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Courtney Colson Feb 2015
I was in a very dark place,
I lived in a permanent sigh,
but I wanted to be in outer space.

I hated everyone of every race,
and I spent my days saying goodbye;
I was in a very dark place.

To my parents I was a disgrace,
they considered me much too wry,
but I wanted to be in outer space.

I was good at keeping a straight face.
My friends always wondered why.
I was in a very dark place.

Change came to help my case
in the summer, in mid-July,
but I wanted to be in outer space.

Nobody knew how to brace
themselves for my wanting to die.
I was in a very dark place,
but I wanted to be in outer space.
Maggie Emmett Jan 2015
My partner has a crush on Karen Black
He watches every movie and repeat
Anyone would wonder what they lack

As actors go, she surely is a hack
but “A Trilogy of Terror” is his treat
My partner has a crush on Karen Black

It’s not as if she has a fulsome rack
But something stirs his blood to boiling heat
Anyone would wonder what they lack

I dream of Idris Elba in the sack
Sheer perfection wrapped naked in a sheet
But my man has his crush on Karen Black

Her voice so harsh the underground would frack
Split layers of the earth beneath our feet
Her smiling face would every mirror crack

Despite all this, she seems to have the knack
To entice and tease every man to cheat
My partner has a crush on Karen Black
It makes me wonder what it is I lack.
© M.L.Emmett 2015
For humorous picture of this poem:
Cillian Dervan Jan 2015
Do not fall in love with someone like me

Take care to tiptoe round my loathsome wreck

Erase all trace of us from memory

I will knock down your walls to mashed debris

And take your breath with all my sprints and treks

Do not fall in love with someone like me

I roped you in to trips on stormy seas

And whispered guarantees upon your neck

Erase all trace of us from memory

I raged aflame and blazed at high degrees

I rigged the game and rearranged the deck

Do not fall in love with someone like me

I hurricaned and swallowed up your breeze

You trusted me and never thought to check

Erase all trace of us from memory

I captured you and clipped your wings once free

I muddied you and I with ****** specks

Do not fall in love with someone like me

Erase all trace of us from memory
Edward Alan Jan 2015
I should write a villanelle right now,
without delay—no more ado will do—
I would, except I can’t remember how.

Indeed, my meter mastery would wow,
And always rhyming perfectly would woo—
I should write a villanelle right now.

I bet that I could even court a cow
With deft command of each and every moo—
I would, except I can’t remember how.

Soon, I’ll lose my grasp on “thee” and “thou,”
And I’ll be barely left with “me” and “you”—
I should write a villanelle right now.

But first, maybe I’ll try to find some chow.
I could make a hearty soup or stew—
I would, except I can’t remember how.

Before I storm the stage to take a bow,
Uncertain if I’ll get a cheer or boo,
I should write a villanelle right now—
I would, except I can’t remember how
Tryst Jan 2015
From hordes of fresh cut saplings that abound
The hunter will devise a trusted bow
Discarded remnants rot above the ground

In early spring when winter chills rebound
The hunter builds a shelter in the snow
From hordes of fresh cut saplings that abound

Through summer months, the hunter's meal is found
By streams and brooks that through the forest flow
Discarded remnants rot above the ground

As summer wanes and autumn comes around
The hunter lets his stock of arrows grow
From hordes of fresh cut saplings that abound

At autumn's end, two mighty kings are crowned
Their armies feast before the final throw
Discarded remnants rot above the ground

In winter when the archers' drums resound
And hunters pull the string and loose the blow
From hordes of fresh cut saplings that abound
Discarded remnants rot above the ground
First published 13th Jan 2015, 20:35 AEST.
Kara Jean Dec 2014
I have a question,
That and many more,
As I stare at my reflection.

I'm outside a building that makes no impression,
There is but a single window, no door,
I have a question.

These people have a strange expression,
I have never seen such a smile before,
As I stare at my reflection.

I rap on the window to attract their attention,
They do nothing but ignore,
I have a question.

Wait, I know the people gathered at this session,
I know that and much more,
As I stare at my reflection.

