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give you my
forever but I doubt
I will be around that long
so I'll give you what I've got and
hope that it's
Part 2 has been put up :] Same title (Part 2 instead of Part 1 :3)
Paper hearts
Coated in sugar
Sweet simple art
Lightly tread on edges thin
Living through warm smiles and dormant memories
Forever and ago we will reach fin
Side by side
Lightly caress to break my stationary casing
Barely close enough to confide
Hoping everything
Leaves a beat
An exigent effort to remember
Living by friable motions
Break with rain
Torn apart
You can't wear me down
I'm sustained by something paper thin
Stopping my heart with a touch at a time
To mend a broken heart
You have to follow an ignorant soul
To follow that lowly soul
You need patience
Why patience
For ignorance
Why ignorance
Why not
To mend a broken heart
Understand its s fickle and frigid thing
It creeks When it opens
It locks When it closes
It's conceded One way
And submissive in others
To mend a broken heart
Another heart is needed
To mend a broken heart
You have to break your heart in the process
I never cease to be confused
What did or didn't happen
The severity of the situation
The sadness dripping out my pores
How my innocence could become yours
The brokenness I just can't shake
Every night I lie awake
The shot of ***** burning my mouth
How badly I wish I could spit you out
The whispers in the dark
The shallowness within my heart
Nights that seamlessly turn into days
My life that so easily slipped away.
Knuckles that turned white
As I hold onto old addictions
They start to bleed red
So I let go.
At first, I feel blue
For I must overcome this
But my body wants to continue being comfortable.
Purple bruises cover my heart
As this is too much for me to handle.
A yellow light shines through my eyes
My face regains its pink and rosy hue
My world is not grey anymore
And finally, for the first time in years
I can see the world
In color once again.
When you can see the sunshine in a far away land
But your world is so dark, you can't see your own hand
When the people around you become a clown
They would do anything so you wouldn't frown
All I can see is the darkened hill
Where flowers and butterflies no longer appeal
YOU are the reason for what I've become
And the reason I have become so numb
When the sun comes out and the dark disappears
I'll stand up tall and brush away your tears
No longer will I care what anyone says
Therefore I'll be happy for the rest of my days
BUT, I fear those days will never come
And I'll be stuck here, numb
Because I can see the sunshine in a far away land
But my world is so dark, I can't see my own hand.
I entered this into a competition
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