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AndresAjala Mar 13
Every time you choose to eat poorly,
remember that it's you who is watching.

Every time you smoke another cigarette,
it's you who is watching.

Every extra glass of alcohol,
it's you who is watching.

Every time you play with someone's feelings,
remember how you felt when they did it to you.

Every time you don’t want to go to the gym,
it's you who is watching.

Every time you break your word,
it's you who is watching.

Think of all the times you've been let down,
you don’t want to let yourself down.

If you’re not enough for yourself,
your wife is watching,
your daughter is watching,
your future is watching.

Always forward,
you can achieve it.
Vi Jun 2024
Bleeding to death by a thousand cuts makes my heart nuts with the run not coming and the next turn running I’ll be stunning when my body lays quiet I’ll not be sad I’ll be with dad knowing life was the mission for which I came I left in the hands of better men who came and went telling stories that got bent over time and history there’s not rhyme or mystery they knew things we don’t and they got wiped out.

Be the person you know you are and life up your heart knowing no start to the way life crushed Art make space in your life if you feel like it’s too hard change by testing your network they’ll either get to work or they won’t. The answer will be the truth and the permission to move on.

Let them go they drowning and you can swim wish them well and say oh well. I tried and you lied. To me. I loved you and you turned away from me. The path was made for me but yours was a way to change the humanity moved further in away from me closer to a stranger who’s estranged to the danger in the manger. The kids gone, 2 years ago you forgot you had one…
Aishatu Sali Feb 2021
Forgive them who called you names and count your sins because they sin diffrent from you, they deserve only pity.
Forgive the stories or poems which left you shuddered for they uncovered every pieces of the wound you hide so you don't feel alone.
Forgive the prayers left unanswered which left you worried, it may not be the best for you now.
Forgive the days that made you question your existence for they are the reason you are stronger today.
Forgive the leaders who betrayed it's people, by being foolish, for they deserve serious prayers, they have failed in their ruling.
Forgive the rain that cried with you for they weathered the land where your crops grow.
Forgive the ones who had promised and failed you for they have only made you trust in yourself.
Forgive the people who abandon you simply because they cant stand the truth, for you are better off without them.
Forgive yourself if you are unable to forgive because the pain is too much to bear, just keep trying.
Forgive so that you can free yourself of the Baggage of yesterday and face the gift of tomorrow happily.
Learn to Forgive!
Aishatu Sali Feb 2021
Mannerless child!
Shameless child!
Arrogant child!
You lack home training.
Your parents must be bad.

Please don't fault my parents
I was raised well.

I was raised to greet my elders and address them with respect.
Just because I walked pass you at the mall, doesn't mean my parents are to be blamed,
If my parents found out I will be scolded.

I was raised to say "please" whenever I seek for a favour and to say "thank you" as a sign of appreciation,
Just because I didn't utter any,
Doesn't mean my parents lack gratitude,
If my parents found out, they will never gift me.

I was raised to wear decent clothings and be moral in my actions and behaviours,
Just because I wore a skimpy outfit,
Dosent mean my parents bought them,
If my parents found out, they will burn them to ashes.

I was raised to be humble and have patience,
Just because you saw me cursing and fighting on the street,
Doesn't mean my parent encourages it,
If my parents found out I will be grounded.

I was raised to be generous, to love and care without expectations,
Just because I'm indifferent,
Doesn't mean my parents are heartless,
If they found out they will be disappointed.

I was raised to study and be successful in life,
Just because I'm a school drop out,
Doesn't mean my parent never paid my fees,
If they found out they will be angry.

I was raised to always go to church or the mosques,
To visit relatives and friends,
Just because you saw me at the beer palour
Smoking and wasting myself,
Doesn't mean my parents ordained it,
If they found out, the next day might be my funeral.

So please don't fault my parent.
I was raised well.

Often times we blame parents for the immorality and unworthy behaviour of there ward/children but it is not always the fault of the parents. You can give birth to a child but not their attitude or behaviour, some children are influenced by peer pressure and society.
ehxpen Nov 2018
i took the chance and overdosed,
you were a trip i had to take,
and just for all times sake,
i knew it would be magical


— The End —