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You may know how much
A woman loves you
By the way she sways
Like an exotic rose
With or without her kimono

Reynaldo Casison
What an exquisite thing
To be surreally alive
Within a brazilian parade
A sweet exotic beauty
For our love to serenade

Reynaldo Casison
The Exotic wind loosens her hair
With loving caresses,
She loosens our cares and her robe

Reynaldo Casison
Her fine Exotic beauty
A honey love feast

Reynaldo Casison
Ah, My love Shes the most Exotic flower
At the High end Evening ball,
And In any designer artisan
shimmering dress
Shes exquisitely
Short yet gracefully tall
And shes the most exquisite flower
At the Midnights lakeshore
Shes just that naturally amazing
And charmingly great
Shes even sweet in tweed
And helps a friend in need

The Sweetest lady
My oh my
The Sweetest lady
Her Beauty tenderly bakes,
And its croissants and bouquets
Come one Come All

Aw, The way she waves to crowds
Is enchanting as the kisses of the rain
Its like shes sweeping their clouds
And blues away

The Sweetest lady
My oh my
She can drive one loves crazy
The Sweetest lady
My oh my
You dont know to say to her
Hey darling or hey honey
Its quite good that shes pretty
As the evening stars
As much as Shes quite funny
She has one writing ditties
By Loves candles and moonlight

And Darling, Exotic honey
Its Vineyard skies
With our Love
And the Rose moon
Is Caressing doves
My oh my
The Sweetest lady
Aw, we're just the rose blushes
In Your Moonlit Silohuettes
With The exotic folklore
Of your Sweet beautys pirouhettes
My oh My
The Sweetest lady
We feel an exquisite kind of love
Thats uniquely carefree and not ironclad
She makes the evenings
Flowers, koalas, and poets glad
With Sweet moons

Aw, my oh my
The Sweetest lady
And with the rain and Diamond moons
You feel it too
Were crazy and blind for you,
Our love is sweetly crazy
and blind for you
The Sweetest lady
My oh My
You make my Love long
As the days for midnights
with the sunflowers
And roses
In heavenly and exotic repose
To Sweetly Sing Blush and Sigh
For The Sweetest lady
My oh my
My oh my
My oh my

Reynaldo Casison
Exotic *****, she wears the Moonlight
of my love in the Rose Sunlight
Exotic *****
she wears our loves moonlight
To make it through the daylight
Your love longs to make her Beauty sigh
Your love longs for her Love
to like a sweet rose and candle sigh
Shes gonna love you before its too late
Even before its half past eight

Like a Moonlit waterfall
Her fountains are sacred
And your love bathes in champagne
And honey,
Your love bathes in her champagne
And honey

And she feels afar and intimate to me
As the evening moon and stars
And were holding unto the candles
Of our love

Women can sway
like rose gardens and vineyards
Women can make an admirer
cry and sigh

Midnights are our loves sanctuary
Midnights are our loves sanctuary
Midnights are our loves sweet sanctuary

And I feel the Moonlit shimmers
Of the waves with our love
Waltzing to the caress of shore
With the fine wine stars we adore

Midnights are our Loves sanctuary

Exotic *****,
Shes sweet within the deep
Tender Midnight,
She wears the Moonlight of my love
And keeps just enough
of the Rose sunlight
Exotic ***** shes your loves casual
And sacred vineyard even more
Than cathedrals,
For her your love caresses heavenly steeples and chimes
Your love with her sweet beauty rhymes
Shes more than a pitstop,
Shes cool when shes hot
Exotic *****
She wears the moonlight of my love
And I love her
With every Sweet star
Down to earth and Up Above

Reynaldo Casison
She sways with a Beauty Exotic
Sweet as a Luminous and modest moon,
Roses of her unique sweet inkling
Dress our love And the gardens of June

Nightingales and candles sing
With her sweet romance,
In the isles of meant to sweetly love
As much as to adore
And the Moon is moved with Our love
To Sensuously waltz and Kindly dance

One Rose kiss of the gaze,
Sets our loves candles tenderly ablaze
One Generous Sway of the crescent coves
Of her jazz ballerina hips
Sets the moonlight and salsa waves
In sweet sweet motion
To Soothingly kiss
With poignant dear caresses,
Our love to Heavenly moonlit shores

And upon the deep vibrancies
And sweet cinema of her loving *******,
And within the Honey
of her Smoky mascara brow,
and Chopin nocturne cascades
Of her pretty rose waterfall soul,
A grace so exquisite and sweet,
a kindness so kissed
With rare enchantments,
A modesty so sultry, mellow, and wanton,
Compassions, tender warmths
Well caressed
With its alms, and with our loves
sweet rain
Exquisite flowers,
heavenly rose balms

