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 Dec 2014 Tiffany
Why isn't the sky crying?
When the most beautiful soul has reached up to meet it?
Shouldn't such an embrace bring tears?
Or sunshine?
Why now, is all black and quiet?
Traffic continues when my heart has stopped.
The sky holds the love of my heart
That I never could.
And I'm crying,
And the sky is quiet.
I just hope the sky knows how lucky it is.
And I hope my love, my darling, can see me from somewhere
And know how much I love him still.
Please like and repost this, this is probably the only time I'll ever ask.
Andy was extremely important to me.
My small hips
My height
My broad shoulders
My blonde, short eyelashes
My straight legs

my strength
my intelligence
my strong voice
 Nov 2014 Tiffany
Joshua Haines
Her voice is strained.
Her skin is fair.
Her ******* lay on the countertop.
I **** her until my thoughts stop.

She rejects the notion of love for all,
as she leans against my kitchen wall,
with a cigarette and an unbuttoned blouse-
she wants to be homeless in my house.

She keeps me in her necklace's locket,
and I keep her in the wallet in my pocket.
Her toes kiss the linoleum,
she walks like she's made of helium.

She mumbles that I taste like mint chocolate chip,
as she rubs against my hip.
Her breath smells like Malboro Lights,
and I hope she decides to stay the night.

Milky Ways and Vanilla Cakes,
she likes the way my body shakes,
as we lay and eat our troubles away.
Hurried words slow the day.

She asks me about my stretch marks and scars,
and if I've ever been hit by a car.
And I say no, but I've been hit by love before,
and it feels like getting your hand caught in a door.

Hurried smiles and bathroom stalls,
she likes the way my family never calls.
The words escape between her plump lips,
as my hand travels between her hips.

We move until we forget
that the world is moving faster.
Running my fingers
Through your too long hair.

Finding out you don't care how much
I want to touch you, that's rare.

Sliding along, every inch of your smooth skin
Mouth tingling, thinking, not knowing where to begin

Being touched, from head to toe
Licking my lips, wondering where you'll go

Staring into your eyes, knowing there's nothing between us
Leaning back moaning, feeling all the love and lust

Knowing that all you want is me too
That's my freedom, simply having you.
 Jul 2014 Tiffany
Tark Wain
There were ten boys in a room
numbered one through ten
they all lived peacefully
until the moment when
number ten took a liking to
number seven's suede shoes
three defended ten while
six and seven made a truce

ten shot a rocket
with questionable aim
after which we find
number two had been slain
eight and nine shot back
with a sling shot blast
while ten used four
to cover his ***

four perished, as one
came to his aid
spraying blindly
over where four laid
when it was over
only seven and ten remained
while one fell over exhausted
his resources drained

seven looked down at his shoes
which after the fighting were no longer new
he took them off one by one
and handed them to ten
deciding the war was no longer needed
ten thanked seven and walked away
to the corner and turned around
he'd fight again another day
 Jul 2014 Tiffany
Full of such heavy thoughts, yet feeling so unbearably empty.
 Jul 2014 Tiffany
Tark Wain
 Jul 2014 Tiffany
Tark Wain
It's crazy ya know
how everything I own
can just be wrapped up in boxes
trophies and awards
pictures and accomplishments
all tucked neatly away
my favorite pens and pencils
stuffed into burlap sacks

it's almost like it wasn't real
the first 18 years of my life
like it was all a game
that no matter what I did
I'd end up here
the only difference being
how many trophies
were neatly tucked away

like my whole life has been a checklist
like I was nothing extraordinary
there is nothing more dehumanizing
than being able to put everything you love in a box
it's just weird that it's over
it was always going to end
but I never thought it would be OVER
that's all
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