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For the love of poetry exciting thoughts
that a person had fallen so much in love
with another and they could not keep it
to themselves and made an effort to express
in this and for this world. As for anything
else, it’s between the two lovers, creating
memories forever, as much as they do it
for themselves and nothing else.
Under silver moonlight, for the purpose of
romance as the lovers see the stars as only
of windows to Heaven. And when they kiss,
Heaven enters their souls and become not
connected with Heaven, but with each other,
as they make love, they totally become intertwined
and every poet lives in jealous.
Two worlds collide in one single moment
when two give into their love, binded and
powerless to avoid such holy power. Give
a slight laugh, to learning that it could
happen outside Heaven. Unlocking hearts
and speaking it’s language. Outside of
poetry, forgetting the melancholy life in
a loud roar towards to neolife, retreating
that breathe by leaning in for a kiss as
opening gates to the souls to meet and
make love. To live alone, outcast to this
world where the rest are sharing, blind to
real love that poetry had attempt to teach
them, without asking for anything in return.
Where the lovers gestures, emotions,
thoughts and private world, spark such
great works of poetry, that will get made by
active Muses, surely humanity will not ignore,
though I’m sure they will. Real love to find
and to know, is rarer than finding myth in
reality. Behind closed doors of minds in marriage,
sing songs unwillingly, of what’s different
to the veils they dress in.    
(knowledge variable)
’ve always had a great need for greater solitude, like how the lungs needs air, that the heart beats and the poet needs love. It reminds me about myself, allowing myself to sit and feel my own emotions, to listen to my own thoughts, to see where regret and shame brews, take the corrective steps to correct, to see who I feel for, either as a lover or as a friend, allow myself to cry over people I knew that arent no-longer here and to appreciate those who make an effort to say hello to me. Most of it, the frustration with myself or with life, seems to be weakened after my isolating-solitude and something reminds me that it’s no so bad. We all have childlike nature inside, there is one thing stronger than tears that a child can’t hold back, it’s pure joy. At that very point, we cry at meeting our soulmate, it’s not because there’s an inherent sadness in either life. It’s because they’ve turned out far more superior than ourselves, producing beauty that any poet thought that only Angels could produce. And we’ve rendered by our soul to burst in tears, not at our painful past that it lead us to this point or that fact, anything we had worked for, had lost its value. It’s because we disregard our future and finally live in this present with the very person that the Heavens had personally created for us. And finally, to every love song, every poem, to those every smile, finally makes sense for the briefest of time. Than our attention, all of it, fully and stronger intentions than making it to Heaven, is passed onto our lover. The consummation of them, inside of us, won’t allow it. Until someone sees us, for who we really are, despite of own defects and faults, and our path to uplift and fulfill destiny is gained by their attention - is known. We are loved. Smile after crying, smile for me now, pictures of us immortalized in images.
Like others, in the speeching tone, melancholy, that
trembles throughout lands. Moon glow and Sun’s
rays. As masterpieces of any art, were not intended
for this age, period, any culture or the whole spectrum
of civilizations. They had landed here on earth, mere
mistakes. But the imprisonment of thy mind, worse
than living in bitterness, it’s the blasphemy of this life
constantly slapping you. Where you’re never ending
in clarity of mind and conscious, nowhere you go, the
world would an environment equal or greater than
your inner-world. Rise up above art and life. And
commit oneself to death.
Perhaps poets are those going into poetry, because
they’ve meet their soulmate and came up short.
Unable to bear the pain, so, in secret, writing forms,
they’ve spreaded their pain over this earth and just
maybe that had burdened humanity, with poems
articulating actual pure love, we all yearn, articulated
soulmates, from the poets lost love. Trickling devils,
now we all have something to aspire to, in higher
ways of living, forgetting there is life right in front
of eyes that isn’t muted.  
(knowledge variable)
Aaron LaLux Feb 2018
Big Brother probably has me blackmailed,
for something I did in practically a past life,
never was one for playing the back field,
always more than kinda liked the spotlight,

plus I was comfortable it,
look how smooth I moved,
a fine guy a good man,
a bad boy but a cool dude,

not the type to stress you out,
or mess about and be rude to you,
nope no ma’am not him so how,
did they blackmail him oh well boo hoo,

can’t cry over spilt guilt,
can’t die over pet regrets,
you’ll survive that’s why they call it will,
not Smith’s kid but gifted yet no stress I’m set,

so let them watch me,
if anything they’re probably protecting me,
the New World Order has to have a face,
call me The Not So Anonymous Conglomerate of Everything,

stop freaking out everything’s fine,
and I can’t think of anything to do about it but type,
maybe make love do a few drugs,
then get back to the grind,

lost my mind,
tell me have you seen it,
it’s dark in here and there are cobwebs,
call me a cab I don’t have to be convinced I mean it,

