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Kushal Feb 2019
The feeling of hopelessness lingers on my heart,
I watch lovers come close,
And feel myself fall further apart.

I hate this day as of late
When two hearts collide,
And as if per fate,
Mingle in a flurry of majesty.

It pulls on my heart,
And I cannot pull myself away.
Oh the beauty of love given a day,
Only reminds me that my heart is on its way.
A poem for us lonely souls. Find solace in the hope that someday you'll spend the 14th, with another's hand wrapped around yours.
Kewayne Wadley Feb 2019
There isn't a dollar amount
that can be placed on what we value most.

There isn't a store that can stock this particular package.
The inventory doesn't come close.

The smiles and memories we add to heart shaped trinkets.
The ones that crazily throb with each thought we keep of each other.

The dollar amount is insurmountable to the way I see you.
The traditional box of chocolates don't come close.

Your kiss sweeter than Hershey's & Reese's combined.
It is virtually impossible to prove worth with these store brought items.

The items we value most.
The items the store can't put a price on.
Cash back rewards are meaningless when each kiss adds further value
to the heart shaped trinkets that beat erratically when we think of each other.

There isn't a dollar amount
that can be placed on what we value most.

Your heart being the most valuable

Happy Valentines Day
Sienna Feb 2019
a day to celebrate love
or to feel its absence pulling at the seams of your broken heart.

but a greeting card will do.
Tyler Matthew Feb 2019
With just one look into
her emerald eyes
I knew I'd never be free.
She's got my heart locked up with chains so tight,
and that's alright with me.
Rana DiOrio Feb 2019
I held your hand as you disentangled from her
you did not move closer to me

I assuaged your worst fears
you fueled mine

I was fully present and attentive
you took calls that came in . . . and didn’t call back

I asked questions
you answered different ones

I made you a playlist
you never acknowledged

I made plans and reservations
you did not show

I gave you the benefit of every doubt
you did not reassure me

I made myself vulnerable
you remained ensconced

I created space in my life
you did not explore

I dared to dream about us
you dreamed about . . . I don’t know

I gave you my body
you reached for your phone

I gave you my heart
you did not reciprocate

I get it now
you are just not that into me

Only wish I knew sooner.
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