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 Jan 2018 rmi
Star BG
 Jan 2018 rmi
Star BG
my poets notebook,
I open at time when wounds go deep.
Words bleed on page covering sun wanting to come forth.
They expand as versus cannot be covered by a simple bandied in mind.
The **** like descriptive words like abandonment, lies and dis-enheridence burn, as they are released
from heart to pen and pen to paper.
Hurt from family seemed to have festered for a lifetime. as screams begging for clousure are shouted to be scribed.  
Slowly the mind quiets as its words are release and poem concludes.
Perhaps they will shout
in a readers eyes begging to be loved.
Only time will tell.
Not every pome I write can be positive. Just going through some family issues. All meant to be as I grow and expand. It *****.
 Jan 2018 rmi
I'm not the best at listening
I'm even worse at talking
Even texting is impossible these days
But poetry comes from my soul
What I fail to express regularly
Flows so easily through this medium
If you feel the same then maybe that's why we do this
It feels like a game
And maybe it appeals to the kids within us
A serious, lighthearted way to communicate
That also pushes us to write more
We were always good at testing each other

As for the memory of pancakes
I remember it a bit differently
You were trying to hold back tears
And I remained passive and cold
It's not a thought I enjoy revisiting
That entire weekend was a challenge
We pushed each other to the edge
Waiting to see who'd fall first
Clearly it was me

I was wrong in so many ways
I know that better than anyone
And maybe I should've waited
I shouldn't have left so long
But I wasn't in bed with another
I was trying to sober up enough to get home safely
Sure it was a bit excessive in time
And I'm sorry I made you wait so long
But I was a drunk mess and I couldn't get home that way

I didn't mean to take advantage of you
I didn't mean to hurt you
Obviously, I did
And still do I'm sure
But those were never my intentions
I do care for you
It's all very complicated and stressful
I wish I could make it easier for us both
But I don't haven't figured out how yet
Last one before work
 Jan 2018 rmi
JD Leishman
Through this life and the next, I know I will love you.

My heart beats true, my soul sings through, I know I will love you.

My eternal will seek you from the deep or the distant.
Through the ages, the turn of worlds pages, my search for you shall remain forever persistent.

Though our names have changed and our vessels altered,
I will know you, you will know me, trust our eyes will never have faltered.

Through this life and the next I will remain at peace to this track,
I know I will love you forever and back.
For my darling Nat.

By Jimmy
 Jan 2018 rmi
the sheets won't stay on my bed and my thoughts won't stay in my head.

I think I ran over a frog with my car and I still feel guilty.

I love lilac trees and coffee beans.

there's crumbs in my bed and I still can't get you out of my head and I slept on a Kit Kat wrapper all night.

my chia pet never grew and I'm still dreaming about you.

I'm just a mess of feelings and I don't know what to do.
these are all really random but i wrote them down at some point so I think they deserve to be shared
 Jan 2018 rmi
Paul Butters
That faithful dog is waiting at your door,
Bursting with unconditional Love.
He (or she) is pining
For your arrival.
Whining and crying,
All ashake.

At last you are here!
Forward he leaps,
Almost losing balance with the shake
Of his tail.
Ready to lick you
Into oblivion.

So you ruffle his ears
And pat him on the head.
“Good Boy!”

Meanwhile The Cat sits
In haughty isolation
Watching coolly
Indifferent to all.

But you still go to her
As she rolls over
And bears her furry tummy
For you to scratch
And her to purr.

I love these pets
Or rather
Family Members.
While they are with us,
There is nothing better.

Paul Butters

© PB 7\1\2018.
For Pat Jackson, Mandy Bamford, Tracey Hodgson, Jane Chaplin, Jo Edwards and other Dog Lovers. Plus Sandra Hall with the cat.
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