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Micah G Feb 2020
Valentine’s Day
Is a bane
All it contains
Is poetry plain
And that’s all that I have to say
maureen Feb 2020
“love isn’t easy” they say;

but it seems to go smoothly when you’re falling
free and unharnessed,
into pools of love
where smiles naturally find its way
and everything feels right —

until gravity shifts and tides change
and trust is lost and the pain remains
realizing your hands and chest are empty,
when there’s nothing left but that sinking feeling
that never leaves.

and they were right.
Mick Feb 2020
so this
is what lips
are for
Find me @MickRWrites on Instagram <3
Elizabeth Foley Feb 2020
I guess you’re always late
Or perhaps you’re always right on time
I know with certainty you’re never early
Or you’d already be mine

When I was a little girl
Laying in my bed at night
I’d pray for you with urgency
So that I’d know you right on sight

That must be why The Greats
All claim that love is blind
For years I’ve been searching
And yours is a face I cannot find

And by this simple fact
I can’t get you gift
So I write this message in a bottle
That it might find your heart, adrift

Perhaps you love another
Perhaps my heart is sealed  
Maybe we have more to learn
Before our identities can be revealed

Either way rest easy, lover,
Knowing it’s you I even now adore
Happy Valentines Day, my love, my dear,
My missing paramour
Mitch Prax Feb 2020
Roses and dinner,
a bottle of wine and cheese
for my Valentine.

2:31 PM
SWebster Feb 2020
There you sit
In your leather jacket.
Lips around a bottle of beer
Easy smile and smirking eyes.
I can’t help but walk over
And lay myself bare
Leaning across
Just to touch.
Skin on skin.
Lips brushing your ear
I do not whisper sweet nothings
But whisper scenes of obscenity
Visions of submission.
I feel your breath quicken as I move away
Hoping you will follow.
James Feb 2020
Some people say that poetry has died.
No point to put on paper poesy bold,
No longer needing sonnets - rhymes of old
Which one inside can softer feelings hide.
To Netflix, Insta, Amazon they run
And dull their brains with shows of Island’s Love.
No thoughts of flowers, nightingales or doves;
Minds choked with wealth and *** and hate, and guns.
But never they’ve seen your smile in morning’s light
And wished to catch it – tangled, held in rhyme.
They’ve never placed their head upon your lap
And felt the need to jar the safe delight
Of looking into eyes so warm, sublime,
And thought of methods, forms: eternal traps.
A Valentine's Day Petrarchan sonnet with a Crybin rhyme scheme.
Faizel Farzee Feb 2020
It's valentines day again
Some have a day where the sunshine
Others will taste loves acid rain
I love daily, instead of a moment in time
Greeted with cheer, when cupid himself is screaming in pain
What about the rest of the year
Is there no love to gain, there is a desert of love all year round
Why do we settle for a grain?

This brings my heart to standstill, faints
It does not understand, unanswered questions, they refuse to be accepted
It's caught in unbounded chains

I have to refrain
Running, I cannot get caught
Is this not the epitome of insane
Repeating a flawed system
Maybe we trying to re-capture it again,
That true feeling of love, instead of lust
A feeling regained.

If you happy this day,
by all means enjoy, don't get caught up in the fame
that's also meant to destroy
those that have no one, this my valentines to you
I love you all
A message from the heart i deploy.
Valentines day,
I have a valentines year
i'm lucky i found the one, so this eases my fears
with the love she gives
i have no room for tears.
japheth Feb 2020
a bouquet of roses
with buds never opened
for our love
that never happened.
happy valentines day
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