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Lalit Kumar Feb 28
I watched from afar, my heart heavy with guilt,  
The boy, standing cold, as her tears gently built.  
She stood before him, fragile and small,  
And whispered, "I’m sorry," though it wasn’t her fall.  

Her eyes, still tender, though broken inside,  
Offered an apology she had no need to provide.  
She bowed her head, as if to confess,  
For the heartbreak he caused, in all of its mess.  

He stood unmoved, oblivious, blind,  
To the storm he had left, to the damage he’d signed.  
Yet there she was, with no fault to bear,  
Offering sorrow, as if life were fair.  

She spoke of mistakes, of things left unsaid,  
While the boy, in his silence, let the guilt spread.  
It wasn’t her fault—no, it never was,  
But there she stood, broken because—  

She thought the fault was hers to own,  
That somehow, she’d left him alone.  
But I saw the truth, though they didn’t—  
He was the one who should have been repentant.  

Her apology was like a fragile plea,  
For love he had shattered, carelessly.  
Yet, she still bowed, still bore the weight,  
While he, untouched, sealed her fate.  

I stood as a witness, aching inside,  
For a girl who deserved so much more than to hide.  
Her apology was a gift undeserved,  
From a heart broken, yet still preserved.
Niloo Jan 29
A promise is all it took,
I gave you my hand, my fate,
All yours to twist and shape,
Nothing did I ever protest.

Your warmth and relief is what I sought,
And you gave it all to me, to the point I forgot how to see.
You were there, but were you really?
All the conflict and pain you suppressed.

Was it your pain you mirrored over me?
Was it really ever me? Was it all meant for me?
I gave it all to you, just the way you would do...
Then why is it emptier now? Is this not how it's supposed to be?

Is this my worth? Is this what I sought?
Is this what I asked and sought from you?
All because I wanted you to be a please,
A relief, a sort of remedy...
The sweetness of that trust—when did it turn so sour and bitter?

We thought this is how it's supposed to be—
Emptying one another so tenderly.
I turned blind for you, letting myself drown in this.
Did I lose you, or did I lose myself?
An empty bitterness is what we're left with,
After all the sweetness of those promises.

You and I tried so desperately,
Trying to paint something that never really existed.
I followed your lead but didn’t notice the turn ahead.
Pride and ego—when did we turn so blind?

I look in the mirror to see nothing.
I gave myself to you for what I sought,
Still trying to piece together what's left.
Is this really what I sought?
Kas Oct 2024
Moments will pass and still, the future waits.
The past devours the present—ravenous—
We seek the futures you used as mere bait.

"The crime..." our experience will tell us,
"Was believing things would improve—ever—"
Unaware your claims were so spurious.

You let us believe things could get better.
With nothing more than our blind faith to give—
You thought we'd follow your lead forever.

This isn't the life we wanted to live;
To serve your today while you rob us blind…
The cost: our tomorrow—trapped in your sieve.

Your promised outcomes; nothing more than lies
In fine print: Terms and conditions apply.
and HUNG on every WORD,
is what my SOUL HEARD, but
in REALITY, they all were LIES,
and I don't even know why!!!
I tried to UNDERSTAND as
I WEEP, and I CRY, figuring
what to do as these DAYS GO BY,
I YEARNED for your LOVE,
but you were NEVER THERE,
DEALING with the PAIN of

Date: 10/9/2023
Kewayne Wadley Aug 2024
I am an immigrant
lost in a foreign land.
lost in the language.
Abandoned in the promise of home.
Sacrifice wells its tears in the eyes.
Alone, further the thought sits in.
The breaking of trust twists
and turns in the chest.
Not a soul to turn to.
Not anything reminiscent of home.
The thought of your name brand new.
A place my dreams could roam free.
Stuck in the anticipation of being
a part of you.
I've wandered the streets of your name.
Ambition, now lost and afraid.
Once eager to climb the ladder of your
In truth all of it was a dream.
Your kiss now dried, now hallow.
Your hand now chipped and flaked.
I've told you my truths
My dreams.
You've turned a blind eye.
Swallowing me in your cracks.
Forever lost in the dark
Elliana Jul 2021
I’d always ask you if you were okay
And you’d say “I'm fine” in an unconvincing way.
Because “I’m fine” never really meant you were fine.
It was your way of avoiding telling me how you really felt
Because you didn’t want your problems to become mine.
So, I’d look at you,
With that side eye that let you know I wasn’t convinced,
But instead of telling me the truth
You held up your hand and said
“I pinky promise.”
lee Apr 2021
everyone is temporary
no one stays
they all leave eventually
i don’t understand the point of promises if they’re all broken
is love real if some loves fade?
sometimes before things get better
my darkness gets bigger
and the person that i’d take a bullet for is behind the trigger
and now there’s two guns
one in my own hands
both aimed at my own head
the person who saved me now wants me dead
i cant believe you prevented my end
just to bring me closer to it again
i want to bring up walls
everyone ends up the same way
its never a new day
i’m sick of the games that everyone plays
make it stop
make it stop
make it stop
*******. an insanely huge *******.
SemiHiatus Nov 2020
To November,
Thanks a bunch
for reminding us,
that the letting go
is the only way to make roads
for new blooms!

Every November I felt something new. November is full of change, nothing remains the same as before!

Acceptance: Somewhere in the month of November, I met a new person who changed me inside out..!! Embraced me with love, gave the warmth in those chilly days. We spent moments with happiness and shared our fears in the night sky, witnessing clouds uncovering the moon. Dreamt of good things, peace, and a bucket full of love. And November turned out as a happy month to me! No matter how much I tried but memories kept coming back, making me blush every single time..!!

Togetherness: Time passed really very fast, Again November came! I remember, spending days like never, contemplating each other’s hearts. Aimless drives, messed up schedules, movie marathons, street foods, and open bottles of beers. I found a home in him, a home of love with no limits and no worries. We promised to step together, holding hands in November, and to hang out till the November dissolves! And yesss we did...few Happy Novembers!

Separation: And then a few years later a day in November came with lots of new feelings..! Feeling of abandonment and betrayal just like dull and dark days. Crying in freezing night under that large yellow full moon but this time all alone! It felt cold, even the stars were extra cold to me; lights were so dim that paths were invisible. My heart was aching, and my trust was dissolved. I was miserable and pitiful! Always lost and struggling in the memories of past and present!

Learning: And now it’s again November I see blooming flowers and sometimes butterflies..! Red, Pale, Blue, Pink and White flowers. And it doesn’t feel like cold/dry or happy month to me!  and as I see he got engaged so, probably a month for him too!  Now I see November as the month of change and new hopes. This November taught me no matter how dry the weather is but you have to keep blooming, And I have realized that not everything is worthy of you! If something feels like a burden to you, just remove them and make some space for new dreams. And that’s the only way!!
I don't know why everything had happened to me in November only, whether it's good or bad but the only common thing is November Month.
I brought back a string of pearls
from the cemetery of vows.
It camouflaged a black dot;
size of the berry seeds.
I felt like a magnet to its deceiving hue.

As I move it over my wrist,
the dot sticks to my transparent veins.
Streams of blood absorbed the maleficent mellow,
furnishing me to be the new home.
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