul (17/08/18)
Walking the dark path today :)
 Aug 2018 Jackie Mead
I give you my trust
That belongs to so few
So old, it's covered in rust
It's been years since it grew

My trust has grown tough
Having been broken too many times
It's calluses are rough
Rougher than the skin of limes

I am trusting you
Please be careful with me
Promise you'll be true
I break very easily

I love you
That's a fact
Truer than true
It's not an act

So take my trust
Treat it with care
Lest it be dust
Crushed out of despair
Paranoia gets the better of me all too often, but many times I am right to be paranoid. We live in a lying, cheating, broken world.
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