Mary and Joseph,
I wouldn’t even believe I wrote this,
if I wasn’t the one that was there when He wrote this,

he as in me but anyways,
it doesn’t matter nothing does these days,
might flash a wave as we roll by on the freeway,
but other than that I don’t have much free time,

wanna know a not so abstract fact about Yours Truly,
sure why not let’s get to the plot of this movie,
I’m still living with my regrets,
can’t shake em like an ocean swim and I’m still wet,

this might not be a movie but it definitely feels like a movie set,

I guess,
all these screens I’m seeing these days has me confused,
I don’t know the real me nor do I know the real you,
I mean I thought I liked you but then I met YouTube,
and now well I just don’t have time hope I’m not being too rude,

it’s just these days I spend more time on computers than I do on you,

or with you,
and I’m sorry it seems it’s easier not to care,
go out this days and see Fifty Shades of Gray,
but not the shades that come with underwear,

the shades,
that come with disconnection,
as what used to be turn on tune in drop out,
begins getting spun in the opposite direction,

drop in turn out and turn off,
and this is the part,
where I don’t know if I should continue,
or if I should just stop,

so I stop,
don’t want to do anything I’d regret,
because I know They would love to blackmail me,
and they would’ve already if they had something to blackmail me with,

but they don’t having anything to use against me yet,
as I squint my eyes and focus on the TV set,
okay it’s not a TV it’s a computer but what’s the difference,
gosh this has been one heck of a ride are we there yet,

I give up let’s get going,
I’m ready to get off this ride,
leave this confused amusement park,
maybe go for a five day trek outside,

camp under countless stars,
lay on my back and gaze at the sky,
where I can be safe and at peace from the breath of the beast,
no screens nor cameras no intrusive spying prying eyes,

just myself with the Creator,
“Thank God I’m Alive!”,
then take another breath in and end with,
“Peace To All See You On The Other Side.”,

I too am in this experimental life,
please remind me of your name,
and enlighten me as to why we’re alive,

Big Brother probably has me blackmailed,
for somethings I possibly did in a past life,
never was one for playing the back field,
always more than kinda liked the spotlight…

∆ LaLux ∆

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The conversation I only want to witness, is not
between the Devil and God. It’s one between
Van Gogh and Mozart. When I meet my own
creator, I know better than most, I’ll keep my
petty complaints for myself and I shall listen
only. Poet, a fragile creature, yearning love and
actual wisdom, that surpasses them to be a mere
Human. Clumsy hands, that always write the
wrong words, to the wrong poems, forming them
all wrong, where humanity is willing to devote
themselves, to such great works of art. I’ll never
be Rumi. Oh thy Muse, how peaceful would life
be without love. There would be no wars to fight
within myself. Let all poetry be contradiction
within themselves, like all poets inside their
inner-world to their exterior.  
(Knowledge Variable)
I grow tired of hearing, ‘let things be’
or ‘it’s the way things go’. At most, to live
truly and freely, it could not be a fleeting
dream, to when my body sleeps. My dreams
are meant to be touched, like one’s own
soulmate. Poets should not write such things,
nor as tenors should sing songs of heartbreak.
I live here too. Oh Langston, I do not act
just to get through and survive, I wish not to
be a raisin that dries up in the sun. Life, I live
here too, just as much as you do.
(Knowledge Variable)
Aaron LaLux Feb 2018
Well I guess They got Kanye,
I suppose They’ll get me too one day,
and I can try but can’t get away,
because They get everyone eventually,

hundred years ago we were all playing flutes,
we’re all guilty as charged even without proved,
and then we player ourselves that’s the truth,
because those in control have nothing to prove,

They pull up the trains and tell us to move,
get to your job gotta quote to fill,
these politicking capitalist are making me sick,
and maybe I’m one too and that’s why I feel ill,

but I’m better than that getting better in fact,
and that’s why my cup overrunneth when filled,

to the brim ballin’ all in,
swimming in sin still blessed as Mary The ******,

first programmed device was invented in Baghdad,
but we’re all caught up in this narcissistic sentiments,
we’re in The Greatest Time in Human History,
and all you can think is the narcissistic thought that “I’m sad”,

Yeah we’re all sad,
and that’s our own fault,
got me mad as a cam in Baghdad,
which I guess was the results,
of being over optimistic with bad math,
and being on the war path with a cult,

but what’s they cult called,
does it even have a name,
and how’d it get Kanye,
and what’s it gotta do with J?

Well I guess They got Kanye,
I suppose They’ll get me too one day,
and I can try but can’t get away,
because They get everyone eventually…

∆ LaLux ∆
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