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Dave Robertson Apr 2022
It’s true that sometime
bare limb and sprig can be beautiful,
that dun lands can show stark heart,
but for this diurnal chimp
the cough of leaves remembered,
a view engorged,
is deeply needed
Sabene Nov 2020
I've seen so much death in my life,
So much pain,
So much misery,
That it no longer hurts,
When someone dies,
I am not crying but rather I am numb,
It hurts but not as much as before,
Why is that?
Because I've consumed pain so much,
That's its now a part of me,
And it scares people away
Hey y'all. Somebody died in my family so I wrote this poem. Love ya and please feel free to inbox me, if you wanna talk to someone. XOXO Sabene
Chiquita Jun 2019
Living life is like walking in a rush Bush.
Somedays are made with roses and sweet fragrance,
Filled with Joy and laughter.
Somedays we trample over the torns,
Leaving us heartbroken and sad.
Most days are made up of both,
Though the torns rip you
There are some Roses to heal you.
Roses or torns, we were made strong enough to walk on both.
As people say, "life is not a bed of Rose's."
Vid Dec 2015
How did she move on so soon?
She used to tell me she loves me a lot..
She used to tell me that she'll never leave me or let me go without a fight..

Why did she let me walk away without a conversation?

Why did she become someone else's when I said I'll come back?

How did she date 2 different guys in a short period in which I'm still trying to recover, lost in her thoughts..

Everything I do..
Everywhere I go..
Everything I touch..
Everything I see..
It all just reminds me of her!!!

Well can we just say that I learnt people go? No matter how much they promise or how much they say they won't go.. They leave when their part in our lives are over. They leave us with a million memories.. Memories which when thought of make us cry..

— The End —