Reynaldo Casison
Exotic Jazz ballerinas I Sweetly Love You
For many of your Abundant gifts
and talents

Not just for your Ethereal
and Casual beauty, but also for your
Exotic And luminous grace,
That may be the first exquisite qualities
That comes like a Waterfall pirouette
To Ones mind when it comes
to the Sweet beauties of Exotic ballerinas

Exotic ballerinas how much I Love thee
Let my Love sigh the ways

Sigh number one (Uno)
(I always loved that game especially
When you draw a Wild card)

Awwww, Your beauty is naturally wild
As much as it is graceful and serene
Like the Evening lakes just after the Sunsets lavendar caress,
Its great to be able to Unwind
Around the enchanted circumference
Of the Evening lakes, the waves waltz
Svelte and limber like you do
And on a scale of 1 to 10 I'm 10x times
More clumsy than an Exotic ballerina,

So that would probably be sigh number 2,
Hey just thought of a number two pencil
For some reason, yeah your elegance
Thats sigh dos
Aww, Ah,
how many pencils would
It take to accentuate
your Supreme elegance,
probably way too much
All the gorgeous maple lake trees
Would be lumber
for the campfire bonfires

That Springs to ones mind,
Awww Sigh three (tres) your
Passion for the art of your dance
Is very innately romantic
Like the wistful wicks
of valentine candles,
your unique Silhouettes
from your tutus and leotards
Are like the dance of lovers candles

Sigh number four Awww, Awww, awww,
You dont wear sandles
but rather
Sweetly sport the flats
when you
Get into your Chopin cascades
of sweet
Loving transcendent
and sublime rhythms
that is Amazing
In itself
you hurt your sweet delicate pretty feet for the pure love of your art,
You sway naturally like Summer roses with alot of heart and Love,
And I have alot of Love for you
For that there alone, Its Sweet sweet jazz

Sigh number five
Awww, awww, awww, awww, ah,
the way your crescent hips
Dips And dives like sultry doves
and mellow swans
and keeps the Passion alive
Thats not easy to do
But you make it look so effortless

Sigh number six
AWWWWWW, the way the honey
Of your hair licks the breeze of romance,
Love, and ones vivid imagination
And inspires fascination,
Like the rainbows of irises along
The Heavenly lakeshores
Are you blushing now Exotic ballerina
I do not just love you naturally
As your very swayyyy I simply adore thee
If you are you blush
sweeter than rose gardens

Sigh number Seven
Awww, awww, Awww, awww, Awww,
Awww, awww
You are not only sweetly beautiful
You always have the most exquisite
names like penelope, bridgitte,
audrey, salma, daphne,
And the Holy mother,
No wonder so many great painters
and artists
like degas, matisse, and picasso
dedicated their craft
and passion to accentuate
your ever flowing beauties and charms, you are Sacred as you are down to earth as Sweet Vineyards
And Exquisite
with The Moonlight and Rain
I Naturally and sweetly Love you

Reynaldo Casison
The Moon is Waltzing
With our love
The Honey Coves
Her Hair
She tousles it down
With Loves Intimate sound
Like the Evening Waterfalls sighs

The Roses
Of the Heavenly Moon
Is Golden With all Serenade
That Pours sweetly with Fine Wine

Robe her sweet
with the naked Moonlight
And Candles and Jazz Rain that Nourishes
Keep Her Love Warm
As The Roses in June
Soothe us like bonfires
Along the Moonlit shore
with the Nightingales cool
And Salsa compassions
Sweeten her Love for me all the more

Hymn with Tender kisses
Sweet and Deep WithIn her
Exotic honey Soul
The Roses Irises and Sunflowers
Our Love

Reynaldo Casison
The Moon is Sweet
The Evenings Stars and Blush glad,
Even when we happen to be sad
Sweet Bliss Is An Inner Caress away
Exotic Silohuettes
Are Roses in the Moonlight

I can feel the way
your Candles sighs
By the way that You Love me
Your Exotic Silohuette
Becomes like Roses in The Moonlight

Somewhere Sweet WithIn
You Read my Poems,
Your Beauty Blushes
Its Loves forever Roses
You are a Salsa Waterfall,
In Our Golden solitudes
Exotic Silohuettes
Sway Like Roses in the Moonlight

The Moon Be Sweet
With Our Love And Your Beauty
If there was never enough Sun
Moonlight and Rain
There would never be enough Flowers
To Sigh I Love You

Reynaldo Casison
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