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Look at their hearts
How they light up for you
For you are a flower
In these barren fields
Nourishment for tired souls
Your eyes are our rose colored glasses
You make this world beautiful
And you can't even speak
Anyone who gazes upon you
Wonders how anything could be so good
In this world full of so much ugliness
Yet here you are
So sweet and precious
A little Violet smiling up at the sun

~You make the rest of us Smile with You~
You taste sweet
Like chocolate kisses and fresh raindrops
You're a warm ray of sunshine
Tickling the cooled skin on my arms
And my quivering lips
You're a soothing melody for when I can't sleep
You're all the things I want to keep

When I was a child he was my plaything
The teddy bear that I cuddled with
And the mirror that I used
When I wanted to learn how to kiss
He is the the song that played on repeat in the back of my mind
The hard piece of bubblegum that cost only a dime

You are my future
He is my past
He was the first
But darling, you are the last
I like the way you feel
And how we laugh
But sometimes it's hard
To let go of the past
I want to never think
Of the time in between
When I was yelling
And he was mean
When his lips were familiar
Just like his sly grin
I love you, honey
But I still want him
Beauty gives and beauty takes
It leaves destruction in its wake
Beauty breathes the breath of life
But in doing so it takes a life
New beginnings and bitter ends
All that's left is loving friends
Youth is given and easily lost
Fun is great but at what cost?
A child's first cry is a mother's dying breath
At least in the end there's still something left
Anger like thunder
Tears like rain
Shaking the ground
I'm a hurricane
I try even breathing
I scream and I shout
As hard as I try
I can't let it out
Nothing lasts forever
Except pain and despair
You know and I know
That I'm a nightmare
Lover take shelter
Find safety in midst the storm
Because I'm made of hell fire
But at least I'm warm

— The End —