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 May 2014 Turquoise Mist
Standing at the sink
In the bathroom
I remembered

I remembered that
When we don't live
Happily ever after
That you'll be gone

And I'll be sad
And confused
And a different kind of empty than I've ever felt before.
 May 2014 Turquoise Mist
 May 2014 Turquoise Mist
Maybe love was never meant for me.
Maybe love can't find me
Love died in a plane crash,
Trying to reach me when I fell for people
So love never happened.
I visit loves grave sometimes
Those old crushes, where love never made it
I hope loves flight is not crashed
I hope it's just delayed
 May 2014 Turquoise Mist
hold up a second,
My mind is stuck on one thought,
And it has been the last week
But i don't feel like writing about it,
*I would write for days.
Lonely thorns,
Have caressed me,
And pierced me.

With extended arms,
They reached out,
Felt me beneath the skin,
And felt the agony.

Then they bloomed,
Sparkling flowers,
Gifting me,
A bouquet of joy.

Watching me smile,
They rejoiced,
Danced around,
And I danced along.

The million arms,
Dug into me;
And my heart soared,
Reaching out,
Every pore,
Till I was,
A loving being,
And they,
Were the thorny me.
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