"Hello" Poetry
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sensing poems
sensing collections
Dec 2020
Us Extraverts v Those Introverts
You have drawn the extra version card
Welcome to the deck
Introverted values
You no longer can connect
Intuition, feelings and perceiving
is the game that extroverts play
Opposed to sensing, thanking and judging like those introverted lames!
If you’re not sure which side you’re on
Or if you’re out there on the fence
Do you want to be alone?
Or the party to commence!
So weep not my child
they’ll be no need for fear
God made
An extra version of you dear!
Traveler Tim
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Sep 2019
Sensing Vs. Stirring
There is the immediate air out of which you breathe
And those who live for it
And those who see the effects of the breeze
And attempted to speak for it
This is the politest way I've found to put it. Though neither is wrong, they're just different.
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cassie sky
Apr 2018
Is One Sense Enough to know?
This space between us
A universe of desire
Felt but not spoken
A sort of re-wording of one of my previous poems titled "You Stalk Me, I Stalk You"
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Walter W Hoelbling
Mar 2015
your life
there is an ache
it cuts
at moments
through your heart
strong as the wind
that makes the desert move
it stays with you
for all your life
until you breathe your last
and even then
it will not be enough
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Aaron Mullin
Nov 2014
Shifting gears
Revolutions near
Red line absorption
In blue sky spectrums
Characterizing wave~particle
Photonic duality
Designating principals
Using dark features
Coinciding emissions
With elemental missions
Broad strokes
Masking narrow bands
Of water lilies
Written near Swami's
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— The End —