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Red Bergan May 2014
It has been sometime,
Since my pen has hit paper.
Since my words were expressed,
By voices unwritten.

It has been an exodus void,
For my heart...
Has made its collision.

Pain rips through me,
When my words are written.
To the page.
Michael McLean Apr 2014
we were all gathered

around lathered in nervous sweats

not of uncleanliness but distress from

the site of this girl passed out on the floor

of the front porch or stage to the parked cars

and pedestrians with deranged hands politely pointing

elbows bent and necks curled to their chests

otters with oysters the meat

of gossip hidden within a hard wall of backs

their ‘is she okay’ rocks rapping like gunshots

and I thought about how odd it was that I’s

find their way into statements of them and you

their slender bodies sliding in with the same quiet

that renders letters silent
Ryan Cristian Mar 2014
Nights pass me by whenever I'm awake
I wait for the wind to take my call
It pass me by, it makes me shake
As I wait for you to build my all

Light rays pass me by whenever I'm up
I wait for the train to give me a ride
It passed me by, it did not stop
As I wait for you to be by my side

Rain drops pass me by whenever I'm conscious
I wait for the sun to dry my tears
It passed me by, it did the obvious
As I waited to be with you all this years

After all, I guess I was never awake
As I waited for you to love me back
Love passed me by, it made me break
I guess I have to wait to be back on track.

— The End —