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Filomena Rocca May 2021
"So how much will the rental be?", he hollers.
"A thrifty fee of fifty three green dollars."
Simple couplet written around a spoonerism.
Wrote this one a while ago.
Haven't published in ages so might as well.
Filomena Rocca Mar 2021
When on a modern battlefield,
You shouldn't wield a wooden shield.
Sometimes I find that less is more, when I try to write a metaphor.
(Same idea as last poem but less elaborate.)
(Subtitle: Spoonerism 1)
Filomena Rocca Mar 2021
On this one bit I will not yield:
When on a modern battlefield
Where not one thought can be concealed
As hidden things can be revealed

You Shouldn't Wield a Wooden Shield
Simple idea worked out over a few days.
Histina Chrendricks
Retices Milericks
But none of them
Are pereatable in buplic
Till trime tavel
becomes moccercially alaivable.

Can't wait for the piobic
Or even just a Touyube plic.
Diaz Cameron
Always reads the Cedameron
In the orinigal Ilatian.

What a mowan!
The Decameron is an Italian tale about ten boys fleeing the Black Death. A spoonerism involves swapping the first letters of words around eg Cameron Diaz would become Ciaz Dameron. Here letters within words are swopped instead. For fun. And Of course I swap Cameron and Diaz round. Have fun with words and the letters that make them up. Random nonsense is allowed!

— The End —