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Jade Wright Feb 2021
The first time you spoke, I got straight in the bath to
hide in its lucid duvet.
Your clarity was too much for me,
why could I never be so level-headed?

From then, I was in awe of you
so wise
so humble,
my little girl.

You loved coming to the woods
to collect pine cones with me.
I wanted to create a new oxygen system
of dreams and opportunities.
You liked to help me pick them up,
study the bumps with your gummy tongue.

Your mouth full of earth,
jewels I couldn’t see
you said: ‘I think you’re the most beautiful Mummy in the world.’

My face shined,
your tail danced.
I rewarded you with belly rubs.
Merlie T Feb 2021
lights flash
Rippling the Sea and Puddle
Green, Red, Gold, Blue
Ribbons and Rainbows
Wrapped Round a Tree.
Lights Dim
Eyes Close
Voices Quiet
Muscles Relax
music so distant through the night
Max French Feb 2021
Soft bedding shielding my body
From the axis of frigid air that thrives
Off the edge of everyone's bed.
But as always my mind is
Wrapped up in something else.

The cord attaching me to
The sail of blood and bone
Tugs deep at my ankles and legs
And moves me off, and out
Into the waking world.

And when did the world wake up,
Breathe heavy and rub yesterday's dirt
Off its dry and heavy eyes?
Lifting itself from a cold pillow
To pirouette the day away 'round the sun.

I question it only because
It feels, most days, like the planet
Is sleepwalking.
Shuffling and spewing nonsense,
Just like me.

At least I got to write this down
Before I go back to bed.
the surreal is incurable--it might open
where i feel temporary,
where the whole world flashes

like moss learning bald verse,
and impart on the being like a festival of lanterns
at first light and now tiresome.

like an oracle in the throes of ice
and the unborn veil--

try on forgetting

the drusen working under
the emaciation of the widely known
wherein under each new stone i thrive,

and the opal i’d eat out of an owl’s heart
is the freakish opulence--
a sad button of the sickness.
Flatfielder Nov 2020
Tomorrow is the future
Today is the last day
Yesterday I made promises
Last week I stayed away
Last month I caved in
To moodiness and lack of discipline
Look forward to the day after tomorrow
When I shall bathe in glory and sin
Flatfielder is writing as near_lane7
EP Robles Nov 2020
Eyeball god in mouth

Ostara?…Dio?…Luna? …

Is light as hunger for colors?

Eros the god of eyes and the hidden feelings
shameful man with ***** **** — sighing ***
in his heart — a crack, deep and wide!

Black Hole!

Punk rock for a Black Hole!

Rainbow and jubilee exploded in flood!

Like a ***** universe all of our pornographic desires
moments of starving stars and **** stars!

An eyeless god living in a glass tube with hearts
like hot flashes in heat-blasted rooms!
Pulsing pimples — swirling while a midnight sky
brings forth a cacophony of cosmic screams!

More impassioned raw-animal! More barking!
more vibrations — more imminence!

More sinewy limbs on show — ***** I’m looking at —
lifeless grey body but voracious pink face!

It licks and whimpers, suckles and *****!

Shall I become a statue again? — glazed face with eyes
sheers-white in precession of Venus?

Hey! Taint! Milk it!

:: 11.12. 2020 ::
Flatfielder Nov 2020
Demon's wage battles
In my dreams
I'm living
In the eye of a storm
Where winds bend tall trees
Where floods create mudplains
There is fear
There is grief
Out of control
Still I am dreaming
Yelling out
Flash awaken
To see darkness
Where there should be light
More on mirakee and instagram
Hit me there as well
Raghu Pratap Oct 2020
Why does it take long to write a poem?
are months consumed into few fleeting feelings?
a poem is severed.
Of feelings that need to be let go of,
a delusion of a listen,
poem doesn’t listen,
what does it do?
An appearance for
no purpose,
but to be outside
is like braving the wind
to tell the wind you have braved it,
is this a poem?
None of us know yet.
Mounting feelings in an abandon,
a poem deceives,
and leaves them for dead,
for forgetfulness is eternal,
and the rest rot in several lifetimes,
but the burden?
Unburden, eventually?
The poem is ******,
Can we let go of it at all?
It persists.
We let them know we were there,
to come face to face with selves of us,
that we have avoided,
does the poem really look out for you?
And asks, pretending you know?
Do we need no end?
We are here to while away time
and tell them
we whiled the time away.
Jamie Bell Oct 2020
Tempting to think that
soliloquies of the morning
on the garden bench radio
drifting in and out of earshot
seagull on the patience wall
tilting heads in confusion
to understand such chaos
well-wishing together to say
stumbling along blind desire
into ignorance forming timely
manner please don’t shout
when you could speak softly
it’s not enough to want
but always better to kneel
to protect your loved ones
elevating the ghosts yesterday
whispering their magic ballads
Buy my collection of 30 Surrealist poems here:
Jamie Bell Oct 2020
sorrow catching my eye in glancing along the sides headphones
dry up form music flowing safely home swimming the stream
dream relaxing into it and out of it furthermore striving inside
the haste of time and space leaps forward catching fish Google
the names of people still not here for you and I lips reading
the notice on the wall by night sorting moods and blue light
goes out of the clouds riding alive and free eternally into the ocean
of goodness we never see the reigns of the old and passed the future
we go onwards but luckily sure of ourselves but yes he said testing
the old stuff into new territories like the old school flies on the walls
coping with the stress of it all to tie the ends of fame and fortune
crying sighs the clouds move in on him park rides and scatter cushions alive feeling to stress the importance of love five times they said that to your whole company beats money and things although he crashes on the waves to meet the fears by night and by day we all say
today that the day comes before the dawn night air feeds folk love lost trite excuses follow the lead on by day and hopeful necessity flings itself beginning from the mouth of the ocean rivers flight by the by to meet the order of the dayside loneliness heights of fiction function beneath us time and time again and again over and over tomorrow freely likes the excuse of never coming to meet us morning times coming and going fortune reigns high on heads of might and yours come follow me to the hall taxi you can be there in spirit and hope gladly I see them all moving forward those fields in different colours vivid through and through my dad where is he I saw him earlier but no more stress on legs from crossing the tides chair away on the carpet tv on high below the strife of times away gorge on fruit and rubber duckies triplicates forward to the marketplace Robin Williams long grass and blood from the eyes of the breezes cold wind blowing knows shoes to take in Paris ghosts haunting the rooms
of the hotel desk table with soft light and fairy lights dim
and nearly gone to turn freely like the beach cards on which we play and frame our references on them let us leave it all to you then sidecar halfwit in control of how things should be normal or not normal or whatever you say is nonsense but the belief is strong and the winds of change are coming fast to throw you all on the **** heap of misery built on the sores of people raging in their hearts from nursing their wounds blooming flowers of negligence to take their heart to gold and charity caving in on their souls for good luck to with the night airs of chairing the meeting of time and Teams for 10 o’clock likeness of the world gone by cavernous value of meritorious victory sponging on the cave tonnes of brickwork graffiti faces
This is a Surrealist poem outlining experiencing in Lockdown.  I think it's a good one to read out loud.
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