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I'm sorry I had let you down.
And I'm sorry I broke your heart.
I'm sorry I ended up leaving
When I said we'd never be apart.

I'm sorry I pushed you away.
And I'm sorry I let you in.
But know you were the closest to me
That a person has ever been.

I'm sorry I gave up on you
And every "I love you" I managed to say.
I'm sorry I promised to be by your side
And for the mind games we often played.

I'm sorry I'm messed up
And for every single thing I do.
I'm sorry I wasn't the one in the end.
And for not being there for you.

I'm sorry enough to say I'm sorry.
Oh, how sorry I truly must be.
To write these words over and over again
In a poem that you'll never see.
How sorry I truly must be.
I had always told you I will always love you
Even longer than you promised to love me.
You said you loved me more than the sun does the moon,
But my love had depth greater than the sea.

You said you'd love me for more days
Than there were stars in the night sky.
And I said I'd love you a trillion more days
After the instant you were to die.

My heart had brought me to the final conclusion
That you and I will be together.
But the thoughts in my mind reminded me
That there isn't a thing that lasts forever.

I wish to let go of these haunting truths
So there isn't a day we would be apart,
But you never understood me well enough to know
I think with my mind & not with the heart.
Todd Allen Adams May 2015
My heart is shattered

There are no more pieces for you to find

They have all been crushed under your feet

As my dreams fell to the floor

You whisper in my ear

I don't you love you anymore

Along with the shards of my remains

I am broken..
Todd Allen Adams May 2015
A constant struggle
In which hatred fuels the heart and soul
The sky blackened by smog
Emitted by the fallen
The stench is unbearable
They are unable to see the light
Focused on the battle

Words like gunfire
Penetrate the skin
We are badly wounded
Into the trenches
We are bleeding
Inside and out

Did we ask to die?
When we signed our body away
A meat shield
For another man's war
They stand behind us
Watching us fall
It was my choice now
They will **** us all
Todd Allen Adams Apr 2015
When the sun sets
You tuck me in
Telling me stories
of the stars
I gaze in awe
At the night light before me
Feeling safe from the dark
Caressing me softly
With a light gentle breeze
Able to calm me down
You make me feel at ease
When I awake from my slumber
You greet me with a warm smile
You give me fruit from your trees
When I complain about the heat
You shade me
But years go by and things start to change
It happens to all who reach this age
When I “your child” flourish
I take her gifts for granted
Taking too much from her
Stripping her of what makes her great
She cries many tears
Asking why?
I just stand there
letting her waste away
As time passes by
  Mar 2015 Todd Allen Adams
former lover of mine
I love you

Why must we be apart?
The distance between us is breaking my heart.

I remember days when you professed unrelenting love for me
Where did those days go?
Why must those days repeat in my mind's eye?

In desperate attempts to forget you I seek out other foreign lovers
But none compare to you
They distract me for a little while
But once I am done with my futile relations with them,
I throw them away
And hope and pray that I will see you again, soon, someday.

I think to myself: Is everyone around me spellbound by the mediocre?
Or set up within a dogmatic routine?
I am not quick to call someone unintelligent,
but I disagree with the way people are using their intelligence.

Lover once mine,
Why did we part?
You were my only companion that truly knew,
and thought like me too
You were my twin flame

Could I really ever get over you?
Could we ever get over the wounds we inflicted onto each other?
I am such an idealist and I really think we could
But you're a realist...
So, my love, do you think we should?
For my one true love
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