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TheRiverStyx Aug 2019
Soulless eyes, the mark of a null and void soul.
These eyes have been given to the common folk.
By consent given en masse, a dark figure rockets his way up to the top of the food chain.

When his eyes are blind, some flee.
The twilight of humanity has arrived on such short notice.
EmperorOfMine Aug 2019
Sometimes I can't help but smile when you come by.

Nonchalantly moving throughout your routine riddled day.

I ponder if I exist in your world; if I'm an important part of your story...
or just another piece in your background.

Who am i to you?

Who will I be, mystery man...?

                                            Often times I glance over, wondering if you'll ever desire to converse with me.

                                           Sometimes I lose myself in the forbidden realm of fantasy.

                                                  I don't want to wander into misfortune.

                                                    ­                        I don't want to like you...
but with every glance over, i find it harder to look away.

                                                       There are little longing lost thoughts  where i know my fear is wiser.

                                               I'll never be able to tell you these things... and you'll never know how compelling you are to me; a stranger in your world;

                                     Inviting you into mine.
Ryana Aug 2019
I write a poem
It made me thinking of you
The poem i write just end
And this feeling still thinking of you
EmperorOfMine Aug 2019
Sometimes suddenly, I feel dejected.
Ejected from my previous emotion and rejected by any positive concoction.
Somehow, abruptly, I feel embedded in the thickest soot of sadness, heavy ashes of gloom suffocating my heart and all of its assets.

Sometimes I get bitten by a glumbug, and a blue sky could turn gray, I could be known to be the talker, but have nothing to say. My mind doesn't mind being a bully and having it's if my soul began to rapidly decay.

I'm glumbugged like spontaneously combusted, explosively sickened by this destructive construction. Depravity shaking and waving in motion, corrosive to my life and the future that's open.

Potent, its bite, the glumbug. Random, sudden, terrifying. Like the chilly wind that death carries, or a gut's intuition; like a sign of misfortune. What an awe-inducing contraption.
TheRiverStyx Aug 2019
The half-fogged lenses of my glasses don't even make me complain.
I'm running through the woods with your aggression that made me budge.

You pinched that woman's arteries that gorilla grip of yours.
She managed to squeeze out "run" so I could get the full picture.

They should swipe you away.
******* ******.
EmperorOfMine Aug 2019
Dear Soulmate,
Wherever you are,

I hope to meet you, want you to meet me, hope you stay after what you see, hope we laugh, we go on an adventure, a voyage, a journey, wish life was simpler.

I ponder about you from time to time, wonder the journey you're upon. Who you are, what you like, if you'll see this, if we'll meet online, in a dream, or offline...

Hope to meet you one day, soulmate,
wherever you are
EmperorOfMine Aug 2019
i can see you,
you aren't invisible and neither am i,
But you're like smoke, slipping through my fingers.
i can't reach you,
i can't hug you,
No matter how far i stretch for you,
No matter how loud i scream,
How hard i cry,
How big i smile,
you're like a work of fiction that i can't experience,
But i'd like to.
i do want you.

i'm overwhelmed that i'll wake up,
And we won't get to hold each other,
So filled with emotion,
i could turn into smoke.
EmperorOfMine Aug 2019
Plucked me from a pool of plenty,
Previewed perfect, sweet, and pretty,
Swallowed whole by a silhouette,
I'm not easy, but what a good guess,
Cracks upon the board you've set,
Not a pop of cake to digest,
Never was somebody's snack,
The addiction you've made because you're obsessed,
I am still a kind of treat,
Just not one that's sold, wrapped and made for your deceit.
EmperorOfMine Jul 2019
Ever had the urge to sneeze but just when it was about to come out it doesn't?

Ever sneezed and it hurt because it was too hard, so sneezing wasn't as nice as it usually is?

Sometimes you ever eat something so good or do something so bad for the sake of "good" but regret it later?

Ever wanted to cry or scream or just....nvadjknajnvsknv, yet your body didn't seem to agree?

Ever looked in the mirror and realized the person you were looking at isn't the same person you once innocently acknowledged as you when you were younger?

Ever think about the fact that your reflection is looking back at someone else with far worse than any strangers judgment?

Ever smiled in someone's face when you wanted to die, just so that you wouldn't **** their mood?

Ever just chewed on food but didn't dare swallow because you were too fat to deserve to eat for the day?

Ever had them whispering in your ear how worthless, valueless, pointless and otiose you were?

Ever been so drugged up on depression that the only thing you held as truth was the poison you'd willingly swallow called mental abuse and pessimism?

Ever wanted to scrub your skin and erase its color, paint it darker, perm your hair straight no matter the chemicals, fry it to fro no matter the damage, hurt yourself with self-hatred, wanted to just cease to exist because you feel like at least your family for once would actually get along or care about someone if you were gone, because you're not what they got to control?

Ever just silently suffered and forgot?

Ever went through some traumatic experience and was forced to "let go" because no one else cared?

Felt any pain or discomfort reading this?

Well, that's my demon for you.
4:57 AM
EmperorOfMine Jul 2019
Sometimes my silence speaks louder than my screams
And I don't always know what that means
Listening for someone to balance my chaos
Assuming someone else is supposed to be my peace.

When did forests glow such green
As the sun may glimmer such bright beams
And the sky may shower many delicate streams
Things are beginning to look like a dedicated dream.

Often lost and filled up on alone
Why aren't I good on my own
Where is my wonderland that I could roam
I just want a place to call my home.

a                a
a                a

Way to contemplate life's meaning
Constantly comparing till we all agree on the singing
But some will always tune and tone different ringing
Yet there're strings that keep us attached, grant us our eyes 4 seeing.

Question the poet by the poem's intent
Or form your own story with the imagination pent,
It won't take long to build a fortress with descent
But be wary of what messages you've bent.

Pillage a tower and mangle its stories
Set a fire for disaster or to create some kind of glory
May a field bloom so brightly and it's life vitally strong
Because a life that goes on awhile is a life full of stories just as long.

The                       The
fin             .EnddnE.              fin
The                       The
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