“Momma what are stars?” asked the young girl,
“The stars are your dreams little one,
The closer you look the more you see,
focus on one alone and it fades away.”
“Your life is written in the stars,
the brightest are your fondest memories
and the ones you can barely see
have yet to happen.”
“Your dreams appear in the stars
for safekeeping,
so your wishes can one day come true
and the lights that dance
in colorful streaks across the sky,
show your fate and your destiny
flashing before your eyes.”
“The North Star represents you,
as your dreams change,
your world spins,
but you will remain standing,
grounded to the earth.”
“Because the stars are yours to create,
fill the sky with your hopes and dreams,
fill it with love,
because love will shine brightest of all.”
“So make the sky beautiful child
Because you only get one chance
To make it yours.”