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He cradled her hand--
A heavy gray stone.
Her life was slipping,
Her past flowing like a river from her eyes.
His future ran out of his eyes,
In raindrops from a cloud,
A torturing storm where
Damage is unprecedented.

And yet--
His love was torched by every
Drop of that storm.
Her memories that were once happy
Now tinted by the last memory
She would have--
There was an anger she had never seen.

And as the beeps got slower,
Drawing out longer as she took her last breath,
Those few words
Were not "I love you" but
"May God save you."
Decurrent: Running downwards.
statictitanic Nov 2014
I want you
to rip every vein from my skin
pull them out like worms from the ground
touch my blood
and **** in the pure guilt
I have drowned myself in
pull my teeth out
and drag them along my naked body
carve shapes into this dead, papery flesh
don't forget the ruby red lipstick
cake it onto my betraying, seductive lips
let your arms travel everywhere it pleases
yank my hair
grab the strands and brush them over my face
my finger nails, paint them white like purity
wrapped in the ****** Mary
Last, don't forget my
Rip it from the connecting arteries
and let me feel the sting
and watch your hands too, tinted in my beautiful red

I am your canvas
I am your doll
I am your **** that
Nobody will ever know
Because under all this...
I'm dead.

— The End —