How is this for some deceitful deception?
It's my family gathered on my funeral floor.
I have a question,
As I stare at my reflection.
This is NOT written by me. I take no credit for this. This was written by my boyfriend and he asked me to post it for him. I hope you guys love it as much as I do.
Ariana Williams Dec 2014
The only promise is that final cry.
Time, itself, tells us each and every day.
No one, no thing in life can death defy.

When the dying springtime takes its last sigh,
Withering flowers themselves seem to say
The only promise is that final cry.

An object holds our exuberant high
Yet no sooner dulls, then passes away.
No one, no thing in life can death defy.

Certain is the fowl who will cease to fly,
Silenced by the springing of feathers’ gray.
The only promise is that final cry.

From first waking, the world presses our eye
solely to show what comes before decay.
No one, no thing in life can death defy.

Even God is unknown, yet still we try
To prove only what can be found in faith.
The only promise is that final cry.
No one, no thing in life can death defy.
Charles Smith Dec 2014
Little grown-up knows too much.
Terrorism and tweenies, hopscotch and ******,
But the world is happily waltzin’ with Matilda.

He needs to learn, it’s never too late
******* before he fills his flashing trainers.
Little grown-up knows too much.

Mummy says it’s true, so therefore it is fate  
Yes instead of thank you, probably overused,
But the world is happily waltzin’ with Matilda.

You must decide if he’s gay or straight
Baa Baa rainbow sheep burnt to memory, tattoo’s and Christian taboo’s.
Little grown-up knows too much.

Taste the pill, consume this cup, watch his tiny eyes dilate
Staining innocence, hurry up, his naivety is bruised,  
But the world is happily waltzin’ with Matilda.

We dictate to loose weight in our forced-fed free state
Sat, his short legs swing on the cold church pews,
Little grown-up knows too much
But the world is happily waltzin’ with Matilda.

Children learn everything from society and Adults don't object.
Jamie King Sep 2014
We are young men buried in books
Shoveling words every day
As we are gradually shaped into tools.

Ours minds drained deep in the pools
Of knowledge. So they say
We are young men buried in books.

We find ourselves caught in hooks
Of wisdom seekers shall we pray?
As we are gradually shaped into tools.

Exhausted, some will turn into crooks
While we proudly remain grey
We are young men buried in books.

We bear fruit of hope from the roots
Of pain so follow the rules we lay
As we are gradually shaped into tools.

Are we zombies in schools?
In our paths we never stray.
We are young men buried in books
As we are gradually shaped into tools.
I've never been the one to follow structures when it comes to poetry but when I heard about the villanelle and how difficult it is to master I just got excited and inspired
Taylor St Onge Dec 2014
I could tell that you had smoked a cigarette before I saw you because your
shirt smelled like smoke and your lips tasted like lung cancer.       (I like to
                            pretend that it doesn’t really bother me I am a moth flying
                                                                ­                                     into your flame.)

Your eyes are green like everything that burns, but your hands are strong
like those who fight fires without more fire.  Sometimes I trick myself into
thinking that I can smell the backyard smoke of my father’s cigarettes,
                                              cigars,­ marijuana, radiating off of you.

Do you remember that time when you told me that “everyone sins?”  I do
not think that you took into account the amount of which we all sin.  (All
sinners are equal, but some are more equal than others.)  ((fire will always
    destroy moths. You are burning my wings with your magnifying glass))

I think I am drowning in the gene pool.  I think I’ve broken the bones of
three different people.  I am terrified my dream catcher will stop working    
                 and years worth of nightmares will catch up with me.  Light my
          nightmares on fire with your lighter.  Turn my everything to smoke.

I spent my entire last year breaking wishbones and hiding them underneath my mattress for luck.  I spent my entire last week getting
splattered with the blood of lambs that I’ve slaughtered in your name, in
                                                   the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.  
                      We are lighting moths on fire and watching their wings burn.

There is a chrysalis I am building.  I am not looking for change, I am looking
for the darkness and safety it will provide.  When I hatch, listen to my wings
flutter.  Wait for me to land and then squash me with your cigarette ****.  
Smoke me out of your house.  If you love me,           you will set all the bad
                                                             ­                              parts of me        on fire.
Poor little villanelle I wrote for my poetry portfolio whose spacing got all messed up :c
I basically rewrote "Eclipse" because there were some parts of that poem that bothered me and I also wanted to focus more on the moth aspect of it so yeah.
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