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Yellow butterflies
are flitting all around me,
I never see them touch the ground, see
their always whisked this way and that,
and they really seem ok with that.

I see them in the most unlikely places,
from sewers to castles,
ball fields and home bases.
They always go just where their blown
the wild wind seems to be their home.

They appear in all weather and all seasons
they've have had to harden,
they've had their reasons,
to multiply so well in our concrete garden.

I wonder sometimes of their motivation?
Is it to breed? to eat? go on vacation?
but then what would the point really be?
When your final day is only three.
Wouldn't life just be a haze
of noise, cacophony and rays?

Well it will be, what it will be,
but next time you see a yellow butterfly
light on a tree, think of me
and wonder why you strive...
as the yellow butterfly thrives
as the wind from your car
whips it to and fro right on by..
This is kinda embarrassing to me, but yellow butterflies are always a symbol of happiness and a reason and example to be carefree. I have seen them on my best and worst days and for some reason they are always a welcome sight, and try as I might I cannot explain why even for the shortest while they make me smile.....write on............Tempestlady
Kagey Sage Aug 2014
Killed a moth on principle last night
I saw it outside standing on my air-conditioning
Then I found it inside after I turned my air-conditioning off
Climbed in through the silent vent
and orbited my light bulb l006 times
Before I killed it with a sock
and whipped it one more time into the lamp’s brass base
Almost saved a moth on principle last night
Rationality’s a sham and you know it
The moth said in the morning
I found it clung to my lampshade, dead
with white **** coming out from under a wing ripped in half
Life is a sham we all share

— The End —