Mustering courage, I stepped out my front door.
Awaiting a departure, my patience was poor;
Your enticing eyes gleamed with gold.
I gazed upon your face, questioning my luck.
Beauty personified, you admired me back,
Elevating my pressure, I started to crack.
Your saunter carried such a passion in its wake,
Our eyes intertwined; happiness is its make.
Utopia is in our embracing, and it is ours to take.
Resting my head by yours, our affection was never fake.
Being connected with you is such bliss;
Other worlds are met with every kiss.
Your hand with mine, nothing’s better than this.
Forgetting any pain, my stress is remiss.
Roaming without you; a soul so amiss.
Inside my heart is you, with no abyss.
Ethereal is your beautiful eyes and lips.
Never in your presence will the Sun eclipse.
Daylight with you, Rachelle, is my eternal wish.
April 18, 2017: Do you remember how I hinted at my passion being the reason why I wrote this whole thing? Well, this is when everything changed for me.