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Zywa Feb 2022
Her hand pinches mine,

silent amorous feelings --

expressed in Morse code.
"Poubelle" ("Waste container", 2016, Pieter Waterdrinker)

Collection "Loves Tricks Gains Pains in the 0s and 10s"
Zywa Jan 2022
Counting down how much

longer it will last: the clock --

of being in love.
"Aftellen" ("Count down", 2018, Ellen Deckwitz)

Collection "Loves Tricks Gains Pains in the 0s and 10s"
Dreamer Dec 2021
The more I sink
The less I feel
lili Dec 2021
I was once lost in thick snow where my tracks were no longer in sight, till I met you and you managed to guide me with you back to home
lili Dec 2021
looking at you feels like a fresh breath of air

looking at you feels like when a gust of wind turns into a zephyr

looking at you feels like the scent of fresh laundry taking you into comfort

looking at you feels like when the moonshine kisses the waves of our ocean

looking at you feels like watching your bouquet of flowers bloom

looking at you is a rebirth of my soul

if I could I’d look at you forever and for eternity, I want to hold you in my arms and not let harm touch you in any way or form, if I could I’d birth a world with no pain, a world where love huddles you at all times, a world where serenity runs to you, a world where the symphony of my I love you’s guides you to our home where you can be met with my arms that have been anticipating for your presence.
lili Dec 2021
you are the sunshine that peaks through my windows on a melancholic day and lathers me with comfort, you are the blooms that grow in between bricks and plasters a smile on my face because I regain hope in healing, you are the warm cup of tea that I drink first thing in the morning and feel warmth enclose me, you are the light at the end of the tunnel that takes me out of my misery, you are that one star that twinkles and tells me it’ll be okay because you still can shine amongst so much darkness, you are the waves that always manage to kiss the shore despite the constant effort of having to do pull towards it, you are the soft clouds that remind you that there’s beauty everywhere, you are everywhere and everything my darling and I can never thank you enough for being the beauty of the world, for being everywhere and reminding me it’ll be okay
falling inlove for once and having it feel like euphoria
Nikole L Nov 2021
If that love doesn't
terrify you a little,
Is it really love?
fray narte Oct 2021
was there ever a time that i didn't love you?
i always have:
in the kisses neatly lined down my shoulders,
to where your fingers dug
and buried their bones.
in the epilogue: an afterthought at the bus stop
where i recede and float with the rest of your memories:
a lonely ghost that follows you home —
reaches for your hand,
traces the apollo line,

then lets go.

was there ever a time that i didn't love you?
i always have:
in microdoses of longing on rose gold floors.
in october's sunglow,
dripping away like melting flames —
burning, but not enough to numb.
in the doleful chatters of the dusk.
in the darkness, we are not lovers —
we are merely the envy of poems,
the ones i couldn't write several selves ago —
but all of them have loved you one way or another,
this i confess.
distorted and quiet.
desperate and clear.

in all forms remanent.
in all forms alive
in all forms, yours.

was there a time i didn't love you?
i guess i always have.
fray narte Sep 2021
I'll always be the uncertainty
in a liminal space known only to your feet —
the one you'll always cross
only to step on fragile ground.
I am the kiss mark buried deep
in the hollow of your throat, darling,
the intoxicating Scorpio Venus hands
that aim to unravel, to claim,
the chase slipping off your fingers,
as you still in bewilderment
all the same time.

Skin me dearly, breathe me in
before I go,
in earnest longing;
I have a bad habit of leaving —
yet lingering like the scent
of your brother's cigarettes.

Yet you always come back
knocking at my door at midnight —
and I always have waited for you, darling —
I always have waited for you
in strange, barely escapable hours.

This, an unveiled obscurity — an epiphany, darling.
Our enigma and clarity that perhaps —
perhaps you've always been mine to love.

— "and I, yours"
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